So... I'm disappointed. Very disappointed.
The promise was, that under the new power system, a ship of the same size will still be able to properly function.
My testing determined that was a lie. In no way can I create a reactor system in the same exact hull, that can power the same exact weapons, and have chambers to replicate the same level of defense/reconaissance/stealth that the old one can produce without breaking in sweat.
The distance required between the reactor and the stabilisers is ludicrous. It is impossible in anything but a needleship, to have proper power generation to feed all systems necessary for that mass range, or to feed the same amount of weapons/shields/thrust as an OldPower ship has. On servers that will use both systems upon release, Power 2.0 refits of the same vessel will be in tremendous disadvantage, since they will be severely outgunned, unless, as mentioned you built needle/dumbbell ships.
As for creative freedom and design choice, which were supposedly major reasons behind the power rework, there are now 3 options for an efficient design: horizontal needle, vertical needle, or conventional needle.
One more result is that people will not need scanners at all to know where to shoot to hit the reactor, as the only viable option to place the reactor is one end on the longest dimension of the vessel, while you have to place the stabilisers on the opposite end. Nothing else gives off even remotely enough power to work with, so anything else handicaps the ship severely.