Questions about warheads

    Jul 23, 2015
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    *sighs* if only we could make anything viable with existing warheads and their amazing ability to only half destroy a single block of adv-armor.
    Why not change them then into something else?

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    1/2 million? Really? I think thats a bit to strong. Make the area of effect 16 meters or something, but leave reason to have more than one block. 1/2 million is like a one-hit for anything under a large frigate.

    And, THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!! How do you make them? When I try the AI just sits there and does nothing.
    Oh cool, Thread Necromancy!!!

    Ok, The whole point of my torpedo experiments was to build an effective anti-capital system since every one I've met on the servers I've played on seem to have an obsession with "winning" the game by virtue of having the largest most powerful ship. Nothing sends the behemoths packing like the threat of a shield piercing weapon that is fast/accurate enough to it them and powerful enough to take a noticeable chunk out of them.

    Regarding the notion that they are "too powerful" It should be noted that with the newer explosion game mechanic, 500,000 damage really isn't as strong as you think. I have actual missile launchers that deal 750,000+/- damage but fail to one-shot-kill the stock Isanth-type pirate ships. They can't alpha-kill anything that isn't small (200-400 mass) and nearly stationary. Their purpose is to damage capitals and non-faction-home stations to disable critical systems and or punch a hole for boarding parties. Their slow speed, lack of guidance and limited supply makes them less of a threat than are worth worrying about.

    *sighs* if only we could make anything viable with existing warheads and their amazing ability to only half destroy a single block of adv-armor.
    As I mentioned before, the 500,000 damage is only achievable when you modify the block behavior config xml file so it only exists in modified single player games at the moment. Although, we could petition shine for this in a suggestion thread.

    Regarding construction (I feel like I should be on a watch-list or something): The torpedoes are made up of a core, a power reactor, a push effect computer, one or more push effect modules, a NOT logic signal, a DELAY logic signal a rail docker (best mounted on the rear facing backward to a forward facing basic rail) and one or more warheads on the front.

    First: Dock your torpedo to its launcher/pylon then connect the DELAY and NOT signals to each other. This creates a very basic clock.

    Second: Connect either of the logic signals to the push computer. This allows the logic to drive the push effect.

    Last: "arm" the torpedo by activating the DELAY signal. The DELAY and the NOT will blink back and forth; triggering the push effect and moving the torpedo forward.

    The "Mini-mines" consist of a core a rail docker and 5 warheads. These are pushed by a damage beam with 100% push effect. They are VERY accurate but have limited range if velocity dampening is turned on on your server.

    IMPORTANT: Don't let anything touch a warhead directly or it will go BOOM. Don't activate the logic with a torpedo undocked or it will fly off.

    You can mount these like missiles on the wing of a modern day Air Force fighter or put them in magazine fed launchers like mine. If you want to make a launcher, you are more than welcome to download my 25X launcher, copy my designs and/or ask more questions. They are specifically setup to prevent jams and misfires and their subsequent catastrophic failures; which are quite common if you don't know what you are doing.

    While it is theoretically possible to make a guided torpedo, I find the Bobby AI is too unreliable so all my weapons are currently unguided.

    If you do happen to download my launcher, be sure to read the instructions or forever hold your pieces...
    Nov 30, 2015
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    It's only two months! The other day I accadentally posted on the old force field thread! Anyway, I get your point with 500k damage, not that much with explosions.

    People say you shouldn't have torpedos touching any block, but could you make them completely inside the ship exept the warhead? And have a door lid covering that?

    What would happen if I torpedoed one of your 25X launcher? Would it explode spictacularly inside your ship?(do warheads trigger other warheads) That would be so cool.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    It's only two months! The other day I accadentally posted on the old force field thread! Anyway, I get your point with 500k damage, not that much with explosions.

    People say you shouldn't have torpedos touching any block, but could you make them completely inside the ship exept the warhead? And have a door lid covering that?

    What would happen if I torpedoed one of your 25X launcher? Would it explode spictacularly inside your ship?(do warheads trigger other warheads) That would be so cool.
    My launchers technically are ships so the answer to your first question is "Yes", you can have them inside your ship. However, DO NOT launch them if something is touching the torpedo other than its rail (docking point).

    Warheads DO trigger each other up to the blast radius of the first warhead detonated. They seem to not be effected beyond that range but that may have changed in recent updates
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Warheads DO trigger each other up to the blast radius of the first warhead detonated. They seem to not be effected beyond that range but that may have changed in recent updates
    Are you positive about the triggering?

    Just yesterday I stacked two above each other to see if I could blast through a plex door - which I couldn't - and the second warhead didn't go off when I triggered the first one with my laser pistol. Using vanilla settings on 0.19538, but I didn't notice any changes to warheads recently.

    Is it that they get triggered only the instant when they are already 'destroyed', and default warheads aren't enough to destroy ones next to them? I think more experiments are required.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Can confirm that default warheads have a hard time destroying ones next to them

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Are you positive about the triggering?

    Just yesterday I stacked two above each other to see if I could blast through a plex door - which I couldn't - and the second warhead didn't go off when I triggered the first one with my laser pistol. Using vanilla settings on 0.19538, but I didn't notice any changes to warheads recently.

    Is it that they get triggered only the instant when they are already 'destroyed', and default warheads aren't enough to destroy ones next to them? I think more experiments are required.
    Can confirm that default warheads have a hard time destroying ones next to them
    Your stock warhead damage is 2000 and its blast radius is 8m. A direct hit to a warhead with no shields or ANY physical impact with another block will set it off but I have never been able to inflict damage in a warhead chain reaction outside of primary block's blast radius; not even on my over-powered experiments. 2 stacked blocks should destroy each other but I'm not privy to Schine's exact coding methods. The initial blast seems to try to destroy as much as it can withing a specific radius but no further.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    Can confirm that default warheads have a hard time destroying ones next to them
    I don't know... just now I ran a few more tests, and this time almost every warhead managed to set off another one next to it.

    However the few tries I gave it yesterday, it never triggered a second warhead... it seems they only trigger when they are either shot by a weapon (regardless of damage, laser pistol does ten damage versus the warhead's 25HP), or if they are brought down to zero HP by another warhead going off nearby.
    Obviously the default damage output is not high enough to guarantee the destruction of another adjacent warhead.

    This time around, I had a very few instances where a neighbouring warhead was only reduced to 13 or so and consequently didn't blow up. I have no idea whether that is intended behaviour or a bug; in my opinion, they should trigger when damaged, not when destroyed...


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Putting warheads in a solid line created a chain reacton for me when the initial warhead was detonated by logic, but a large cube of warheads almost never chain reacts. My theory is that when there are many surrounding warheads the damage is too distributed but when there is only 1 adjacent warhead it is destroyed and set off.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    We're actually discussing the state of warheads in this thread if you'd like to check it out. "Criss" is a participant there so that may carry some weight with regard to what happens.


    You're already there so please disregard.