[RP] Eternia [DEAD, don't apply!]

    Jun 20, 2013
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    every day I find myself checking the date and forum wanting the server to be out of beta...
    Jun 27, 2013
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    lol u are not the only one
    the stupit thing is that the releas date is alredy known (13july) but i stil check in every day
    Jun 27, 2013
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    a question about contest nr 2: can u post some screenshots of the other ships of the militairy so we dont make a compleatly difrent dezine
    Jun 22, 2013
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    Man didn\'t know this server had this level of wait behind it, nice to know people are looking forward to this.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Just a quick and probably dumb question, but is there any restriction in buying your ship from the catalogue ?
    May 6, 2013
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    >> Just a quick and probably dumb question, but is there any restriction in buying your ship from the catalogue ?

    I suggest that the only use of catalog should be for \"official\" shipwrights, who could spawn certain premade ships for money. I am currently on a server with catalog restrictions, and I think it adds to immersion.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    Character Name (keep in mind, you screen name needs to be this): Galous

    Age: 28

    Personality: Calculating, logical, power hungry.

    Bio (YOUR CHARACTER) (one paragraph minimum!): Being in the military Galous had a promising career in the military, a good home a loving wife. that was until the destruction of Hail, any illusions of safety or loyalty he had with the government blew away when he had seen his wife turn to ashes before their personal call was cut out. Due to his disallusioned state he shot his XO in his sleep only to take command of the ship to try and race home to soon be imprisoned for killing a superior officer and impersonating a higher station of command.

    Plans once your in the server: Break free from prison only to try and forge a new \'empire\' with the hopes of carving out a place for those whom may follow his wish to be.

    Other: Eternia (hopefully this would be a interesting character to add if accepted. though i may hope for a pm to be told if it is done right or not. if not i will edit it or repost.)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    ESI has just begun work on the Eternia Military Destroyer, the completed ship will be posted. I would like to apply for admin as well, I decided to send you a private message on skype with my application Zamorak.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Yo\', I\'m Zoogoo. I\'ve been looking over this thread for a little while now and finally decided to post something. I\'ve been a roleplayer for a few years now and I\'m interested to see what it\'ll be like. :P Here goes nothing...

    ###-Transmission start-###

    [Character Name]

    Hank Walker


    28 Years of age.

    29 June ####


    Hank is a very manipulative man, attempting to get hte best he can out of any deal without armed conflict, but if resorted to, he may hold a grudge against you for a while to come. At times whne needed, he may be serious, but other then those few times, he\'s more pleasent in person then he is in com-links.

    [Records (Bio)]

    Hank was once the force behind a fleet of ships called \'The Swarm\', a collection of rebel ships that have either been stolen, won or built. With the goal of breaking out of Eternia\'s hold. He wanted freedom, but his rebealion was seen as a threat and distroyed, and himself imprisoned until the fall of Hail.


    To rebuild his Swarm; and build a station in a grey-zone for a secure place for rebel ships to plan and trade.

    [Other] Eternia
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I know the release date, but its subject to change. I also like staying updated on info about the server. The only worry I have is that the day beta is over im going to wake up really early and have to wait :P unless the server ip is sent out at 12:00 AM...

    Also lately I have not had anything to do, making it harder to wait for the server.
    Jun 22, 2013
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    I may have to pull out of the beta to give the chance to somebody who can use it to the fullest extent. I am moving, so for the next month or so it might be difficult for me to keep up with a schedule. I am truly honored by your decision, but I just can\'t keep up with it.
    Jul 8, 2013
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    Name – Damon Jaeger

    Age – 36

    Personality - Damon is what most people call the “Strong silent type” and has no time for the weak. It is strongly recommended not to get on the wrong side of this man as he will do anything to get ahead, even if this means killing.

    Bio – At the age of 13 Damon was sent to prison for the murder of his abusive father, where it forged the man he is today. Within 8 years of imprisonment he was moved to maximum security due to the killing of several inmates. At the age of 36 he escaped in the Hail incident.

    Plans once in server – Damon heard of a prison friend (Hank Walker) rebuilding a fleet of rebel ships known as “The Swarm” and decided to help him out.

    Other – Eternia
    Jun 20, 2013
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    To be entirely honest, I have no problem with spawning from catalog. It\'s balanced by credits (the current Destroyer costs about 5000000 credits) and it can be explained by simply buying a pre-made ship from the shop.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Well, you can check the banner if you need an example. I really don\'t care how it looks, just needs a nice looking E on it somewhere.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    I would enter my ship for contest #2, but that\'s for Ryza to use :P
    Jul 8, 2013
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    Character Name: lastapoc

    Age: 22

    Personality: Creative and a little bit competetive

    Bio: A jack of all trades - master of none. When i\'m not building a ship, starbase, or planetside factory I\'m exploring my surroundings. If i saw a helpless mining vessel attacked by pirates, I\'d definitely intervene, but the spoils of war would be rightfully mine. Working with others I consider a must to build true wonders and terrors of space.

    Plans once your in the server: My immediate plan is to build a small exploration vessel and then a small space-port on a nearby planet. Once i have a satisfactory base I may try and integrate into an established faction.

    Other: I am quite new to starmade, and entirely new to the multiplayer aspect. But I see the massive potential this game has. I chose an RP server, because I want to see frendly - and enemy ships with actual thought out interiors, instead of the gamey min-maxing I would expect to see on a non rp server. Also Eternia.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    Name - Prisoneer 666

    Age - 23

    Personality - logic and dotated with a cynical humor

    Bio - As a son of a noble Terran family he was forged by hard military training When he was 13 he was sended by the father in a mysterious training school for 4 since the place was attacked by an unknown army . During the assault he hassave the admiral Connor and he was immediatly promoted as capitain , howewer after a 5 years long explorative mission he was captured by the same army that have attacked his school . When an accident occurred in the maximum security jail he has managed to steal a ship and to blow up the entire place.

    Plans once in server - In the ship data he found adocument about \"The Swarm\" a group of rebel and he decide to travel to find and join their ranks
    Jun 24, 2013
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    Does anyone know what the specs are of the server?

    I\'m really curious on how the server will handle all the load.
