[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Hey, I\'d like it if someone that is going to join Eternia made their bio as the only other survivor of the destruction of Raptor, as it would be a good RP moment if I met a fellow survivor of the destroyed Raptor frigate. You would be either the copilot or gunnery director, your choice. Or, if you have already joined Eternia, you COULD just Happen to be the other survivor... ;)
    Jul 19, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen


    Personality:Calculating and Technologicaly Gifted

    Bio (Solstice) (Once a Researcher for the Eternian Government, Solstice is a man searching for anything to benifit the sentient life forms of this universe. While searching a planet for colonization, Solstice happened upon a Eternian Patrol and a group of civilians. The patrol shot and killed the men, women and children after stripping them of their weapondry. Seeing this and Desiring no more to be of any assistance to the Eternian Government, Solstice struck out to create a Civilization free of the Government.)

    Plans once your in the server: I plan to colonize a planet relitivaly out of the way from the spawn.

    Other: Eternia
    Jul 19, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age 32

    personality: fierce, relentless, Engineering genius, strategic genius

    Bio: I was a great man before the incident with \"Hail\"I had a nice home, a good job, and a wife and two kids. I was an engineer for the eternia armada I even designed \"hail\" but when the incident happened I lost everything. My wife, my kids, my freedom, all gone because of that godamn ship it was sabatoge I tell ya. After that I was on the run and I was desperate thats when a dear friend said he could smuggle me off the planet. We had a fair shot because rebels were punching a hole in eternia\'s defenses allowing us a chance to get by undetected. Right now with vengence in my heart I set out to kill the entire eternia armada or at least die trying because I will get revenge if its the last thing I do.

    What will I do after joining the server: I will become the greatest shipmaker in all of the universe and Build a fleet to take on the eternia armada

    other: down with those eternia bastards
    Jul 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Character Name: Modar

    Age: 21

    Personality: obedient servant, who wants to discover the true self and become someone he would never expect to be

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): My life was rather peacefull and quiet, i was working in the cenomite mine as the operator of laser digger. I had wife and 2 children, we were living in small house on the one of moons of achosyx planet. Everything was going smoothly ... until the accident at the mine. I barely survived explosion when one of the cargo ships that was taking the ores lost control of the engines and crushed in to the cargo bay. Explosion destroyed gravity generators and all of workers were dropped out in to the space. My whole life was running before my eyes as my oxygen tank was slowly emptying. After many hours i finally lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen...
    That was the last time i remember myself a human. What happened after that will forever be a mystery, but for now i have a mission. After that i wake up in the prison cell aboard Hail. I dont know how i get there but my stay wasn\'t long. The strange half human half robot person called Fifler payed ransom for me. He\'s only wish was to help him with the creations that he made.

    Plans once your in the server: I live to serve my master Fifler

    Other:Eternia, (Fifler is my friend in real life, and we are going to play together)
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    Hi. Was playing ok when I got booted, logged back in and had respawned in starting area with all credits and inventory gone, no ship. Then got booted again after making a basic ship, logged in an no ship and me stranded 4 sectors from any where again with no inventory. Would not mind but had masses of resources and credits.
    Jul 12, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    So i just logged in and I got reset. Hoping its a glitch. Lost ALOT of stuff.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I JUST LOST 3 PROPPER SHIPS DO TO 7 RESTARTs and a lot of materials what the hell are u doing! do u wand players to quit?
    becals if this keeps up i am going to a diffrent server
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    I suggest a UK or UK time zone admin to allow someone to be able to attempt a fix while the main admins are asleep or away. :)
    Jun 27, 2013
    Reaction score
    ok i have been monitoring what errors i get just before a crash.

    The only errors are file corrupted with something called Repair station and a list of repair ships/ turrets.

    These appear and then shortly after i crash out or the server announces a restart.

    anyone else get the same errors ??

    trying to figure it out for the admins when they come on.
    Jun 20, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Age: 28

    Personality: friendly if provoked can become angry

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): i used to be a lone bounty hunter but i was finally cought on one of my jobs and then sent to Hail my past is a blurr as my memoury was wiped my name is spartan beware.

    Plans once your in the server: join Evolution make a ship raid pirates.

    Other: death to Eternia
    Jun 21, 2013
    Reaction score
    I had the same errors and some with the AI ships that are stuck. When i was flying i had a crash of game that leaved me without ship in space. I hope that will be fixed soon so i can finally play.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    theres a tone of rp app\'s here but when i get on, theres no rp going on, just alot ignoring my posts and loling and the likes. this is rather discouraging as i hope you can see
    Jul 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Purchased!
    IGN: HaViC (if I must I will change it but I play on multiple servers so I would like to keep it so as to not get confused, lets call this my nickname) real name: Malcom


    Personality:Loner, drifter, does anything for a paycheck (except murder)

    Bio: Malcom futily fought against Eternia\'s take over at first. When all hope was lost he took to the stars in his cheap yet efficient stealth ship. He named his ship Silent Vengeance and while it is nothing much to look at and does not have the most powerful weaponry, it can remain stealthed indefinetely.He then spent years as a thorn in Eternia\'s side always taking any oppurtunity to screw them over. For the most part he stole from Eternia and gave to those who needed it. To survive he took whatever jobs anyone needed done on the outskirts of civilization, except murder. Eventually Eternia tracked him to his small base of operations on a desert planet. As they took him away to Hail he watched them blow up his former residence and take his ship who knows where. Now that he is out he is desperate to either find or rebuild his ship. (At this point I would hope that you could give me some credits or materials to either make the entire ship or some of it, I already have a design) His plan now is the same as before, srew over Eternia whenever possible, do whatever he can to help those in need, and do whatever jobs he can find on the outskirts of civilization.

    Plans once on server: Steal from Eternia whenever possible after I have my planned ship, and only when there is an oppurtunity (I will not be assaulting Eternia head on). Helping those in need who are opposed to Eternia\'s rule. Doing whatever jobs become available (that don\'t involve killing). If I get fired upon I will either run away or, if I can\'t which is unlikely, I will fight back.

    Jul 15, 2013
    Reaction score
    I lost a large salvager, a repair ship, and a fighter to this glitch. I am NOT happy about that.