Personal Defense - Armor, Weapons, Boarding, Robots, and Medicine

    Sep 2, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I especially like the teleport beacon idea! That would be great for traveling. Enemy spies could find out the IP for the trading vessel, so that you can hack it and send units there to destroy the ship or intercept the trade route. My robot idea could fit perfecly with using your armor and weapons, and defending beacons, and recharging the batteries with a recharge station that was in my Robots suggestion!
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Seems like too much of a hassle to trade if you have a teleporter, but it\'s the easiest way to get onto a space station or to transfer crew between friendly ships
    Jul 7, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen

    Entire planets covered in factories devoted to creating robots which they export in the hundreds to massive factions to man their security crew...
    Aug 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I whant to see automatic lazer rifles,lazer shotguns,lazers snipers,missle launchers and different types of granades also space swords and the like would be awsome.


    Jul 1, 2013
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    you guys don\'t get that it wont be added to game even if its good suggestion and even if everyplayers say its good idea, think about last updates
    Dec 30, 2012
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    mou, don\'t get yourself ashamed like that, schema already added the source hand weapon after this, to prove that the system can work. Then we get other type of weps, like how AMCs later got missiles, energy beams, repair beams, and now, pulsators, showing a different functionality than everything else.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    You, and your faction (Called \"Allies\") have heard the your arch enemy \"Axis\" has taken control over a sector with good amounts of metals and minerals that they could use to make powerfull weapons. You get drafted as a ground trooper and get extensiv training in how to sabotage mineing equipment and how to hack weapons computers, the plan is that an assult fleet attacks the defenders fleet in the sector while three transport/support ships go in to sabotage the mineing site.

    You\'re sitting in a transport ship, charlie 1, and with a couple of fighter escorts, Foxtrox 1-5, you aproach the ice planet foxtrox 4 and 5 fly of to fight 3 other figthers that are trying to intercept the transport ships. From the radio you hear the foxtrox 4 is hit. You look at the viewport on your side, over at bravo 1 and you see a big explosion as the transport ship, \"Bravo 1 is down!!\" someone yells on over radio, \"They got a giant gun on the planet!!\" the pilot shouted.

    When Charlie 1 and alpha 1 has made it half way from the remains of bravo 1 and is equally far away from the planet, you hear exacly what you dont want to hear \"Alpha 1 are you there?\". As the minuets pass with no respons you hear from you captain \"You want to turn around and flee as much as i want, but if we turn around now we will be roasted alive. We have to take that gun or many more will die! Sonner or later the fleets will start fighting here!\" as the last of the fighters are picked off you crash lands on the planet. when you wake up you hear figthing, you grab you rifle. You step out from the right door on the ship, the wrong side of the ship, you throw yourself into cover as several saldos hit it and the side of the ship. You and you comrades fight your way towards the giant gun emplacment your specialist rifle makes short work of the enemies defence bots and mechs, while your comrades in arms take down the ground troops. you and your comrades captuers the supricingly undefended gun, you look up to the night sky and see how the fleets now crash in this sector, you capture the gun and with a couple well aim hits you take down the enemies captiol ship shields just engouth for your fleet to take it out, while seeing it go up with a bang you hear noises behinde you, you turn around and it goes black.
    Sep 7, 2013
    Reaction score
    LULZ using the scource handgun I boarded some guys ship once I had parked a turret platform outside, walked around for a bit while the sheilds got taken down, then I started shooting the core for about 35 seconds and BOOM overheated core.

    boared yet anothee guys ship, sat outside his core till he got out and shot him to death. he was in a travel freighter so i made a derpship with about 150 amcs and killed the faction module, (which i found while running around his bridge, being a noob he put bothe his fac module and his core in an exposed bridge) entered his core, and claimed his ship as my own.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    I see so many threads about personal weapons and stuff, So rather then people posting new threads KEEP THIS ONE GOING FFS!
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    All this fancy stuff about boarding when all you really need to do is put disentergrators on the front of a core, engines on the back, accelerate toward the ship and press r a while before impAct. Now walk/float thru the hole you just made
    Sep 22, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    There currently is nothing to trade so therefore there are no trade ships. If this post is added the only trade you will find is a hull full of droids being shipped off
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    The only thing is how much work it will take to code this. The main thing i would like to see would be boarding parties/teleporters, and the Billy AI bots. They say they are planning on having crews eventuially in the game, so i see the assult shuttles comming eventuially, and the Billy AI. Can\'t wait to see these in game, hopefully it dosen\'t cause too many bugs.