Offline Ship Editor

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Ok, im sorry, i overracted, and was just opretty mad it happened again, im sorry for posting somethingl ike that in the first place, it isnt like me. first off, no, by there is no troubleshooting for this, i mean ive searched across the internet for anything like this, or something close enough to find a way to fix it, nothing came up, apparently, as you\'ve said, due to the fact this has only happened to me apparently. meaning logically i am doing something wrong, but there arent any tutorials telling how as ar as i can find, so i just did my best guessing what the tools did, At first i \"Selected All\" and hit \"Rotate 90* \" because the description of \"Rotate\" says \"Roatates Around core\" i assumed it was the function for roateing the ship Around the core, though i soon realized it meant the core as the point it rotates on, so then i just selescted the core itself, and got it to rotate it, but when it did, ti moved a few blocks up and over, so i used move to move it back, i then saved it as a blueprint, and went in game, bought it, got in the core, the entire ship flashed, showing it was connected, and i was happy, and started building, after about 5 hours of building i needed to fly it a little farther away from a station, i put on some quick engines and power, but it just wouldnt move, wouldnt even let me use the mouse o turn the ship or look around, and hitting C made the cursor move across the screen, but the ship did not move a block. this is when i wanted to rage quit, as it has happened to me before (where ive lost a massive ship because of some stupid thing i couldnt rly control) i was fed up of this happenening, went searching for about 2 hours for a solution, and couldnt find one, so, out of anger and stupidity i posted on here, so please forgive me, i do not believe this game is stupid, i mean after each time of loosing a massive build i come back to the game, so that says something about how addictive it is, i was just mad, and just really need some help, i know i was probobly my fault, but i just want to know what i did wrong, and if there is any way to save my work from being another waste of a few days. :) once again, i am sorry about my previouse post. ^^;;
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I truly hope that one is put to rest.

    Did some more work tonight. Improved Shift-drag selection a bit.

    Added a \"shape library\" feature. You can now Copy To and Paste From a \"shape library\". These are like \"slots\" in your clipboard. So you can select a feature, copy it into a library, and then later paste it into new locations on the same or another model.

    The shape library is stored in the jo_plugins directory in a shapeLibrary directory. They are just a bunch of XML files in the clipboard format. You can edit these manually if you like. If people like this feature, maybe we should institute a \"shape exchange\" common library. Let me know if you think this is worthwhile. It could be done manually on the forum, or I could probably write a common database people could import and export with directly from the program.
    Sep 12, 2013
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    i\'m starting to wonder if my schematic file or my install is weird and that is why im unable to open this BSG schematic...

    tried it today with no luck, same quick open loading screen that disappears and the isanth is still there...

    and its not my startup syntax right?

    also how long does it usually take to load a schematic this big?

    X:\\Program Files (x86)\\Starmade>java -jar -Xmx2g SMEdit.jar
    Local: Wed Oct 02 23:08:59 CDT 2013
    Remote: Wed Oct 02 23:08:00 CDT 2013
    Delta: 59839
    Reading Isanth-VI
    Reading from Isanth-VI.0.0.0.smd2 - (0, 0, 0)
    Super Chunk Index: (0, 0, 0)
    Super Chunk Origin: (0, 0, 0)
    Super Chunk Lower: (-128, -128, -128)
    Super Chunk Upper: (127, 127, 127)
    Range: (0, 0, 0) -> (16, 0, 16) Root tag was not a Compound tag; tag
    ID was 80

    X:\\Program Files (x86)\\Starmade>
    Aug 12, 2013
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    How big is the schematic file? (inMB)

    I have very different results at my work station at this office I am contracted verisus the rig at home.

    Here I cannot do mutch with binvox, the ATI card and something else cause issues. It is a crapy ATI card. But that is if I am making files with binvox.

    I need a linux box with a bunch of ram to make ships with. but I digress...
    Aug 12, 2013
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    This is good, and the shape change is a good idea, as with the MineCraft BSG, there are all these upside down stairs and crap that are really bugging me, and when I try to edit the XML with like Stone mcdata=1 or what ever, it does not seem to like it some times.

    I will be getting you that list soon so I can try and finish the basic conversion of this ship.

    I hop you looked at the screen shot, that thing is a masive job, or will be to finish out.

    On another note, I started to let it do the decks on that and it was going to take for ever.. LOL.

    The OBJ import on large items is still flaky, the object does not import well. It reminds me of a Brundle fly... LOL hope you get that.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    That is it, there is an error with the schematic, it should be 400+MB.

    I have a few that I did that are 12.4 and 13.2MB, they are all bad...

    So you need the 400MB one and the fun begins with block mapping.

    I can pm you a link to my schematic if you like.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    It\'s a file format error. A schematic file is supposed to be composed of tags. These are kind of like nested data structures. The first tag is expected to be a \"compound\" tag; i.e. a tag that contains other tags. (Otherwise it would be a primitive, single object, which wouldn\'t amount of much.) The error message is saying that it isn\'t a compound tag, but a tag with an ID of 80.

    This is not a ID I can find defined anywhere. I don\'t know if it\'s something that some version of MCEdit add as an extension. I\'m not sure how to fix it. But that\'s what I get when I load the schematic file from the site I got it from. I suspect you got it from the same site. In the end, I used the one Khaluabane sent me instead. That one did not get the error. So if he\'s offering to send it to you, take his.

    If anyone find anything out about tag #80 please point me at it. I\'d like it if we can just use these files straight.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    Is there anything I can do locally besides editing the xml file to get these other \"missing\' items to work in the mapping process, or do I just need to get you a list of the blocks and stuff that are not there?

    Edit* i see the class and java files, I guess the list is the option right. =]
    Jun 25, 2013
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    I\'m not sure how something can be missed. The only values at the data level are the block and data values. You can match any of those with mcdata and mcblock. I guess I could add a smorientation, which would let you map a minecraft block to a star made block with a specific orientation.

    If the textual name is missing for a minecraft block, you can just use it\'s number instead. For example

    is equivalent to

    One potential problem is that I think Minecraft does alignment at run-time, not at data time. So, for example, what direction stairs face is calculated when the stairs are drawn. StarMade specifically stores orientation in the data.

    But I\'m not 100% positive about that.
    Aug 12, 2013
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    I will do the block and sub id number method and see where I get. I am only missing a few blocks that are not defaulting to grey hull and I need to map them to other things, like that odd wood plank issue, as he used them for the floors in the ship, and some odd mushroom block for some stuff in walls.

    Fences are killing me... both normal and nether, he used them allot. And the Carved Sandstone... The stairs being used in every direction has been a challenge, they do not populated with the default either, and I have been trying to map them as well. he uses them for high and low borders on objects, as point defense barrels, and many others.

    I will get back on this after I have another block of time to sit down and go back into minecraft and SM to compaire and map. =]
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Tried a trick, it worked. OBJ import is MUCH better than it was before. No 3D intersection mathematics. Instead I just draw all the triangles as presented int he OBJ file. It means your interiors are going to be a bit weird. A hollow might help afterwards. But it\'s much faster, and much more accurate.

    Even better, with a little more work, I think I can get it to import with textures.
    Jun 25, 2013
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    You can now import VRML objects. I\'ve only tested on some of the Icosahedra from Wikipedia. Someone wanted to make fancy space stations in another thread.

    The cool thing is that they import WITH COLOR! No image mapping yet. But colors defined through the Materia.diffuseColor tag work.

    There\'s a couple of holes, but I\'ll be working to plug them.
    Sep 12, 2013
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    yes please i would like a link to it, also how would i track down the cause of bad schematic generation? it seems i run into this problem a lot with models of this size...
    Oct 1, 2013
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    Not sure if this has altready been posted but a way to Change what is the front of the ship
    Jun 25, 2013
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    In that case, I did a silent patch a few minutes ago over my coffee. That should fix the holes I was seeing. The colors are fun, but StarMade\'s palette is rather limited. Right now it only maps to the nearest hull block. I\'ll push that out to an XML file at some point so people can do more artistic builds using non-hull blocks. That will also work for the image painting feature.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    I can only open SMEdit via prompt (fair enough) and it downloaded the stuff and then nothing. I try again and I get:

    Local: Fri Oct 04 13:13:36 BST 2013

    Remote: Fri Oct 04 13:13:36 BST 2013

    Delta: 437

    and that\'s it. I need help :(

    Thx in advance