Offline Ship Editor

    Jun 25, 2013
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    That\'s the error I fixed. Are you sure your files are up to date? Are you running with SMEdit?
    Jun 25, 2013
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    You can now import schematic files into SMEdit. The default map is pretty boring. Mostly everything goes to grey hull. The only exception is colored wool. But you can dump an XML file into jo_plugins for full control over the import map. I don\'t have time to document that tonight, but I will.

    Probably not a lot of use for ships, but I do think it will be very handy to be able to import Minecraft objects to decorate planets with. I\'m going to do a castle on a floating rock. :)
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Right in the middle of testing the hollow and smothing like you asked and bam! update.

    Reason I saw it was after each save, I loose all the mod menu items and have to relaunch. =]
    Aug 12, 2013
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    The hollow test was, not so good. It was much better in the past. It also could be the size and complexity of the model, as it removed allot of external parts as well as hollow stuff like the inside of the hangers. It also removed horizontal parts like the upper part on the nose inside the grove. I did not get a shot of any of it.

    Also, I dont know if anything changed, but the ship is not as bad on the system with all the bulkheads inside now, as i built all new models to test and saved each. just fyi there. And I am not running the new dev patch that fixes the big ship issues.

    I also think I can do the model with out bulk heads, so I will test and see if I can make it hollow from the 3d model side again.

    As for smoothing, her are shots of the smooth and the not smoothed... I like the not smoothed, but again it can be all the complex stuff.


    Jun 27, 2013
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    Really people? Can\'t you just give links to images rather than using the image feature which clearly, doesn\'t work at all? Like seriously?

    On another note. I\'m trying to edit a planet. I want to remove all minerals on a planet and replace them with rock, or another block that is natural to the planet. Is it possible to make a non-visual editor that will simply let you tell it to replace xx with yy? (AKA, Replace 72 (Extranium L1) with 73 (Rock))

    Not exactly sure how hard that is. I just want to be able to replace all minerals on a planet with rock so my planet will be barren and people will likely leave it alone, as well as replacing all those little plants with block air to remove them.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I\'ve noticed sometihng about the reflect tool that pretty much results in the ship\'s mirrored parts being \"damaged\" when you import it.

    I started by importing a binvoxed ship. Second, I converted it to hardened hull. Third, it looked assymetrical in some details so I chopped off one entire half of the ship on one side of the core. Fourth, I copied the remaining half minus the colum the core was in. Fifth, I moved to the empty space and ploked the copyed hull half down then mirrored it to point it in the right direction. Finally, I saved it as a blueprint and spawned it in-game.

    What happened was that on spawn, the mirrored half of the ship was very damaged. Every single block that I pasted and used the mirror tool on looked like it was 75% damaged. On large ships this means some time spent floating around it with astro-techno beams to fix it up. I suspect the same would happen if you used the symmetrical mirror option on a ship that was converted to hardened hull. I\'m not sure it would happen on normal hull. Non-hull objects that get copied over remain undamaged for some reason.

    What I think happened is that SMEdit didn\'t quite copy the \"hardened hull\" attribute over, so it lost some data like the health status of the blocks and was using the HP value of a normal hull block instead. The result of this \"oops\" is that the blueprint is saved saying the hull on one side of the ship has a low HP value so the game will read that literally and spawn the blueprint with damage textures to represent the loss of that data.

    I started passing a repair ship over the mess, but I stopped to take a screenshot to show most of what I mean. The damage covers almost the entire mirrored half of the ship and stops at the exact line/colum where it joins the non-mirrored half.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Works fine in all threads for me. I always see them unless the link is removed.

    Sorry to hear you have issues.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    A new feature as of yesterday was paint -> Mod -> Replace Blocks. You can select Extranium L1 and then Rock and it will replace all instances of the former with the latter. If you aren\'t sure what is there, Edit -> Report will give you a manifest of everyting in the current model. It\'s a bit tedious, since you have to do them one at a time, but it will do the job.

    I\'ve thought about a sort of \"map replace\", to fit the need someone raised about moving a ship from one server to another with different block IDs. If I do that, you could also use that to map multiple blocks all in one go.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    There\'s a \"hitpoint\" variable internally. When it\'s set to 0, the block is damaged. So it looks like that isn\'t being initialized correctly during paste. I\'ll look into that today.

    In the meantime, did you see the new Modify->Reflective symmetry menu? You can do what you\'re trying to do in one step. I can\'t promise it doesn\'t have the same bug. But since it is a different area of the code, it may not.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Looks like smooth is doing what it is supposed to do. It\'s just not aestetically pleasing to you. :) Thank for trying it.

    Hmm. I think what is happening with Hollow is the algorithm. Basicaly a block is considered \"outsite\" if it can \"see sky\". I.e. there is a straight line along one axis that goes off the edge. That is 100% accurate for \"convex hulls\", a mathematical term for shapes that do not have any overlaps. The Galactica doesn\'t fit that simple mathematical description. So there are probably sheltered areas that can\'t \"see sky\" that it considers interior and clips.

    My first approach was a sort of \"flood fil\". I picked a block bordering the edge and declared it \"outside\". It then picked all neighboring blocks and added them to \"outside\". Then all neighbors of neighbors, etc. This will work for non-convex hulls, but it took freaking forever. So I canned it in preference for the above.

    What I can look into is a hybrid approach. First do what I have now, then use the \"flood fill\" approach with that as a starting point. Maybe that will give it accuracy without taking a geological age.

    And, I\'m glad to hear you are seeing some speed improvements. I have another change I\'d like to make in the same area that should lower the memory footprint, and give a minor speed boost. First I have to come up with a forumla to convert 3D space to 1D. :)
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Vas brought up a point that I want to go back to. He asked

    Is it possible to make a non-visual editor that will simply let you...

    Part of SMEdit\'s design is for anything that is a plugin to be callable programmatically. Ultimately as plugins to StarMade itself, but the same holds true for making them scriptable. The idea is that you could write \"macros\" that can call a sequence of plugins to do a specific job. For example, before I added the Symmetric Reflection feature you might have instead written a macro like this:

    1. Select All
    2. Copy Selection
    3. Move selection -x*WIDTH units
    4. Paste into Selection
    5. Refelct Select in X Axis

    Those are all, individually, plugin functions. The macro just groups them all together. You could then use a macro to add to a menu (just like a plugin), or to be called from the command line (for non-visual editing).

    Because I\'ve put in the foundation to make things callable, it isn\'t that hard to do. The question in my mind is if macros should be based on XML or Javascript. XML is, to some degree, easier to write, but less flexible. (Not sure how to do the -x*WIDTH part in XML.) Javascript is a bit more like programming, so it would raise the bar for contributing, but is very flexible and you could do almost anything with it.

    What do you think?
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Yes I can confirm that, as in the hanger pylon where the \'see sky\' thought at the opening on each end, the hanger deck was there, in the shape of a triangle that matched the opening. =]
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Annoying, I had to update the SMEdit.jar file. This is a manual update. Please download a new one from here or here.

    There was a bug that was causing problems for virst time users. It failed to download JoFileMods.jar because it wasn\'t smart enough to create the jo_plugins directory. It\'s smart enough now.

    One enhancement: it now puts up a little box telling you what it is downloading so you can tell it hasn\'t crashed.

    My apologies. I\'m trying to change this loader as little as possible.
    Jul 13, 2013
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    MIght I suggest a change in the manner of how the smoothing is done.

    As it sits now it looks like a corner block is placed in all corners no matter what. Now when these corners are placed like so, but beside a wedge, you get visual problems.

    My thought is maybe it should

    a. always place corner blocks in all corners


    b. when bordering a wedge or more than 2 blocks on the x, and y axis (sides not top and bottom)

    I for one would actually like to see wedges run into the corners, instead of, wedge block to corner block then corner.

    yes i know this can be improved upon however i feel its a good direction


    Jun 27, 2013
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    Does that look like it\'s working? Images are not compressed to the post size at all, it makes the entire thread ugly and horrible when the page is stretched 10,000 pixels to the right.


    Jun 27, 2013
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    Well I still can\'t do it on planets, the program won\'t open a planet and I have a pretty powerful PC.

    Which reminds me, is there an update notifying thing on the jar? To let us know there\'s an updated version available?
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I can open planets. When you say \"won\'t open a planet\" what do you mean? If you are going to report a bug, please be specific.

    If you use SMEdit.jar to launch, yes it will update itself.
    Jul 10, 2013
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    I just got this error while importing .schematic
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Sounds like you ran out of memeory. What did the memory meter say? Did you run it from the command line and look for errors?