Questions about warheads

    Feb 8, 2015
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    If possible I can try to help with that. My mag integrates with the ship and an action action module switches it between loading and firing. Where it is launched is where its docked to reload the mag. However the downside is travel time to the barrel is increased. I have an idea for a quad launcher capable of eight 4-torpedo salvos but it would be large and logic-heavy. Still, 32 torps would ruin someone's day.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    As promised, here is my magazine. I hope you enjoy the 'subscription'... ;)
    Torpedo Magazine.jpg

    10 Round mag... The rounds use logic to advance by one rail slot every time the launcher is fired to prevent jamming.
    Delays are used to give the rounds time to launch before another round is loaded. The rail on the far right is the launch point; only one round will make it to the launch point at a time. In the event of a malfunction (operator error), the rounds can be cycled in reverse to avoid a MASSIVE catastrophic failure.

    Torpedo Magazine3.jpg Loading system: I have to link the wireless components manually to enable cycling, firing and anti-jam functions but the mags can be retracted/extended/ejected by ship rails and logic. I even have a blast shield that covers them when fully inserted.

    Torpedo Cruiser2.jpg
    Ready for launch: The logic system allows only one round per mag to enter the launch area. I have a remote for each launcher and one that fires both simultaneously. This ship now carries 20 chances to ruin someone's day from a distance and 8 double missile turrets to help keep them at a distance.

    Future plans will include a higher capacity system and other multiple launch designs. I will also be working to incorporate torpedoes on all my warships to allow them to assault larger, more heavily shielded targets.
    Feb 8, 2015
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    I like the design. My mags are larger, but can be modified to hold 15 rounds. I must say that the cost of your missiles looks pretty low. I will play around with designs to make a high-capacity mag tonight. One idea I have is putting rail next to your main one to refill the main path, doubling or trippling its capacity. What do you think?

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Actually, I have a new prototype that does exactly that. The rail will follow an "S" pattern; multiplying the number of rounds by the height of the array. I had a quick battle in this ship last night. Lessons learned.

    - You CAN dog fight with these against larger, slower craft. It takes practice but you can score several hits at 500m if you're patient and make friends with the "V" key.

    - The missile turrets depleted all my energy (including thrusters), leaving me a sitting duck. I may refit this design with vulcan auto cannons or smaller missile turrets and test it again.

    My next design will be considerably larger with a better power grid and will have either high capacity magazines or multiple launchers. 20 rounds was a good first start but I want to try and fit 100+ torpedoes on an 80 meter long ship.
    I'll armor up the launch bay and see how well it stands up to gun fire, while practicing my torpedo combat maneuvers.
    Feb 8, 2015
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    My work will continue on mag tech, while designing and building a ship to aim and fire multiple torps at a time accurately. A thought to aim is integrated mags with cameras mounted behind the launch point. I'm also designing a stealthed ship with missiles.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    My cruiser is pretty accurate. If you look at the blue section in the launch bay area, there is a camera right behind the blue lights. It is directly in the center of the launchers. I can hit within 3 meters of my point of aim at more than 1000 meters away while stationary. The longest shot I took was 2580 meters.
    Dec 20, 2014
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    Been monitoring this tread a while and it's reawakened some ideas I had...

    Just one question, does outside pulses (not beam) affect a outside entity with a constant affect like a build up, or is it instant? If it's the first, it's possible to build what I've always wanted to; a internal ship PAC (Pulse Accelerated Cannon.) Because, if pulse acted as buildup and a timed affect, the barrel of the PAC could have a series of pulses that speed a larger and more complex, for example, a two stage torpedo, with less of the torpedo pulse blocks and more explosives...
    Dec 3, 2013
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    as far as I know it just sends a "burst". Not constant. I am not sure if you can make it constant by slaving cannons to it though. So maybe?
    Feb 8, 2015
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    Update: 30 round mag succesfully tested and being build into a small-ish fighter. it will feature two launchers, locked to simutaniously fire. i am also adapting a few current designs to fire torpedoes instead of energy weapons. I have also integrated a reloading system to ease the reloading process. total block count is 64 for a single launcher, and 96 for a double set up. after this point, no extra logic has to be added unless you want to integrate a single fire mode for that individual launcher, needing 8 logic blocks to acommplish without safety features. safety features are currently being streamlined and block count is being reduced. i also use a similiar torpedo to Dr. Whammy and the mag is an 's' shape. however, a rail speed controller does wonders for the precise movement of torpedoes without premature detonation. i have also tested its accuracy firing at 2500 meters. results: 2x2 area impacted by 30 missiles. will post pictures probably tommorow on a new thread.
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    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Hi guys,

    I've been making a few new projects as well. My torpedo cruiser was great for bombardment/long range station assault but it will never stand up to actual combat. I'm going to mothball it for now and focus on my ASC Challenger, which is way more combat worthy with or without torpedoes. I have a new 16 round repeat fire launcher module that fits in my fighter bays. It has 4 auto loading pylons; each with 4 torpedoes. Each pylon is linked to a launch button and acts like a separate 4 round launcher. I've also rigged it to fire 4 torpedoes in a rapid burst mode followed by an automatic reload. It's kind of logic heavy but I managed to make it NOT blow up when I try to launch. My Challenger has 3 fighter bays so I could probably fit 48 torpedoes on board. If it works out, it could be hazardous to someone's hit points...

    I'll post pictures when I get back to my main computer.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    16x Multiple launch system.
    Combined mass: 92
    Dimensions: Length 11m, Width 11m, Height 6m
    - Arm/disarm deployment: opens logic controlled blast screen and loads 4 torpedoes. Retracts them and closes the blast screen for storage.
    - 4 auto-reloading pylons: 4 shots per vertical stack; repeat firing.
    - 4 round burst (one from each stack)
    - Reverse load (clears jams to prevent internal detonation)
    Torpedo 16x.jpg

    This unit was purpose built for my ship's cargo/fighter bays. When all 3 bays are equipped, I can carry 48 torpedoes internally.

    Torpedo 16x Challenger.jpg
    Dec 3, 2013
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    wow.... I am astounded at the designs my thread has inspired / gotten some of you to post ! I like the design you came up with Dr. Whammy. Not only does it work, but it looks good too. Has given me a few concepts for smaller more modular torpedo "canisters".
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    Feb 8, 2015
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    You read my mind Sgtwhisky. But miy parent torpedo will still have warheads. Think a MIRV Warhead, with 5-9 independently released torps.

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    Yeah. Mirvs are next on my 'to do list'. Should be a very fun and loud project... :D

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    I've just posted my 10 round magazine in the community content if anyone is interested in seeing it first hand. I'm still, testing the 16x model. If that goes well, you see that online soon.


    Happy Torpedoing...
    Nov 30, 2015
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    On my Sandbox game, I modified the block behavior configuration file and buffed the warhead damage level to 500,000 per block. I am now running experiments with cannons, mine launchers and torpedoes.

    A future experiment will be an AI guided weapon with MIRV warheads.
    1/2 million? Really? I think thats a bit to strong. Make the area of effect 16 meters or something, but leave reason to have more than one block. 1/2 million is like a one-hit for anything under a large frigate.

    And, THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!! How do you make them? When I try the AI just sits there and does nothing.


    Maiden of crashes
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    *sighs* if only we could make anything viable with existing warheads and their amazing ability to only half destroy a single block of adv-armor.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    1/2 million? Really? I think thats a bit to strong. Make the area of effect 16 meters or something, but leave reason to have more than one block. 1/2 million is like a one-hit for anything under a large frigate.

    And, THE FUTURE IS NOW!!!!!! How do you make them? When I try the AI just sits there and does nothing.
    I think you underestimate the difficulty in hitting a ship with a warhead reliably and not killing yourself in the process. :P