lua -e 'print("Hello World!")'

    Jan 1, 2013
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    Id call that a feature ;) I find that shop noise annoying personally. Im not sure if this is a bug, or if it was just turned off.
    Aug 10, 2013
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    and even that has left the game half-broken. How come no fix was released for turret turning and shop spawning? Or the AI accuracy? (the seting in the cfg file doesn\'t do anything.)

    How come there were fixes for alleged bugs I or my friends never encountered?

    How come that every announcement only extends the list of promises? Why do so many things all at once, instead of working out and releasing them little by little?

    Two answers come to mind. While the first is just a sneaky move, I can only hope I\'m wrong in the second.

    A; The game is about to be finished, and Schema feels he needs to leave the game broken and empty, so the public will actually want to buy the final version.

    B; Schema can\'t, or won\'t finish the game, and by spreading fine promises he wants to coerce as many players into a pre-purchase as possible, before disappearing forever.

    I\'m not saying this IS what\'s happening, but it sure LOOKS like that. At least to those who have seen what people can do for money, and aren\'t swallowed up in the pink fog of glee, like so many posters.


    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    Why would someone spend their time making an engine from scratch, fleshing out a universe, accrue more team members, have a new website made, publicly announce more features and then cut and run from a $3 nominal donation game?
    Jun 20, 2013
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    oh ok :( for me at least, sound enhances the reality of the game. when I hear a specific sound, especially in awesome games I think of all the fun I had when I hear it again.


    Resident Wall Flower
    Jul 13, 2013
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    I care way more about bug fixes and lag fixes than I do about removable helmets, come on dude, some people can barely play the game.

    Besides, what happens when you get bored of the new content and \"not have much to do\" again? Go build something and be happy.


    Resident Wall Flower
    Jul 13, 2013
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    Good point, I\'ve been wanting to mention this for a while. Why is schema working on so many things all at once ? Why do the dev team keep adding new unfinished stuff to the list ? Isn\'t it smarter to just work on one thing, fix the bugs, release it for us, and then start working on the next new feature ? By the time the next real update comes out there will be enough features to make a whole new game !

    Lets see, the first feature anounced to us since the last update was the new structure panel. That should be the next feature we get.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    Sound will be addressed, but its not the top priority for schema at the moment . I\'m really not sure why the shop sound stopped, sorry. I also look forward to some killer sound effects and music, and it will come in time. Thanks ace, for not getting mad at my little joke above (about it being a feature)


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    The community is dying from the endless bug fix updates a while ago, so schema is adding a whole load of new things to try and bring some people back, and make sure starmade doesn\'t die. The reason it is taking so long is so that it doesnt end the same way as the structure panel, pushing a new release with its main feature half done and broken just to fix a single critical bug. Schema isnt abandoning this game anytime soon, dont worry
    Jan 8, 2014
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    But I do have some questions, if Lua is implemented what could we expect in regards to game changes. What I mean is I\'ve been trying to research Lua but um finding it hard to work out how it would work in game ....if that makes any sense. Sorry if im asking a stupid question but I really am trying to make heads and tails of this new addition to the game.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    lol and thanks for not getting mad about the 90 degree joke in your livestream :D
    Aug 1, 2013
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    There is a bug with the penta blocks, when they are placed facing front/left their model is messed up.
    Aug 3, 2013
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    I think I know why its taking so long and it has nothing to do with any dirty underhandedness that you naysayers are acusing.

    you guys need to understand what is happening here, schema is trying to add in NPC mobs to the game. so Player clonable and interactable NPC\'s. its not a simple task, and if you say otherwise you are not a programer and need to shut it. this means he needs them to spawn in and do so according to demands on the system as a whole.

    right now pirates spawn according to set peramiters where the playe should be challenged by thier hostile AI. they do so a little too efficiantly right as of now, and thier AI is not rigged properly for the new mobs interaction. this is bad because they will most lilkely be seen spawning unnecissarilly close to initial spawn, and start killing the shop NPC\'s and most likely us, with absolutly no consequences waht so ever. (test the dev build you will definaltely see this for yourself. I reset the universe a dozen times, but every single fucking time, pirates spawn dead next to me and did this.)

    this means he needsa to get that fixed before it goes out that is a massive undertaking and takes time damit!
    Aug 24, 2013
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    I have noticed that you cant use the multiblock-placing in the adv buildmode with this dev version. When I use it, it just place one block. If you set the x, y or z to lets say 5, it will just place one block. This is pretty annoying. Does anyone else have this problem?