So, from hence forth beta will be 24/7. Feel free to orginize specific times for everyone to get on, as RP isn\'t fun without someone else to play with!
Also, a few more updates.
1. A contest. Actually two. The first is a banner making contest, this will replace the one at the top of the page. Credit will be given to the creator, as well as an in-game prize. The second is a ship building contest. This ship needs to be a Destroyer class ship, that means it must be massive in size and have enough fire power to take down an entire planet. It needs a minimum of 100,000 shield regen per second and enough room to fit a crew of five. It will be the head of the Eternia military, and you will be given an extraordinary prize in game.
All contests end the Friday before server opens.
2. Want to become official staff of the server? This is a huge opportunity, and anyone can try for the position. You must submit an application for it that you make -YOURSELF- This means that you, and you alone will decide what format this application should be, and how much information to provide. Three admins will be chosen Friday before the server officially opens, and only the best applications will be accepted. Please note, you MUST have skype. You do not need a mic, but I need my admins to have skype so that I can contact them easily at almost any time. There is no timezone restriction.
3. This isn\'t much, but I decided our community is big enough that I should give all of you a nickname. I really don\'t know what (I\'ve debated Eternians.) So feel free to suggest a name.
4. If anyone is willing to provide a website/forums for free, let me know. I will not accept some low quality piece of junk however. I also know a decent amount of HTML and CSS code, so I don\'t recomend attempting to trick me.
5. I just want to say, thank you to everyone who has applied and made Eternia what it is. I never could\'ve dreamed this server would go this far. We aren\'t just a server, by this point we are a community! And I\'m proud to share it with all of you.