[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    If you guys want to join the military just apply here:

    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 3
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I am going on a family camping trip for two weeks, leaving tomorrow. I won\'t be back until the 8th.
    Jul 8, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    Personality:loyal funny and calm

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!):When invited by Eternia\'s project to help building the Juggernaught Gree found himself in a coat experimenting chemichals that could make a blast big enough to launch that humongous ship into space.On a rainy night when the ship was nearly done and Gree was getting out of his office two Eternia guards,Who took him to a so called curthouse which was baiscly an alley sentenced for life on Hail for war crimes,betreyal of the Eternia empire and spying.
    On the day of the big escape of hail Gree was one of the first convicts who got free.

    Plans once you\'re in the server:Be the part of destroying the juggernaught

    Other: Death to eternia
    Jul 7, 2013
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    The server is lagging to crap currently. I cannot even join. Whenever I do after I hit spawn i stay in that flying in circles stage. Everyone is experiencing it.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    I extended my base 700 blocks away to add a floating turret. I finished the base for the turret a while before th lag. I was detailing at the time it started. Unless someone hit my base I don\'t think it could have clipped into another sector if it hadn\'t already. Anything is possible though as it seems the lag starts when I rejoin the game. When I spawn Half my base is not there.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    im sorry dendrake, im not vary good at makeing up stories.

    all i realy want to do is work as a ship builder for the rebels.

    i kindly ask to be accepted, i dont care if you give me a character insted.

    i realy want to be apart of this server, so i beg of you, give me a chance.


    Jul 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You see, I was born 23 years ago. I was a normal child. I grew up to be a normal man. I count the years. I work with my hands. I love to work with my hands. I am not insane. I am enlightened. I have this sight that others do not. They do not understand my works. They do not realize that the work, the art is already there. I am not insane, they told me so. The works of art revel in their kills, they bathe in the blood of their enemies and feed. The voices, from the other world. I cannot handle them. They have been with me for my entire life... Feeding, asking, telling me secrets of the future and past. They tell me things. They told me to feed them, that they needed not food, but energy. They need the minds. The fresh minds. The old minds. They need the sane minds of humans to feed upon. But not mine. I am special. I can work with my hands. I am not insane. I work and I work and I work, Forging the metal like it was clay. They taught me how to do it. They taught me, and they told me where the art was. They showed me the truth. They whispered dark secrets from the future and past, feeding on those that... I am not insane. I do not need a family, because SANE people do not need a family. They leave the house and never look back as I did, as I did. I do not need my father. I do not need him. He doesn\'t tell me how to bend the metal and wires till it is just so. He doesn\'t tell me how to remove the voices... The voices... I love the voices. I need the voices. They are real. From beyond this world Feeding on those around me. All of them. My family... My family. I do not need them anymore. Off they went with a kiss and a butchers knife, I do not need them. And of course the RATS that rule our trashy filthy earth do not understand. I am not insane. So they locked me up and threw away the key. But they do not know, do they. I know where all the trash is. All your hopes and dreams are gone, broken, laying on the ground. I am not insane. Little teddy bear... I... I disobeyed them once... do not let them hear.... There was a boy..... ten years old he said he was he said he was... I took to him a butchers knife... and chopped up his poor teddy. He cried and cried and I hugged him so and said that you are fine. I am not insane I will help you boy. Boy... No... Do not go back there. They will eat you. They.... I am not insane. They locked me up and the voices got me out again. I am not insane. I will work and work and work and work till I get home and the voices can feed again. They are ill and sick... but my works they kill and the minds they come to me. I am not insane. Oh Eternia.... You are not as eternal as the voices....

    ((other: Eternia))
    Jul 26, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 14

    Personality: calm, friendly, social and bad speller

    I am from the uk and i do a lot of gaming e.g. minecraft, starmade, cod waw, halo I also am looking to start my own youtube account. My computer is slow and old so i cant look at massive ships and planets but however i am looking to buy a new pc and i am almost on my computer every day so i never miss alot.

    Once i am on the server i am looking to start a mega company called SS (SPACE SENTRY) this company is not a thret to any one it is just an exploration company looking to salvage goods and to trade with other players.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    To try to remedy the situation I am removing some of my large ships. During this time I would like to be left alone. Also I do not think my ships are cause the lag I am just being careful.

    Update I removed a ship and the lag only got worse thereby confirming my assumption it was not my ships. I have now stop removing my ships. it is something else.
    Jul 1, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 9
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    I have also heard some rumors that the new version of Star-Made is simply full of bugs and corrupted sectors - perhaps it\'s no one\'s fault, and the server simply suffers from this new update.