Klawxx - Shipyard | W.I.P. News & Screenshots


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    The Cruise Missile Launchers are now in place. All with their load/unload animations:

    There are no "real" weapon tubes yet. I think I will wait for the QuickFire to mature in DEV and be released in PROD before working on systems. I have plenty to keep me busy for a while anyways...

    Still missing it's massive wings and there's also a lot of interior to be done. This ship will be my masterpiece with logic animations wherever I could fit them. Just wait for things like Holographic Stellar Cartography lab and built-in Ordinance Assembly Plant =)


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Hey folks.

    So... Now we come to the wings.

    I love doing EvE ships, as you may have noticed, but, as you may also have noticed, do not find satisfying to just "wedge out the ship". The ship really need to be converted to StarMade.

    To me the light system in StarMade looks really bad and some angled surfaces really look like crap. This is unacceptable by my standards:

    So I have a few options...

    1) Docked Wings - Create some docking shenanigans that allow me to have a flat surface to work with. This may sound ok, but due to the massive size of the ship it may cause some lag and probably limit it access to some servers. Also if something bugs out it would be a nightmare to fix.

    2) Standard " wedging" - Keep using this jagged pattern and live on with it. Probably to 98% of the player base this is fine. but sadly, I'm a perfectionist at heart and this is unacceptable to me. I think it looks horrible and sound lazy to me.

    3) Total Conversion - Adapt the wing to some other shape that would solve the jagging and that also do not break "immersion". Luckily this have already been addressed by CCP, the creators of EvE on their tier II version of this ship: The Caldari Golem - Marauder Class. This is the option I choose...

    The thing is I do not want to just import a Golem, rip it's wings and snap its to the Raven. I think the Golem uses the smaller wing, the one I choose to remove when I mirrored the ship to be symmetrical. I decided to clip the bigger wing and also break it on segments.

    Well, here is what I've come up with... Notice that the pink lines are just for guidance.

    Here is the golem picture for comparison. I find this ship to be less interesting, probably due to the wings feeling a lot weaker than the ones on my Raven. The section with the spiky antennas should be there, IMO:

    Building in StarMade is really something.
    Its a challenging 3D pixel art in a level that few could bear.
    But in the end, I really think it's really worth the effort.
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    Reilly Reese

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    Id have tried a slab wing but I know that'd take a lot of time to work out
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Id have tried a slab wing but I know that'd take a lot of time to work out
    Actually no. It was easy to detect and create a pattern on the wing surfaces, they would probably be easily converted to the slab option, but the "smooth" feel of the surface would still be unattainable.

    Well, anyways, it was already too late for that... Check this out:

    ...still heavily under construction, but I think it's taking shape.

    By the way, if anyone want to build some EvE Online related things but is lacking inspiration, this might help:



    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Now, why should I have just a wing tip...

    ...If I could convert it into a gun?

    That's what I'D call a true BFG...

    "Big F***ing Gun".

    PS: It's just 123m long...
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    The game must hate my BFG gun, 'cause this make's no sense....
    Mar 10, 2016
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    The game must hate my BFG gun, 'cause this make's no sense....

    Just to be sure, do you have a sufficiently sized and sufficiently stabilized reactor on the main entity (to power the mass enhancers and the beam)?

    By the way, what's the reason for having those mass enhancers on the turret's barrel part? (I assume you know that there's no need for mass enhancers in the last entities of docking chains.)

    If there's enough power on the main ship, the problem might be that the rail docker of either the barrel or base, or the turret axis block on either the base or main ship was at one point accidentally removed, then replaced with "undo". (If I remember correctly, this results in the need for redocking the things that were "undocked in build mode" in such a way, even if they don't float off as they used to in the past.)
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Just to be sure, do you have a sufficiently sized and sufficiently stabilized reactor on the main entity (to power the mass enhancers and the beam)?

    By the way, what's the reason for having those mass enhancers on the turret's barrel part? (I assume you know that there's no need for mass enhancers in the last entities of docking chains.)

    If there's enough power on the main ship, the problem might be that the rail docker of either the barrel or base, or the turret axis block on either the base or main ship was at one point accidentally removed, then replaced with "undo". (If I remember correctly, this results in the need for redocking the things that were "undocked in build mode" in such a way, even if they don't float off as they used to in the past.)
    Yea, The excessive amount of mass enhancers was there just to make sure there was enough and that there wasn't a new obscure Rail mass rule that I was not aware-off. A sanity check, if you will. The same applies to barrel mass enhancers. The tests where done with a turret with just 1 (one) weapon barrel block...

    But it turned out to be just a Starmade hiccup. After deleting the entity and respawning it again all started working as expected. I had to save the BP and delete the whole stuff again after adding its twin sister to the other end...

    Took-me quite a while to make sure I was not crazy or anything... :sleep::sleep::sleep:
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Released on the docks a couple of shuttle-sized vessels that stood for some time on my blueprint "backlog". It seems that people like my small ships, so here you go, have more.

    These are from my personal faction - The "Klawxx Dominion", designed by God-Emperor Klawxx himself...
    Hey, If its my faction at least I should be it's ruler, right? :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    I Finally decided a name for my modified Raven. It will be the Garuda.

    I think its a fitting name for a godly bird...
    The shell is already ~130k mass ATM its mostly basic hull.

    Also, why have only two BFGs if you could have four of them?

    ... lets also not forget the Mjolnir Torpedoes and Cataclysm Cruise Missiles.

    One more thing. For future reference, Here you have all EVE Missile names:
      • Gremlin - EM
      • Foxfire - Thermal
      • Thorn - Kinetic
      • Phalanx - Explosive
      • Sabretooth - EM
      • Flameburst - Thermal
      • Bloodclaw - Kinetic
      • Piranha - Explosive
      • Thunderbolt - EM
      • Widowmaker - Thermal
      • Scourge - Kinetic
      • Havoc - Explosive
      • Torrent - EM
      • Hellfire - Thermal
      • Terror - Kinetic
      • Fulmination - Explosive
      • Paradise - EM
      • Cataclysm - Thermal
      • Wrath - Kinetic
      • Devastator - Explosive
      • Mjolnir - EM
      • Inferno - Thermal
      • Juggernaut - Kinetic
      • Bane - Explosive
      • Thor - EM
      • Purgatory - Thermal
      • Rift - Kinetic
      • Doom - Explosive
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Status Update:
    It turns out that the game is having a hard time with the 45 degree turrets. I will have to scrap them in favor of something else.
    Each time I dock them something funny happens like accusing lack of rail enhancers (stuck at 5%), not receiving power or not firing or moving at all.


    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    I've been working on my faction Light Assault Cruiser, the Hammerfall. It has lots of neat logic stuff, like secure core access and ship wide red alert. The Dominion Fleet is starting to take shape....

    Obs: This shot was taken on build mode, so there are some visible "invisible blocks", please ignore them. :^D
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    Product Manager - Roden Shipyards
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    Been very busy with "Real" Life Issues, but I finally had a little spare time to experiment with Sketchfab. It's very fun, but a bit restrictive. The free tier (50MB) wont allow me to work the improved textures provided by Crimson-Artist . Oh well...

    Klawxx - Amarr Acolyte by klawxx on Sketchfab

    I think It ended somewhat ok, even without the the shinny light effects...
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