When a player logs out while in the gravity of or "aligned" to a ship, that player's position should be saved relative to that ship on logout....might be exploitable...
Having thought on this for a while, and seeing it's renewed discussion...let's crack this can and see what the worms catch.
I suppose the "exploits" mentioned could be easily mitigated by dialog box
->"you have entered the gravity of..." 'warning' that EVERYBODY IN THE SECTOR SEES, could be fixed to show the $playername instead of "you." -> Lets you know when and who is aligned to your craft.
->the TBI "fleet" part of the game would benefit from listing the "crew" currently bound to ships. Including something like tags to each listed. "crew" would make it manageable and informative without too much network overhead. things like {pilot} {gunner} {gravity} {offline} {$Faction} {NPC} {EVA} -> A nice button to "jettison" offline players from a ship in some kind of "bouy" or undocking a turret or drone....or send them to undeathinator instead? Should that be treated as a suicide or a kill? either way, see who's riding piggyback in something liek the [Del] menu, maybe a new use for [Numpad 5] ?
->Leaving an "NPC" clone of yourself when you logoff might be an option too. Disconnect at speed? Re-inhabit your body when your reconnect. Persistent world option. Makes "beds" "safe sleeping rooms"/"cryopods"/"NPC Kennels" an interesting thing to add to ships n bases. -> Spaceman and NPC navmarkers also need to "merge" with ships better for this to be even remotely viable. Becoming jammed/cloaked when aligned, actually invulnerable while in home-base gravity, etc...

-> If your npc gets killed, does it respawn or wait for you to login to do that? Will it "keep piloting" a ship unless ordered out by a higher rank? Can/should higher ranks order offline player NPCs around in faction? May make a new thread to explore that concept later. Any interest?
Additional thoughts: Once/if scanners as a passive system(with an activation component?) are reworked, being able to spot individual nav markers like 'life-signs'{gunner} {pilot} {EVA} {offline} 'AI block' 'faction block' {faction}etc based on scanning vs jamming could add to all the above dynamics.