Offline Ship Editor

    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Considerably improved UI for plugin data entry. I tidied up the generated UI so it looks a lot cleaner. I worked out how to use Java annotations and created one so the data entry code can self document. (Think Javadoc, but for GUI.) Then I went and used that on all the inputs. So now they are easier to read, and hopefully easier to understand. If you can think of better text or descriptions of inputs, let me know and I will update. (Or change the code yourself!)
    • I tweaked the primary data object I use to hold models. One of the time intensive operations was calculating the bounding box for objects. I\'ve changed this to be considerably faster. This will improve performance in random places. The downside is that it gets it wrong if you have a big object and, say, delete large bits of it. So it may degrade performance in a rare circumstance like that.
    • Did the improved interior/exterior detection logic. Applied this to:
    • Hollow. This will now correctly hollow non-solid objects. So you can clean up the interior of the Galactica now with this.
    • Smooth. Change this to only smooth exterior spaces. Interior spaces are not smoothed. I may parameterize that later. But this seems to be the default people want.

    Give it a whirl. Let me know the bugs.

    And a reminder: If you click the About button there are now release notes in there so you can see what\'s been tinkered with recently.
    Jul 2, 2013
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    Can we have a option to only use wedge blocks when smoothing? For me, the corners get placed in entirely the wrong places and make my ship look bad, so i would rather place them myself.

    On a different note, I absolutely love this tool.
    Jul 13, 2013
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    I am having quite a bit of delay when turning the image, also when painting.

    Is this due to the programs computing speed, or my hardware?

    If its a matter of memory how would I allocate more memory?
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Very Interesting, the obj export is still outputting only a section (I select all) but now it is the rear of the ship (the last two layers of isanith for instance).
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Are you trying to export, say, the Isanth? Or are you trying to export a massively huge ship? If the latter, remember, I said there was a bug where the number of fascets exceeds the length a short can represent. That would be consistent with what you are seeing. I\'ll be getting to that. In the meantime, please try it on a normal sized model. That will tell me if the export routine works in general.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    As mentioned in a previous post, that feature is in the queue. Probably today.

    In the meantime, instead of just complaining about where the corners go, why not suggest a different strategy for corner placement? Can you say, precisely, the choices it should make when placing corners?
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Are you trying to turn, say, the Isanth? Or a massively huge ship? If the latter, the lag is due to the massively huge ship. No matter how much better I make the program, you will always be able to make a ship large enough to cause it to lag. Scroll back up and you will see the three tracks I\'m pursuing to increase responsivenes for large ships. But that can\'t be carried out indefinately. My mental target is to make the program responsive enough so that planets can be edited without too much pain. (If you want to build a ship larger than a planet, you\'re out of luck!)

    As for memory, please see the Troubleshooting section on the wiki. That will give some pointers on memory management.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    I installed the auto update before I ran it. I can do it again later and get the screens to you.

    Thanks agian!
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Exact performance is going to depend on your hardware and your patience. 1/2 a kilometer long is a pretty big ship though. Not that others haven\'t worked with bigger ships (the Galactica is 1km long I think).

    Last night\'s update will improve things. The change is at a pretty low level though, so it\'s a little hard to predict exactly what features will improve. Going forward I\'m dividing my time between feature enhancement and performance. My target goal is to be able to edit planets without unreasonable lag. Planets are about 500m acrross, so that\'s good news for you.
    Jul 13, 2013
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    Out of curiosity, is their a conversion rate when importing a .binvox

    For example a box of x unit(s) in .obj form - then converted to binvox with a -d x limit will result in x amount of blocks

    does this question make sense?
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Binvox works in terms of linear dimensions. The amount of blocks is a volume.

    Example 1: Say you have a model of a thin stick in OBJ. If you convert to binvox with -d 256 you will end up with a model that is 1x1x256, which is about 256 blocks.

    Example 2: Say you have a model of cube in OBJ. If you convert to binvox with -d 256, you will end up with a model that is 256x256x256 which is 16,777,216 blocks.

    So the number of blocks is not directly related to the -d value. It depends on a combination of that and the shape of the original model.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    1. Fully parameterized smooth. Can choose all options. Also will limit itself to selection if present.
    2. I think I\'ve fixed the export OBJ problem for missing parts (still fails when verts > 32768)
    3. Added a replace blocks mod to let you selectively replace individual block types
    4. Fun one: Symmetric reflection. Force symmetry on a ship. Just create 1/2, 1/4 or 1/8 of a ship, then use this to copy and reflect it to fill in the rest.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    OBJ export is still definitely not working for me, i\'ve re-installed your editor to make sure everything is up to date. It\'s only with a small ship, and I\'ve tried opening it in two mesh editors and re-importing it back into SMEdit which only give me the back half of the ship.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    It\'s hard to problem solve when you give so little information.

    Do Mods -> Hull and make a 1x1x1 block. Try to export that. Paste in the resulting OBJ file here.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Sadly I can never get this program to make a Jomods folder or install the Jomods jar it needs properly. So really I can\'t do anything with this program- TRied removing all Starmade and the userfile folder location thingy, and redoing it, tried other folder instaltations, and still no Jomod folder. ughn.
    Jul 3, 2013
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    Sorry, i didn\'t want to spam you with walls of text :P
    If i export a single thruster cube, and import the obj into my editor I get two flat pieces i block apart. I.e. it gives me two ends of the cube but none of the other sides.

    v 24.0 23.0 18.0
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    f 1 4 3 2
    f 5 8 7 6
    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    It apperars that 4 face parameters are missing if I add:

    f 9 10 11 12
    f 13 14 15 16
    f 17 18 19 20
    f 21 22 23 24

    manually I got the expected cube.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    just make a jo_plugins folder in the star-made root directory and on the first post of this thread, download the mod and put it in the folder ,.