This could be an outdated driver, or broken texture file.
Seeing windows 7 in 32bit mode it should be an outdated driver.
Please visit the manufacturer homepage of the video card and look for an updated driver.
If this does not fix it;
browse to your hard-disk (C
and create a new folder.
I suggest using the path:
however, any path not in a protected area from windows will work. ('Programs', 'Desktop', 'Download' and 'My Files' are places that can cause problems. Antivirus scanners block access or scan every file-access and slow down your game without a good reason.)
Now place a fresh downloaded launcher from the official download page
in that folder and start it.
Now select the correct path in the Launcher:
enter the correct path into the opening dialog:
Hit OK and
let it install the latest version by clicking on:
in the Launcher.
If it does not work then, it could be a different problem.
and send in all files you see in that folder.
We will check for the source of the problems then.
- Andy