[RP] Tectum Clementia [Hardcore]

    Jun 29, 2013
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    Character Name: Vidapali Mölulero (Vidapali)

    ?Age: 27

    Species: Human(?)

    Gender: M

    Alignment: Unpredictable decent (Kindhearted and impulsive, but also greedy and calculating at the same time. A complex and unpredictable individual)


    *Public records, city of Khinorais, planet Tarranos II b, star Tarranos*

    Star-date 018,392,xx4, 14.37h local time. Recording from Threat-Analysis Center Charlie, Tarranos system.

    Threat-Analysis computer 3012 Z-AC- >WARNING! Unidentified object detected at 28 kilometers distance. Size: 3x3x4 meters. Speed: 500m/s. Currently on collision course with planet Tarranos II b. Calculated impact-zone: plains, 2 034 meters west/south-west of the city of Khinorais. Estimated casualties: 3. Damage to infrastructure: none. Environmental damage: moderate. Impact in: 30 seconds.<

    Security-Officer1- \"Wow-wow-wow, this can\'t be right!\"

    Security-Officer2- \"What?\"

    S-O1- \"This tiny little thingy appeared 70 kilometers INSIDE of the effective detection range at twice the speed of, well, anything I\'ve heard off!\"

    S-O2- \"WHAT!? How is that even possible?! Not even the best stealth ships can get THAT close without being detected!\"

    Z-AC- >Impact in: 15 seconds.<

    S-O2- \"We need to warn the public!\"

    S-O1- \"It\'s already too late for that...\"

    Z-AC- >Impact in:10 seconds.<

    S-O2- \"... What can we do?\"

    Z-AC- >5 seconds.<

    S-O1- \"...Hope for the best...\"

    Star-date 018,392,xx6, 17.18h local time. Public Security HQ, Captain L Port\'s official report;

    \"Luckily, the computer where wrong about the casualties; there where no injured, and no dead. 10 minutes after the impact, a perimeter had been established around the crash-site. The crashed object is most peculiar. It appears to be a one man rescue-pod of unknown origin, consisting almost solely of engines, shield-generators and energy-generators! Not even the richest of the rich would normaly spend their money on a craft like this!

    Even more peculiar is the man we found inside the wreckage. Despite the high impact-speed, the unconscious pilot seemed to be relatively unharmed, only a few bruises and scratches here and there. Medical examination showed presence of nanites in his blood, and an unnatural perfection in the cellular-structure. After waking up, he was interrogated. He said his name is Vidapali Mölulero, and claimed that he was human. The way he responded seems to indicate non-humans would be quite common where he comes from. When asked where he came from however, he simply replied \'I can\'t answer that\'. The interrogators soon found this to be Mr Mölulero\'s average answer. If he suffers from partial memory loss, or if he simply want to hide his past, no one can tell. The pod, however, he claimed to have built himself, out of spare-parts, for FUN! I have my doubts about that. As the interrogators left the room, the could hear Mr Mölulero mumble a phrase; \'Gutta cavat lapidem\'. When they turned around and asked him what he meant, he apparently smiled and replied \'Nothing!\'

    I, Captain Lerin Port of Public Security:Khinorais, has assessed that Vidapali Mölulero, though many questions remain, is not a threat. He is to be let out of custody at Star-date 018,392,xx7, 07.00h local time. End of report.\"

    Initial Plans: To build up a company producing high-quality warships.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Alfonse Blaren (Alfonse)

    ?Age: 21

    Species: Human

    Gender: M

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Bio: Alfonse was raised in the slums of Klugheit the homeworld of a fairly advanced civilization. When he was nine his mentor, Blatt, took him in. Blatt was part of the council for an organization named H.I.V.E. (Highly intellgent and Valuable Entity), an organization that collected and researched technology for trading so that technology could be preserved, even though they try to help the best they can they have been known to kill for their own interests. The motto of hive was docendo discimus or teach in order to learn. Blatt took Alfonse in to train him to become a hive Mind, or the leader of a hive, he was trained how to fight, repair, command, and survive for the sole purpose of spreading the hive.

    After twelve years of training he was sent on a mission to complete his trainning and decide if he was ready to be sent on a hive mind mission. His mission was to survive on a plant with no intelligent life with five others for two months, he was instructed that he would need to find the radio station on the planet and radio in to headquarters before two months was up. The other five were grunts that he never met before and wouldn\'t meet until planetfall. This mission was a right of passage of sorts for hive mind commanders and was the only thing left for Alfonse to do.

    Alfonse completed the mission with all of his members surviving and a skill rating of four out of five, a skiil rating of two was needed to pass. After completion of his mission they gave him the location of his hive, the sectors surrounding a distant colony called Ephebe, he was told that this was light years away from the closest hive and that he would be acting with very little interaction with other hive members. He was sent off in cryo, the trip lasted for two months but due to time dilation it was about ten years. Alfonse arrived at Ephebe and was dethawed, ejected, and the ship took off for home. Now he must get his hive running and see what the state of the main hive is.

    Initial Plans: Create a ship and begin work on founding the H.I.V.E. for the sectors sorrounding Ephebe.
    Nov 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    ######LOG START######

    The man sat and watched from a distance as his planet and people were destroyed, stuck in a tin can in orbit. The pain he felt was like a punch to the gut, and he grew colder and colder by the minute. He had fought for them, guided them...but all of his efforts had gone to waste. He clawed at the glass when the explosions came to a crescendo.

    The man then turned away from the viewport, tears streaming down his face. He typed a few things into the console on his right. His starship blasted out of orbit, leaving behind the exploding mass that was his planet. He tried to move on, to forget, but his heart only grew heavier.

    Yet again the man stood watching his dreams all become smashed under the heavy boot of reality. His new station, the safe harbor for all of the survivors of the loss of Erebus, suddenly was no more when an asteroid tore through its entirety. Decompressed, the station collapsed. He watched as limp bodies were sucked out into the void, forever to float in the empty wreckage.

    The man wondered, \"Why take them? Why didn\'t they take me instead of them? Why leave me alone, the last of my people, to forever wander the void with this burden?\" Whoever he thought he was talking to, they never responded. On that day, the man named Corvus broke. He wasn\'t the same ever since.

    He became the forsaken one, a shadow in the void that is space, scorning those who were content. He became savage and barbaric, taking out his pain and hurt on other people. He slaughtered the innocent and destroyed what they loved. None were exempt from his pillaging, and he would conduct daring hit and run raids everywhere. Even though he had become the broken and angry man he was, Corvus wasn\'t incapable of mercy. There have been reports that some spacers out there have survived by simply surrendering their ship, or by joining his cause.

    ######LOG END######

    Alright. Seeing as there are no main antagonists besides AI pirates, and it seems everyone is some sort of neutral kind of person who will switch sides at any given time, I thought I would give this a try. I will not attack without warning OOC, and as I said above, I will be willing to accept surrenders and won\'t just murder everyone. Seeing as my character is already on the evil spectrum, this isn\'t too much of a personality switch. He\'ll just be mildly chaotic evil instead of lawful evil. If there\'s something you don\'t like in here, point it out and I\'ll fix it.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Character name: Ramilius Stele (Ramilius)

    Age: 89

    Gender: M

    Species: Human (Lazaran)

    Alignment: Chaotic Good


    Ramilius Stele was once a Lazarus, but after multiple mortal injuries and commendations he decided to leave the Navy, and start out on his own. He is old for a normal human, but young for the cybernetically advanced Lazarus. He left the Navy and his beloved cruiser, the Dominus Astra, with nothing but some old parts, but he has been seeking a pirate by the name of Culuxis, who cost him his right arm (now cybernetic). He has searched across many solar systems and star clusters, before recieving a tip at a tavern that Culuxis had taken a job in the Tectum sector. He travelled there in hopes of catching and killing him, but lost his ship in the journey. Now with nothing but a few spare parts again, he must rebuild his ship and find Culuxis.

    Initial plans: Build me a ship and start hunting pirates, though these server events are sure to be participated in by Ramilius.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    • Thinking Positive Gold
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    • Legacy Citizen 11
    Character Name: Jake Ignis (Lecic)

    ?Age: 23

    Species: Human

    Gender: M

    Alignment: Lawful/Neutral Good

    Bio: Born and raised on a small earth-like moon, he had it easy. The moon was shielded from an asteroid belt and very little strife occured as he grew up. Of course, as he grew, he yearned to leave the moon and visit other planets and become a brave interstellar hero, like in the books he read as he grew up. At the young age of 19, the young man finished repairing the used ship he purchased, and took to the skies, foolishly blissful of the true nature of the realms beyond his home.

    4 years later, and Jake has grown up a bit, though this might not be such a good thing. In his heart he still thinks of himself as a hero, but he\'s seen too many horrors to even pretend his mind can go back to the way it was. He\'s been slowly but surely sinking into the depths of depression amoung his crushed dreams and broken heart. Now, stuck at a port that he coasted into on a damaged ship, he wonders what he\'ll do next.

    Initial Plans:

    • Repair ship
    • Find someone(s) friendly and join up with them
    • Hope the person reviewing my application recognizes \"Ingis\" as latin
    • Work on upgrading ship
    • Work on depression problems
    • Get a base of operations set up
    • Eventually turn BoE into a trading port
    May 6, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Ephebian News Service: Special Report

    Yesterday, the pirate known as \"Helmut\" has escaped from his holding facility and is now at large. Origionally captured three days ago by Lt. Kelesith of the Ephebian Space navy, Helmut is believed to be the head of an as-yet unknown terrorist organization, and was being held on multiple counts of Black marketeering and assault. Additionally, he is implicated in plots to bomb both Crimson Skies construction, and Ephebe prime. A reward of ten million credits is being offered for the capture of this person, with additional moneys offered for information that leads to his capture. Be aware, he is to be considered armed and extremely dangerous.
    Oct 16, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Reinhart Visvaldis (Reinhart_Visvaldis)

    ?Age: 26

    Species: Human

    Gender: M

    Alignment: Lawful neutral (Plays by the rules, motivations are neither really selfish nor very altruistic)


    Only heir to the deep space mining and construction company \"Colony Corporation\" which started off big but went nearly bankrupt under the administration of his father while Reinhart was away at engineering school. Most of the company\'s assets were lost and its workers left as there was no money to pay them. In desperation, Reinhart\'s father decided to turn to the shadier side of space - he took a loan from a powerful pirate lord, which he failed to repay, eventually leading to his death in a pirate raid.

    Qui est stultus, non adsequimur glacies crepito.

    Reinhart got word of this right after his graduation - he boarded the first passenger liner to the sector where the company\'s last assets were, only to find molten wreckages with no signs of life. Inheriting almost nothing of value, he swore to rebuild the family business and restore the name Visvaldis to its former glory.

    Initial Plans: Get into mining, then shipbuilding - I have a few ideas for a line of RP-compatible mining / colony ships.
    Aug 31, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Master Builder Bronze
    Application Instructions:

    Character Name: Ren Faun (Ren_Faun)

    ?Age: Character age 28, IRL 21

    Species: Human

    Gender: F

    Alignment: neutral good


    13 year old Ren was the sole survivor when her parents lost control of their shuttle upon entry to the atmosphere. her parents suffered serious injuries in the wreckage, and died only a few days later in the intensive care unit of the planetary settlement. Soon thereafter, the colony was evacuated during an attack by a forward scouting squadron of alien military forces. ren was separated from most of her aquaintances, and the shuttle her friends were evacuating on was caught in plasma fire. From the trauma of her emotional losses, Ren grew distant and quiet, hesitant to become close to those around her. The threat of danger loomed everywhere to her, and she didn\'t think she would be able to handle losing another close friend. Her shuttle escaped into the safety of a secured zone of space, where the humans had established a solid presence.

    15 Years later, Ren had found herself an engineer for a small, and rather unknown ship-yard and trading company, just saving her earnings for her at-home projects. Her preference for mechanical company rather than human companions had helped her survive, though it wasn\'t the best survival, lacking in most social interaction besides her employer, she had finally gain a sense of security. she finally opened up her shell if only a little bit. \"Ego sum, ne propera.\" she often repeats to herself, a mantra to relax and acknowledge that she still has time in her future.

    Initial Plans: join a small trading group and help them develop infrastructures and build ships to carry and protect their trade wares.
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
    • Purchased!
    Application Instructions:

    Character Name: Taryn Kerian Tayrn_Kerian

    ?Age: 27

    Species: Human

    Gender: Female

    Alignment: http://imgur.com/ns8LCLW
    Neutral Chaotic

    Bio: Backstory: Taryn was born amongst the hulks of space, her mother raising her by pirating and doing freelance engineering work, her father, was nowhere to be seen. When Taryn was 12, a explosion robbed her of her vocal chords, muting her for the rest of her life, and giving her a distrust of people that she doesn\'t know well. (Will expand more as i flesh her character out)

    Motto: Ad astra per aspera

    Initial Plans: Hire out as an engineer untill i get the funds to construct a mercenary ship and go on my own, and fight the good fight.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Thinking Positive
    So what are the rules for starting off with a ship?
    Aug 31, 2013
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    • Competition Winner - Small Fleets
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Master Builder Bronze
    I would assume that larger ships require shipyards/drydocks though smaller ships such as shuttles dont. Also that larger ships would require believable interiors for the reason that realistically they should be home to a crew. Min-maxing a ship by minimizing roleplay value and maximizing combat capabilities i believe is also not allowed. Though i hope i got to most of the points of the rules i probably need Ixa to check my words and say what is valid and what isnt.
    Aug 19, 2013
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    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    • Legacy Citizen 3
    • Thinking Positive
    Character Name: Cynthia Regalia

    ?Age: 24

    Species: Human

    Gender: F

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Bio: Born to a prestigious family on an outer colony world, Cynthia was raised as a prim and proper woman who would one day inherit the wealth of her family and their lucrative cattle ranch, and be wed off to one of the noble men who constantly vied for her attention and affection. Of course, her family didn’t count on her stowing away on one of the trading freighters that regularly visited her home at the age of 19. A difficult person to work with, Cynthia resented the lack of control she had with her life and refusing to allow her parents to dictate her life anymore, left her old life behind her to seek out adventure among the stars. Of course, the dream was more shiny and pretty than the reality. At the age of 20, she managed to find work on a trading freighter as a temporary guard, managing to get enough money to buy herself a weapon and start seeking out traders desperate for a little security. The job paid little and it was boring, the traders preferring the safer routes, but she was getting the money she sorely needed.

    At the age of 23, she quit the security business and sought out more lucrative forms of business, looking to acquire her own ship and create a name for herself, by any means she can.

    Needless to say, her rich and powerful family are still looking for her…

    Initial Plans: Amass monetary wealth In omnibus divites et potentes,
    Aug 26, 2013
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    Anything that can be considered a corvette or bigger REQUIRES Fleetworks/shipyards space drydocks.

    Personal pods up to simple fighters are exempt from this rule.

    The spawn Hangar can be considered a shipyard for corvettes to small frigates or so. but frigates are a stretch.

    the Spawn hangar was meant to store ships, not build them.
    Jan 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 5
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    A unknown face appears on the screen, it\'s hard to tell who, or what it is.

    A voice begins, it seems computerized and inhuman, it\'s hard to tell.

    \"To those receiving this transmission, Red Wolf Mercenaries is looking for new members, specifically those who are willing to commit to a cause, and fight for whoever pays most.\"

    \"Contact Taryn Kerian, if you wish to inquire..\"
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    My whitelist application

    • Character name: Mohr Netzer
    • Age: 57
    • Species: Human
    • Gender: M
    • Traits: Honest, Cunning old man, evil genius.
    • Allignment: None. I am a pirate a free man i do as i please, i follow no rules or laws [within charracter offcourse. i will be following server rules]

    Bio: I grew up in a poor area with my mother, my father?, my mother never told me what happened to him. I helped my mother run a small shipyard for the odd traveler. The income wasnt good but it managed to keep us fed i picked up my mothers skills quickly and slowy started to invent things and build things to my own accord my mother would always get angry at me because we use the parts to repair ships so i couldnt use as much as i would like to. My mother was happy and sad at the same time for me for she could not give me an education or a decent living to nuture or develop my skills but i didnt care much about that i was happy the way it was until a drunk soldier from Solaris decided he needed too set an example of us so called scum he shot and murdered my mom yelling out you are all scum of our nation either do as your told or die.

    In rage i impailed the soldier with our electric cutter. I ran and tried to escape but was caught and now in a prison ship on my way to life in prison when we where attacked by pirates i was left in the void pushed far from the wreckage with no hope left of being found. Luckily i was found by lunaris and not solaris. once i was cleared i ran to the depths of space and became a pirate now i live a live of vengance to destory all that killed my mother and i will do everything and anything to achieve that. The day before my mother died she said \"Amor Vincit Omnia\" love conquers all things but i cant see it that way anymore.

    • Initial plans upon joining server: fly somewhere safe build an assault ship and start pirating ARRGGGGGGGGGH drop your loot, wire over $50,000 credits and no funny business if you want to be left intact and alive.[Try to make space a bit more risky and exciting within character offcourse.]
    • Other: (I am from Australia GMT+10 so i should be able to be online when others are for i play on other usa servers aswell and theres plenty on.)
    Nov 13, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Character name: Replica heavy Trooper 0589927

    Age: 32

    Species: Human/clone

    Gender: Man

    Alignment: Neutral

    Bio: \"res firma mitescere nescit a firm resolve does not know how to weaken\" - Replica Common quote

    Replicas came to existence when a experimental new clone technology was invented in a unknown military colony. When the colony was attacked by an unknown force the last survivng soldier crawled to the control unit for the clone tubes and activated it.Shortly after he died due to bleeding out.

    Although the technolgy was new it had its flaws,2 of wich rendered the clones scar filled and similar looking.The more unique one was that the DNA used was random,not connecting it to any know human. The resulted clones set out to space to find a new home.

    Replica trooper commonly uses grey armor plates on top of volfram padded kevlar vests. Although this unit has a even larger vest.

    Initial plans: Unit 0589927 signed up for this mission to create a outpost for the troops and to make contact with other possible ships.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Character Name: Dell Kyipn (Deliphin)

    ?Age: 26

    Species: Div\'Nei. (A humanoid race with pitch black skin, and three spines. I assume this application counts as a question if I can be a non-human.)

    Gender: Male

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral.


    Dell Kyipn, a man who started as a military escort pilot and small fleet commander, and eventually joined a science team as a military engineer, went on an expedition to start a deep space colony, DC-Cor-002. It was well built until solar flare was detected. They packed up in an emergency shuttle, and left. Looking back, they saw it sweep over, then noticed it affected a weapons storage more than they had thought. The warheads became sensitive to themselves and detonated, throwing shrapnel everywhere. A piece, roughly the size of a minivan had chopped the ship into two pieces, the pilot\'s tower and the main section. Dell was likely the only survivor, due to the size of the breach in the main section. He had no engines or fuel in the pilot tower, just his radio. He spread signals requesting help constantly for days, with no reply. He eventually found himself in the gravity well of a charted, but unexplored planet. He crash landed, being left unconscious for an unknown period of time. A trading ship that was meant to fly to DC-Cor-002, without the knowledge of its destruction, noticed the distress signal, and sent a shuttle. They searched and fount the crashed pilots tower. First, a drone sent in to see if it\'s safe. Then, a suited person stepped in. They saw damaged panels and hull, and a single chair next to a holographic monitor and control system. Turning the chair around, they see a surprise. A humanoid figure, wearing a torn astronaut suit, with pitch black skin and no pupils. Assuming he is dead, they open up the black box, and bring up the last ten hours of recording. Them staring, and listening, they failed to notice the figure had awoken, and is now standing behind them. \"Are you here for me?\" They jump away, one says \"It\'s alive!\" and both pull up and aim their guns. \"What are you doing?\" \"What are you?\" \"..Is something wrong with you two? I\'m human!\" \"Like hell you are!\" The figure, curious, looks into a shining piece of chrome on the wall, and sees his face and skin, and stares. \"Uh.. He doesn\'t seem dangerous, and he speaks our language. Maybe a safe first contact?\" \"I\'m human.. but.. what happened?\" They put their weapons down, but not holstered, and escort him into their ship. For safety, he\'s placed in a cryotube on the way home.

    Landing, he is awoken from cryosleep, and escorted to a laboratory. He recognizes one of the doctors. Some hours pass, and the recognized doctor says \"It\'s the same as.. Dell, what happened to you?\" \"Long story, in short, solar flare hit our base as we escaped, blew up, shrapnel cut our ship in half, I drifted and was about to crash land at a high G force. That\'s about all I remember.\" \"Well, it seems, most of you is intact, but this plant-like creature, a symbiote I guess, found you. It eats your skin and replace it with itself, and feeds off blood just like your real skin, very slowly. But it doesn\'t harm the nerves. How it\'s a symbiote and not a parasite? Well, the creature has formed itself into miniature honeycombs. Essentially, you-\" \"have stronger skin? I can take more of a hit?\" \"Yeah. How\'d you know?\" \"I\'m a military engineer, honeycombs are one of the most basic ways of making something durable while cheap.\" \"..Well, we\'ve taken all the samples, and they act fine in the incubator for examination. We\'ll contact you if we need more, and we can\'t do anything to help until we learn more about them. Though, consider this, these things probably saved your life. We found and removed a small piece of shrapnel, probably from your mentioned base, it tore up your muscles and blew right through. Had you remained with regular skin, you would never heal fast enough to cover it up, then you\'d bleed to death. Also, one more note, try not touching many people, we don\'t want it spreading if we don\'t know everything about it yet. You can go now, they prepared a shuttle for you and some reimbursment for your losses. Also, they said they left on the desk of your new ship a debriefing of your next mission.\" \"A new mission already? Don\'t I get any rest?\"

    The debriefing said:

    We request you scout and try to find that planet again. If you have any recollection on where it was, use it. Try to find the symbiote and collect a large sample of it, then rocket it off home. After that, scout the planet for any other odd bacterias, this could be a medical breakthrough. When the planet searching is done, you are relieved of your duty until further notice.

    \"I can do that.\"

    (Bio modified to support character being human and not Div\'Nei)

    Also, I don\'t know anything Latin. Never cared for it. (edit: how about lorem ipsum? I heard that a long time ago, forgot what it was.)

    Initial Plans: Mine, perhaps get hired for cash. Then start a private base. Then perhaps join a military faction, give them a tactical edge with Deskonyan drone technology.
    Nov 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    Name: Freman Metzani (Yes, another immigraint from EoH, and yes I changed my backstory)

    Age: 32 (Biologicial)

    Gender: Male Voidborn

    Alignment: Lawful Neutral

    Freman Metzani, born to a group of Requi Voi(Nomads basicly, but more organized) was raised in a suprisingly rigid and tight community for a group of what where Space Nomads pretty much. Which had a strong influence on his personality even as he left, saying \"Divitiae natat in tenebris\"(Wealth is swiming in the dark) and went off to asteroid mine as an employee of a (now defuct) mining corperation. He has a strong desire for order and symetry among other things. As well as an urge to make sure his equipment is well maintained (generally good advice if you live in space). Eventually after the forceful dissaloution of the corperation, drifted in in a battered and (to his shame) ill-maintained mining ship.

    Plan: To mine asteroids and get resources any way he could. Other than that he is riding by the seat of his pants.

    EDIT: I have decided to rename Planet Hoppers to the Reqi Voi.
    Nov 29, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi, I had to get off of the server earlier today due to IRL commitments. I\'d just like to clarify some of the events that have happened in the past few days in the most unbiased manner as possible so that we can set straight what happened, OOC and IC.

    The Initial Conflict 1/27/14

    [Vidapali, Taryn (Wolf?), Jizo and Corvus are all present]

    OOC Version: Taryn calls for distress not far from the previous home of Corvus, in sight distance. Corvus moves in to (I originally was coming to help, mind you) diffuse the situation and kill the pirates, and also send Taryn packing off somewhere else, because he didn\'t want anyone near his previous base. Taryn calls for help on the radio, and both Vidapali and Jizo arrive in large ships that are quite larger than Corvus\' and far better armed. Jizo is both a wealthy trader and braggart, he has been increasingly hostile to Corvus in the past few days, even threatening to take his ship and possibly kill him. Vidapali is the most neutral, being a part of VLU and not Vertigo, Jizo\'s trading group (empire, now? seems...silly.). Taryn is the leader of RWM, a subgroup of Vertigo. Corvus, angry of all of these intruders on his land, and also fiercely bittered by his recent losses (Friday\'s event, lost 12mil) and his paltry award (sorry Ix, she\'s a nice freighter, but a bucket of bolts at that) Jizo asks for a docking module so he can tow Taryn\'s now disabled craft back to Vertigo. Vidapali watches silently. Corvus, seeing Jizo defenceless, strikes the first blow with his enormous weapon and completely erases both Jizo, Taryn, and her ship instantaneously(Taryn and her ship were an unfortunate loss, and she would\'ve given Corvus\' position away if she had lived). Thus, there was no chance for cloning and both had loss 30 minutes of memory. Vidapali, unharmed by my discharge, silently flies away and does not say a single word. Thus, both Jizo and Taryn were back at Vertigo, the only clue of what happened being that Jizo\'s ship, the Vengeful, was missing. Corvus contacts Jizo that he\'ll let his ship go unharmed. They settle an agreement of 12mil being paid for its safe return. Jizo later contacts Corvus asking if Corvus killed him, and Corvus said \"Yes\". This was not conducted over public radio. Vidapali does not comment any further, nor does he witness as to what happened there.

    IC Version: Jizo and Taryn do not know that Vidapali was even there, they do not know whether Corvus struck first, they do not know any specifics other than Corvus has attacked them and has ransomed back their ship. Taryn\'s ship, no matter how \"advanced\" was completely erased in the first discharge of my weapon.

    First Report To Kelesith 1/27/14

    [Kelesith and Jizo present]

    OOC: I don\'t know the exact specifics of this, but Taryn never contacted Kelesith before, and Jizo\'s report to Kelesith is different than the second one he gives on the same events. The evidence given is inconclusive; Kelesith states that any further acts against Corvus will herald repercussions from the ESN. If Vertigo publicly attacks Corvus, they are committing a crime.

    IC: Ephebe is aware of what sort of happened, and says that any hostility will be punished.

    Second Conflict 1/28/14

    [Jizo, Sagre and Taryn are present as Vertigo, Corvus, and TIME is present OOC]

    This conflict was highly unethical OOC-wise. I told everyone \"((brb))\" and went AFK for approximately 15 minutes. Jizo and friends decided this was the perfect time to get their (probably well-deserved, IC-wise) revenge. You have to seriously question whether or not that is OK behavior on this server. They proceeded to surround me while I was AFK and waited for me to return to my computer. When I did so, Corvus recieved an IC message on public radio telling him he had three seconds to either surrender or die. At this time, Corvus was at the spawn shop at 8, -11, 6, in sight of multuiple NPC patrollers who probably would have intervened IC wise. Instead of surrendering, Corvus fled to the nearby planet that had two ESN cruisers above it. While I ran, they openly fired on me, and hit me with their weapons. As soon as I was on the planet surface, they ceased fire (but technically the damage had already been done) Technically the ESN would have IC intervened at this point, and still they were talking via the public radio. They said over the radio that they were \"blockading\" the planet and to wait for me to leave. This is the Ephebian Homeworld they are \"blockading\". At this point, they probably should\'ve been smited by ESN. Eventually they all left.

    IC: They publicly attacked Corvus in front of multiple ESN witnesses and conducted their operations on their radio. Everyone knows what they did.

    Second Discussion With Kelesith

    OOC: Taryn provides a logbook with apparently the evidence of everything. Not sure about how that works. Need clarification on this. This discussion is still in progress, I think. I\'ll get back online in a second.

    I have a few very important questions.

    1) What are the specifics behind recording information? I understand that a physical logbook of your character\'s observations is valid, but are someone\'s \"ship logs\" (things never actually recorded, but claimed IC that a ship takes record) valid? PG in this area needs to be defined, especially with the 30 minute forget death concept.

    2) How did Taryn gather information as evidence for her logbook if she had forgotten everything that had happened? Her ship was completely destroyed in the first shot--there\'s no way it could have \"recorded\" what happened and sent the \"data\" back to Vertigo.

    As this develops I\'ll edit and refine this. As for disagreements in what I\'ve said, feel free to tell me what I put wrong below and I\'ll change things whenever necessary. Thanks for reading!
    Sep 28, 2013
    Reaction score
    Sorry I\'ve been away the last few days, I have been very sick, and/or very busy.

    I have updated the wiki with a more comprehensive list of tiers and requirements for all ships on the server, be they military or civilian. These limits are to be enforced by the admin at a purely OOC level ( You won\'t get fined IC for ignoring the restrictions, the ship might just catch a pass through SMEdit, if it cannot be made to fit as-is, or the admin cannot agree to give it a pass.) Some of the pirate ships will have to be tweaked a bit, but most of them fit. All of my ships do and have since day one, as do Ixalite\'s.

    The URL is here: http://tectum-clememtia.wikia.com/wiki/Military_Lore

    The entries are subject to change, as I am sure Ixalite or Kelesith will have further input. The URL above is posted in the server MOTD for convenience.

    Yes, yes, yes.

    I have read a hundred forum posts where people say such limits are pointless because people will cheat and ignore them and there aren\'t enough admin to enforce them on any server, and everyone has a God-given right to build without limits until the server runs out of memory blah blah blah... I really hope everyone playing Tectum abides nicely and understands the server has a certain design philosophy. I would rather not see any hurt feelings, so please, catalogue your ships to check the costs, review their internal IC accomodations, make sure you have bases with yards that can actually build them, etc. Also, when cataloguing a ship, uncheck the Other box, unless it\'s a public-access design, and purge any catalogue entries you do not need to keep to keep server disk usage and file counts low, for Ixalite.

    Thank you. Don\'t Panic.
