Join the Dark Side
We are announcing the 1 week countdown till the next world reset. We have scheduled it to occur sometime on Monday, October the 9th.
We will be allowing partial conversion of resources from the old world to the new. The way you will do this is with a ONE-TIME quest called "SaveMyShip." In order to do the quest, you MUST use a pre-approved cargo ship that will be provided to you, free of charge! To receive your cargo ship, type "!GiveResetContainer" in-game. This will deliver a ship directly to you. Do NOT modify this ship in ANY way. If you modify the ship, you will NOT be able to perform the SaveMyShip quest, as it checks to ensure no modifications were done. You are limited to ONE cargo ship per ACCOUNT. Multiple usernames will NOT receive multiple cargo ships. Instructions will also appear on display modules in the cargo ship.
There are two storages on the cargo ship. One is for capsules, alloyed metal mesh, and crystal composite ONLY. The other is for everything else EXCEPT for raw resources, Blueprints, and Block Storage Items. This is to allow you to have a certain amount of resources you bring into the new world. I feel we were pretty generous with this.
Once you have filled your cargo ship, enter it and then type, in-game: !quest start SaveMyShip
This will automagically save your ship so that it can be retrieved in the new world after the reset. It is recommended that you DEFACTION your cargo ship and remove ship permissions prior to doing the quest, so there are no problems in the new world with mis-aligned faction permissions.
AFTER the reset happens, you will be able to perform a "!quest start RestoreMyShip" quest, which will transfer the cargo ship to the new world. It will also transfer up to 250m credits from your old bank account from the old world (Use "!deposit all" to store your credits into your bank account before the reset!). Note that faction bank accounts will NOT be transferring, so please decide who will get these credits.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them NOW, because after the reset it will be too late! We will be deleting the old world.
Well, that should be all for now. If I think of anything else to add here, I will add edits later.
And as always, thank you for playing on LvD! :D
We are announcing the 1 week countdown till the next world reset. We have scheduled it to occur sometime on Monday, October the 9th.
We will be allowing partial conversion of resources from the old world to the new. The way you will do this is with a ONE-TIME quest called "SaveMyShip." In order to do the quest, you MUST use a pre-approved cargo ship that will be provided to you, free of charge! To receive your cargo ship, type "!GiveResetContainer" in-game. This will deliver a ship directly to you. Do NOT modify this ship in ANY way. If you modify the ship, you will NOT be able to perform the SaveMyShip quest, as it checks to ensure no modifications were done. You are limited to ONE cargo ship per ACCOUNT. Multiple usernames will NOT receive multiple cargo ships. Instructions will also appear on display modules in the cargo ship.

There are two storages on the cargo ship. One is for capsules, alloyed metal mesh, and crystal composite ONLY. The other is for everything else EXCEPT for raw resources, Blueprints, and Block Storage Items. This is to allow you to have a certain amount of resources you bring into the new world. I feel we were pretty generous with this.

Once you have filled your cargo ship, enter it and then type, in-game: !quest start SaveMyShip
This will automagically save your ship so that it can be retrieved in the new world after the reset. It is recommended that you DEFACTION your cargo ship and remove ship permissions prior to doing the quest, so there are no problems in the new world with mis-aligned faction permissions.
AFTER the reset happens, you will be able to perform a "!quest start RestoreMyShip" quest, which will transfer the cargo ship to the new world. It will also transfer up to 250m credits from your old bank account from the old world (Use "!deposit all" to store your credits into your bank account before the reset!). Note that faction bank accounts will NOT be transferring, so please decide who will get these credits.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them NOW, because after the reset it will be too late! We will be deleting the old world.
Well, that should be all for now. If I think of anything else to add here, I will add edits later.
And as always, thank you for playing on LvD! :D
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