[RP] Vivacitas | Whitelist | Modified economy | No catalog

    Apr 11, 2013
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    Application for a friend of mine, written by me:

    Name: Ryyk

    Traits: Savage, cheerful, easily angered, joyful drinker, scared of ships

    Age: (???) Looks like thirty more for further RP’s

    They sun slowly creeped up over the tops of the high jungle trees of Keshisk.

    Ryyk stepped out of her small hut on top of her family’s tree and let out a high roar as she let herself fall down and jumped through the thick jungle jumping in the cold water of the glistening fountain at the middle of the jungle.

    Letting her hair fall down it reached to her ankles and slowly brushed over it.

    Looking around she walked out and called for her tribe.

    No one answered…they might be on the hunt.

    Chrysiak offered to mate with her. Even though no one wanted a daughter in law with nearly no fur and that bit only on her head. Missing the two additional legs and arms everyone else had. When she was small her mother told she was found in the burning stone that laid on the families burying site and was a gift of heaven.

    Just as Ryyk went out of the water to search for some fruits a dark shadow hovered over the clearing with the fountain.

    Frozen in fear she stared at a brown flying thing and wanted to run as suddenly an dozen black creatures with smooth faces jumped down and encircled her.

    Grabbed and torn into one of this big flying bird she was left alone and it was getting colder and colder….her family further and further away.

    Humming after buying a few tonnes of Cenomite I walked through the corridors of the Lunaris station as I suddenly looked into the face of my mother…or how she looked like when she was thirty. I run to the women and laughed only to receive a long “Urrrrrrr”.

    Further communication only lead to more ”Urrrs”. Shacking my head I looked at the poster for the toilet poster and suddenly the women walked into that direction.

    Running to an clerk it seems an LDF patrol picked her up from an slave ship,

    no ideas where she comes from. I shook my head and walked back to her. Who could she be?

    Other: Docendo Decimus…wasn’t it?
    Jul 22, 2013
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    I liked the myth you fashioned around the fearsome Dontaze - a space-age boogeyman of sorts! Some items in your profile still stick out a bit for me, though. I agree with MrZombie about cutting some of the real-world references you\'ve included (like McDonalds and such). That\'s easily changed, though, to something with less of a real world analogue. Some kind of spacey food joint - Black Hole Burgers? Taste so good it sucks you in! Also, still have a small issue with the name, heh. \"Don\'t taze me, bro\", while pretty cool sounding when you turn it into a name, is a meme that is extremely popular and people would very likely recognize it. Things like that tend to pull people out of the sci fi fantasy and hurts the roleplay a bit. How about a different last name for your character? Dontaze is pretty sweet, though.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Character name: Danzarlo

    Age: 19

    Traits: Observant, Natural Engineer

    Bio: A ex convict and pirate who was born into slavery who decided to settle down and retire from a life of crime to become an honest trader whos paranoia has helped him avoid pirates and helped bring illegal items past police checks..... Until that fateful day when he slipped up and got caught by customs though they couldnt find enough evidence to charge him so they had to release him.

    Allegiance: none alligned unless you have the coin to buy my allegiance.

    Do you plan to join the military? Never.

    Initial plans upon joining server: Join a old college for mutual trading and mining operations.

    Other: docendo discimus
    Jun 27, 2013
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    This is Connor01592\'s alt and it isnt highly doubtful when that 12 year old had known the times when the crew was off ship or when the ship was in a repair station...
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Birth Name -

    Last: Na/N First: Na/N Middle: Na/N Family Name: Non-Existant/No Record

    Profile -

    Previous Record:

    Age: Na/N Height: Na/N Weight: Na/N Body Type: Na/N Hair: Na/N Eyes: Na/N


    Age: 19 Terran Years Height: 6\'1\" Weight: 120 lbs. Body Type: Humanoid Hair: Long, Streaked with Red, Normal Blonde Eyes: Purple w/ Gold Flecks Nose: Normal Other: Na/N

    Bio -

    Birth Sector: Unaligned/No Record Immigration Records: Incomplete/Invalid Profession: Unemployed Allegiance: Lunaris Millitary: Na/N

    Criminal Record -


    !!File Backups Corrupted/Not Found!!

    Audio Transcript -

    Customs Officer: Ma\'am, your files have been corrupted.

    Subject: I know that.

    Customs Officer: You shall be Re-Proccessed.

    Subject: Okay.

    Customs Officer: Please fill out the form.

    Subject: Will do Sir.

    Customs Officer: How did you get here?

    Subject: Pirate raid on my freighter Scopuli...

    Customs Officer: You mean the ship that was wrestled from pirate control?

    Subject: Yes... the Scopuli was ransacked and taken by the pirates she was wrested from.

    Customs Officer: That must have been a hell of a fight to try and repel the boarders before retreating into an escape pod.

    Subject: It was a hell of a fight indeed... I plan on taking the Scopuli back and upgrading her as well.

    *Psychological Scans*

    Last Name:Kendall First Name: Amanda Middle Name: Johanna

    Birth Sector: Purgatory Allegiance: Lunaris Millitary: Yes

    Professional Skills: , Piracy, Ruthless, Calculating, *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data* *Corrupt Data*

    Docendo Discimus. Virtus meruerunt non donatus est. Docendo Discimus. Virtus meruerunt non donatus est. Docendo Discimus. Virtus meruerunt non donatus est.
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Simpli - have your friend talk to me regarding the server. Just need to make sure she\'s RP oriented. Have her hop on our TeamSpeak or chat with me in-game. :)

    Whitelist name: Ryyk
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Chronite? Thanks for revising your application to incorporate my feedback from before! A bit puzzled as to why your StarMade and character name has changed, but oh well! :)

    Whitelist name: Amanda_Kendall
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Hey Dan! Happy to see you wanting to spend some time RPing with us. Had some great fun back when you were running Nova. :)

    Whitelist name: Danzarlo
    Aug 16, 2013
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    That was my alt and i just liked the way Chronite did his app;ication so I used it and changed it up a bit so it wasnt an exact copy.


    Meat Popsicle
    May 29, 2013
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    Dontaze is an actual name. I have been Dontaze Mebro for years, and you would be suprised at how few people actually pick up on the word play. Mostly I get racist comments hurled at me for them thinking I am Mexican.

    I\'m not changing my name, but I did change mcDonalds to McDwarfStars. Love it or leave it.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Are we allowed to make second character? I\'d just like to know, and if so, I would appreciate it if this would be added:

    Name: Autumn Galatias (Autumn would be fine in the whitelist)


    Traits: Surprisingly trusting, however if this trust is betrayed it is hard to regain. Other than this, Autumn is relatively cheery and it is hard to ruin her mood.

    Allegiance: Solaris, although she prefers to act independently. Also, she is still friendly to Lunaris despite growing tensions, and wouldn\'t be against helping them if they needed it.

    Bio: Autumn grew up on a planet near Solaris, a world close enough trouble was rare but far enough if trouble did strike, it would be a little before the Solaris Royal Navy arrived. She lived on this world for a large part of her life, only occasionally going to other worlds, and only ever seeing Solaris itself twice. As she grew up she became talented in the construction and repair of ships, as her planet was considered a \'relay point\' for privateers, miners, merchants, and occasionally Navy ships. However on one occasion a large Navy craft was passing by the planet on routine patrol when a number of fast pirate craft, visibly the kind of ships run by thieves, attacked the ship in an attempt to capture it. A gravitational Negator system holding the navy ship above the planet faltered in the chaos and fell, destroying the entirety of the colony. The pirates arrived on-planet and after a short firefight captured all remaining survivors, including Autumn. However, Autumn was not one to give up so easily, and as the pirate craft left, she hacked into the systems of the craft end ejected the pilot into space, before closing the hatch again and taking control, fleeing. As she fled the remainder of the small pirate fleet attacked and severely damaged her ship, abandoning only when she unknowingly flew into Lunaris space. Soon after, her ship finally gave in and crashed just outside Lunaris Customs.

    Other: Docendo Discimus.
    Sep 11, 2013
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    Dangit, I forgot her Military part:

    Military: She\'d be more than willing, but has her issues with the idea of joining.
    Sep 18, 2013
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    • Character name: Sevra Faalur
    • Age: 23
    • Traits: one-eyed, sacrastic, thin but muscled.
    • Bio: He has traveled around space enough to get a hold of things. He worked as a merchant, lifting heavy weights for richer merchants, piloted taxi-like ships, but as the robbery happened, he decided to become sort of a Bounty Hunter, always near back-up.
    • Allegiance: Solaris.
    • Do you plan to join the military? Maybe. It probably would not fit well with the bounty hunting. Perhaps until I get a Corvette and then retire
    • Initial plans upon joining server: Get a decent ship,. if the RP takes me that way I´ll join the Navy, up until I get a ship I like, probably a Corvette or such.
    • Other: Doscendo Dicimus. I am from Argentina (GMT -3) and my playtime is kind of erratic. I am quite mature tho, and am used to RP. Very. Also I´m almost begging you to accept me. Nay, not \"almost\". I /am/ begging
    Jun 28, 2013
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    • Character name: Rahk
    • Age: 21
    • Traits: patience, persistence, physical stamina, cleverness, courage, excellent judgment.
    • Bio: An orphan in Solaris space Rahk was picked up at a young age by a bounty hunter and raised in the ways of pirate hunting. Life was never easy being brought up chasing cut-throats and smugglers, after a job gone bad Rahk was taken by pirates and sold into slavery as a helping hand in illegal salvaging. Through hard work and greased palms Rahk has managed to earn his freedom into the world, he thought to start his new life in Lunaris. Now he spends his time salvaging and mining through legal contracts, but with the ghosts of his past ever lingering in the stars he may never be able to settle in his newfound home.
    • Allegiance: Lunaris
    • Do you plan to join the military? Yes
    • Initial plans upon joining server: Mining and Salvaging
    • Other: docendo discimus
    Jul 22, 2013
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    It\'s great to see more and more people interested in joining the server! I liked the darker, grittier background of your character. One small request, could you explain how Rahk got to the Lunaris customs station (presented in the original post)?
    Jul 22, 2013
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    Thanks for applying to join the server! Your application looks good, but could you please expand your bio? Such as adding more detail about your past and the circumstances that brought you to the Lunaris customs station.


    Meat Popsicle
    May 29, 2013
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    Alright well because of your narrow view of what RP is I will not be allowed onto the server. Thanks for trying to force your roleplay style onto my character, but I will go elsewhere.
    Sep 15, 2013
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    Character Name: Angus Mackelway

    Age: 53

    Traits: Kind, gentle, honest, loyal to a fault.

    Bio: Born to a family with mining rooted deep in his ancestry, Angus had always wanted to go a step further than his family. Where his family had always worked for Solaris Mining Corporation, Angus wanted to develop his own mining company. He had always heard Lunaris was primarily untouched, with strict mining and colonization regulations. Ever since a young boy, he had his eyes on that untouched paradise; discovering the unfound riches of the galaxy was what his soul yearned for. At 18, he applied to SMC, and was hired on. For the next 25 years, he worked planetside, learning both the manual tools of the trade and heavy land-based machinary. After that stretch was done, planetary mining operations had began to dwindle down, as most of the in-ground resources had been extracted. He was given the option to retire, but as he looked around, he realized two important things: first, there was nothing there for him. His family had moved off-planet years before. Secondly, he noted the planet was dying. When SMC had plundered the planet for its riches, they left massive craters and polluted the planet with its mining. He swore not to destroy planets by raping the earth any more, and instead personally adopted the Lunaris policy of minimalist mining.

    He left the planet, joining the Interstellar Division of SMC, learning to pilot small mining craft, handling salvage beam technology, and leaning anti-matter cannon handling, for self-defense against pirates. He mined strictly astriods, using SMC craft, for the next 10 years, saving up enough money to move to Lunaris and start a mining buisiness of his own. He bought a one-way ticket to Lunaris, and now arrives at the Lunaris Customs Station, to begin life anew.

    Allegiance: Although a Solaris citizen working in Lunaris under a work visa, he is not aligned to either. However, if forced to make a choice, he would side with Lunaris based off of the evironmental protection standards.

    Do I plan to join the military?: Considering Angus(read:I) have little combat skills, and couldn\'t build a good combat ship if his life depended on it, he would probably not be a good asset to the military. So, in short, no. He does not plan to.

    Initial plans on joining the server: Build or purchase a mining vessel, repurpose an asteroid into a base of operations, and develop mining and manufacture contracts with both the govenment bodies and private organizations.

    Other: Docendo Discimus. As a note: I have little to no online RP experiance, although I have played pen-and-paper RPGs with friends and family. Also, I am a bit introverted. As such, I may have trouble initially contributing to the RP unless I get \"invited in,\" so to speak.But I will do my best to contribute to story as best I can.

    Also, a couple of side questions: If your character dies, does he/she suffer Perma-death, or how does that typically get worked out? Also, am I correct that ships would be preferred to be built to form, rather thatn function, or does it matter?