[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 22, 2013
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    Thought you left the server? Anyway I don\'t know what Den was thinking, it is agreed between Zam and I that was a mistake on his part. We should not allow glitches and cheating such as what you did, as for rules how the hell would you ever think that cheating is ok. The \"Oh you didn\'t say I couldn\'t specifically do that!\' argument does not work. If we have to make a rule for every single thing that should not be allowed we would be able to make our own book. The difference is most of those are things that people should already understand is not alright to do in a multiplayer setting.

    Eternia is suppost to be this large unstoppable force, one man is not suppost to stand up to the full military might. Everyone else is not glitching money to get massive ships and yet they are doing fine, plus really Eternia will not just steamroll over everyone what\'s the story in that? In the end you screwed up, I\'m done trying to talk with you, go leave the server that\'s what you want to do right?
    Jun 21, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Quick question, I\'m writing my bio, and decided to build my characters frigate incase I get in. Does the Eternian Military have a colour scheme?
    Jul 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Name: waldo

    Age: 34

    Personality: observant and absorbitive and a good ole boy

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):Well now, I know what you are thinking; who\'s this guy and what does he do? I\'ll tell you what I do. I am an engineer and let me tell you what, I\'m damn good at it too. You aint seen nothin till you give me some tools and some parts and leave me to my magic. I wasn\'t top of my class mind you so I won\'t say that I am the best, but I am the best.

    There are those who might say that I am unworthy of my title. They just aint seen the potential use of a fully automatic salvaging turret. These turrets are beautiful, just thinkin about them makes me all warm inside. I once built a turret that fried my professors hair off, he wont need those pants anymore. Hell I am a little accident prone at times too so theres some room for error.

    Plans once you\'re in the server: Salvage and build. It\'s what I do.

    Other: Got these here Eternia as you said.
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    character name: Macron

    personality: cold, shows no emotion.

    Bio (character,min 1 paragraph)

    Macron was on hail upon its destruction, in the chaos that ensued he was knocked unconcious. When he awoke he found himself on an operating table in a pirate station, he had his limbs removed and they were replaced with metal versions harder than steel before a neurocite (a system that removes the humans emotion) was implanted in his head, upon his realease from the operating table his went on a killing spree and murdered every one of the pirates on the station.

    When he was finished he decided he liked his new body and so he flew dowwn to the nearby planet and built the facilities on the station on a massive scale on the planet and he called himself a new race, the strogg and so he set on his journey to build his race on his new homeworld and take revenge on those who locked him in hail.

    other info; the name of his new homeworld is stroggos and their motto is: evolve, upgrade,assimilate
    Jun 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age- 19 years old Name- CaptainMilhazes

    Personality- An energetic young soldier who easily respects and follows his superiors.

    Bio- CaptainMilhazes was originally the co-pilot of a falcon-classed frigate, named Raptor. The frigate was found several fighters, using radar jamming systems. They signalled their carrier, a nearby Briggadier. The Briggadier began releasing fighters, while firing its broadside cannons. CaptainMilhazes was one of very few survivors to get of the Briggadier\'s radar by escape pod before the Raptor\'s fuel ignited, causing the ship to explode. CaptainMilhazes spent a little less then 3 years drifting through space hoping to be found by anyone who could take him in.

    Plans once in server- To see if my pilot, Captain_Lancer is still alive, and hopefully become part of Eternian Military.

    Other- If I one day successfully pilot my own ship, I\'ll defeat those rebel scum and hopefully give\'em a taste of their own medicine. (==Eternia==)
    Jun 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 16

    Personality: Competitive

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): I\'m competitive. I like to win, and don\'t give up easily. While competitive, I play fair. Mainly because, where\'s the joy in cheating? Sure making a kid rage is nice, but it\'s much more fun when you\'re doing it by pure skill.

    Plans once you\'re in the server: Create a worth opponent of Eternia

    Other: Not Eternia.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Your application passes however I would suggest working on your bio a bit more. I\'ll sent you the IP shortly.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You missed some parts go back and take a look at the application template again, also the enter key is your friend.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    You are denied this is a roleplaying server, so try making a character rather then telling me about you.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Right you need a name for your character as well as rereading the rules. Also you should work on your bio some more and character ages must be between 18-50.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    Looks good, I would have rathered you have made a longer bio but this is enough. You will be sent the IP shortly.
    Jun 22, 2013
    Reaction score
    You are denied, for multiple reasons, first you need a character name said character need an age between 18-50 mostly to prevent odd ages. Also you do know what a RP server is right, you have to make an actual character with an actual bio.
    Jul 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 17

    Personality: quiet, keeps to self mostly, angry at father.

    Bio: I was betrayed by my father who left me and my mother to be killed by the Eternia. After my father betrayed us my mother got klled by a space pirate who managed to sneak by the eternia. I hope i can soon get a chane at getting revenge on him

    Plans once your in server: Get a decent ship, join a faction, and get revenge onmy father

    Other: I can be VERY aggresive when im angry dont mess with me
    Jul 14, 2013
    Reaction score
    Name; Taesen.

    Age; 26

    Biography; Holding deep roots in his thirst for education in the technology that existed across Eternia. Taesen studied his way through various acadamies, and universities, while freelancing and working as a drafter for new ships and power supply designs. His determination pushes him to explore Eternia and become employed to develop, research, and design new weapons, ships, stations and colonies.