Now I know many have suggested some sort of nuclear power generically as a source but I do believe I have a new suggestion on how to implement it (please correct me if it's not).
My Idea is to make it like a shipyard.
The Blocks are representational of course, but it would take this shape connected to a computer. the hazard blocks would be reactor casing blocks, in squares with sides with odd length. in the center is the rod block.
The individual rings can be added (like with shipyards) with the rod blocks connecting between them. the resulting power would factor the total length of the reactor and the width of each cube.
Some ways to ensure nuclear power would not be too OP:
1. The blocks explode like warheads upon destruction.
2. Some sort of fuel is consumed in the computer (could have multiple types corresponding to the different asteroids)
3. The reactor could give off dangerous heat, much like when too close to a sun. The solution would be to have a ship effect (I think I've heard talk of something similar in the future to allow ships to fly closer to suns) or make the computer also consume ice.
4. The computer requires two or three NPCs at the computer (when NPC's are updated).
5. It slowly Injures all astronaughts/NPCs on board necessitating substantial medical quarters.
6. The reactor, in addition to consuming fuel, could create waste that increases the ^ above contamination.
Again, let me know if someone has already suggested this, but I believe it would a new and interesting way to include nuclear power.
My Idea is to make it like a shipyard.

The Blocks are representational of course, but it would take this shape connected to a computer. the hazard blocks would be reactor casing blocks, in squares with sides with odd length. in the center is the rod block.

The individual rings can be added (like with shipyards) with the rod blocks connecting between them. the resulting power would factor the total length of the reactor and the width of each cube.
Some ways to ensure nuclear power would not be too OP:
1. The blocks explode like warheads upon destruction.
2. Some sort of fuel is consumed in the computer (could have multiple types corresponding to the different asteroids)
3. The reactor could give off dangerous heat, much like when too close to a sun. The solution would be to have a ship effect (I think I've heard talk of something similar in the future to allow ships to fly closer to suns) or make the computer also consume ice.
4. The computer requires two or three NPCs at the computer (when NPC's are updated).
5. It slowly Injures all astronaughts/NPCs on board necessitating substantial medical quarters.
6. The reactor, in addition to consuming fuel, could create waste that increases the ^ above contamination.
Again, let me know if someone has already suggested this, but I believe it would a new and interesting way to include nuclear power.