Ok, im sorry, i overracted, and was just opretty mad it happened again, im sorry for posting somethingl ike that in the first place, it isnt like me. first off, no, by there is no troubleshooting for this, i mean ive searched across the internet for anything like this, or something close enough to find a way to fix it, nothing came up, apparently, as you\'ve said, due to the fact this has only happened to me apparently. meaning logically i am doing something wrong, but there arent any tutorials telling how as ar as i can find, so i just did my best guessing what the tools did, At first i \"Selected All\" and hit \"Rotate 90* \" because the description of \"Rotate\" says \"Roatates Around core\" i assumed it was the function for roateing the ship Around the core, though i soon realized it meant the core as the point it rotates on, so then i just selescted the core itself, and got it to rotate it, but when it did, ti moved a few blocks up and over, so i used move to move it back, i then saved it as a blueprint, and went in game, bought it, got in the core, the entire ship flashed, showing it was connected, and i was happy, and started building, after about 5 hours of building i needed to fly it a little farther away from a station, i put on some quick engines and power, but it just wouldnt move, wouldnt even let me use the mouse o turn the ship or look around, and hitting C made the cursor move across the screen, but the ship did not move a block. this is when i wanted to rage quit, as it has happened to me before (where ive lost a massive ship because of some stupid thing i couldnt rly control) i was fed up of this happenening, went searching for about 2 hours for a solution, and couldnt find one, so, out of anger and stupidity i posted on here, so please forgive me, i do not believe this game is stupid, i mean after each time of loosing a massive build i come back to the game, so that says something about how addictive it is, i was just mad, and just really need some help, i know i was probobly my fault, but i just want to know what i did wrong, and if there is any way to save my work from being another waste of a few days.
once again, i am sorry about my previouse post. ^^;;