Is there any server like 2b2t for StarMade

    Dec 17, 2014
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    One of my favorite places on the internet is 2b2t, a Minecraft server that has been running since 2010 with no restarts. It's an anarchy server where anything goes, and it's fascinating because you can find endless stuff in it build (and destroyed) by people. As the updates get rolled out, the unexplored chunks spawn the new stuff so there is always an incentive to keep exploring. There's even a museum where people have collected legacy blocks and items that no longer work or spawn, they are traded etc. It's a massive universe within Minecraft.
    The map is infinite, or as big as currently possible by Minecraft (30 million blocks on all directions). The world has been explored to around 5%.

    I was wondering if such a thing exists in Starmade. Im sick of map restarts, "safe zones", roleplaying, endless non-vanilla stuff that overcomplicates things or otherwise dumbs it down... It would be cool if someone is commiting in making a similar project for this game. It could take it to the next level. Im sure the interest in no restarts ever policy would attract many including donators to keep the server up. The only thing I would add that 2b2t is an anti cheat policy.

    Here's a vid for these not familiar with it:

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    Jun 20, 2013
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    thing is in sm theres no "established" hack packs like they have in minecraft. but theres many server that exist but are dead at the same time where admins are never on.


    Leads the Storm
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    I don't think I've seen a server that hasn't had to restart from scratch at least once here.
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    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    Core code changes to starmade sometimes REQUIRE server restarts. There were 3 servers i can think of that were a persistant as possible, but corruption crept in and killed their world files, or update y was incompatible, or they just lost interest in hosting as player numbers dropped to current levels.

    so sadly the answer is "no, not yet" but that might change in a while once the engine is more stable.
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    Core code changes to starmade sometimes REQUIRE server restarts. There were 3 servers i can think of that were a persistant as possible, but corruption crept in and killed their world files, or update y was incompatible, or they just lost interest in hosting as player numbers dropped to current levels.

    so sadly the answer is "no, not yet" but that might change in a while once the engine is more stable.
    How many more years will it take?

    The 2b2t server has existed since Minecraft went beta:

    So how come Minecraft has such aweasome backwards compatibility wereas the rest of the games require you to wipe?

    I just hope devs hurry up or by the time they have something solid to host proper PVP with no bullshit, it may be too late.
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    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    How many more years will it take?

    The 2b2t server has existed since Minecraft went beta:

    So how come Minecraft has such aweasome backwards compatibility wereas the rest of the games require you to wipe?

    I just hope devs hurry up or by the time they have something solid to host proper PVP with no bullshit, it may be too late.
    Because we're in alpha where changes can be extreme. There is backwards compatibility, and you can save stuff, so restarts are more frequent.

    I imagine the universe update and beta is where a persistent server will exist.
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    Dec 17, 2014
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    Because we're in alpha where changes can be extreme. There is backwards compatibility, and you can save stuff, so restarts are more frequent.

    I imagine the universe update and beta is where a persistent server will exist.
    I hope so. A 2b2t server for Starmade cannot come soon enough.

    I just hope they work on anticheat stuff so people don't go on their ships x-raying around.

    Also hope it doens't take them ages to develop. Game is so dead right now. We don't have proper PVP, no proper mobs, no proper sense of exploring deep in space..
    Jun 11, 2016
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    So how come Minecraft has such aweasome backwards compatibility wereas the rest of the games require you to wipe?.
    Because Minecraft has sold millions of copies. With this money it was possible to invest a fair amount into the development of tools that ensured conversion from each update to the next one with 100% compatibility of the converted world for future stuff.

    But please go on, and compare Starmade with a game that has 100 times more money ressources. (irony label for making this sentence compatible to every reader)
    Nov 14, 2014
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    Because Minecraft has sold millions of copies. With this money it was possible to invest a fair amount into the development of tools that ensured conversion from each update to the next one with 100% compatibility of the converted world for future stuff.

    But please go on, and compare Starmade with a game that has 100 times more money ressources. (irony label for making this sentence compatible to every reader)
    Actually, Minecraft doesn't have tools to ensure 100% compatibility of the converted world for future stuff. Every time a world updates to a new version in which new biomes are added, the world seed's output will change and new terrain will not have any continuity with old terrain. Consequently, 2b2t has these borders between versions all over the place, but it's not much of an issue.

    Also, you're forgetting there was a time in which minecraft had not yet sold millions of copies. You're also forgetting that despite its success, it has always had a relatively small development team, and new features and bugfixes have always come out at a slow pace compared to most other similarly popular games. 2b2t's been around since Minecraft was still in alpha, a time when its dev team was smaller than this game's, and yet, Notch made sure that no update would ever result in older worlds becoming incompatible.
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    Jun 11, 2016
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    Actually, Minecraft doesn't have tools to ensure 100% compatibility of the converted world for future stuff. Every time a world updates to a new version in which new biomes are added, the world seed's output will change and new terrain will not have any continuity with old terrain. Consequently, 2b2t has these borders between versions all over the place, but it's not much of an issue.

    Also, you're forgetting there was a time in which minecraft had not yet sold millions of copies. You're also forgetting that despite its success, it has always had a relatively small development team, and new features and bugfixes have always come out at a slow pace compared to most other similarly popular games. 2b2t's been around since Minecraft was still in alpha, a time when its dev team was smaller than this game's, and yet, Notch made sure that no update would ever result in older worlds becoming incompatible.
    The second fact you try to raise, that Minecraft had a small development team in the early stages, is actually right. But you forget, that Starmade does not have a development team full time at one place in one office. The Starmade team is completely part time and scattered all over the world. And part time means like less than 5% of a full time job of time investment. So it stays that you can't compare their team size.

    And mostly there is the pure fact, that a Minecraft world is one entity. Starmade is a 3-D map with many many entities all over the place. Thats again something different. And for this to apprehend you don't have to be a coding expert.

    It's pretty basic stuff. So I don't really understand why you want to argue for comparring booth games in this certain compatibility and development wealth aspect.

    For me it appears like you just want to find reasons to talk bad about Starmade. If you wish to do so, that's fine. But please on aspects where it makes sense, instead of just arguing around against little flaws you can nitpick on.
    Dec 14, 2014
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    One of my favorite places on the internet is 2b2t, a Minecraft server that has been running since 2010 with no restarts. It's an anarchy server where anything goes, and it's fascinating because you can find endless stuff in it build (and destroyed) by people. As the updates get rolled out, the unexplored chunks spawn the new stuff so there is always an incentive to keep exploring. There's even a museum where people have collected legacy blocks and items that no longer work or spawn, they are traded etc. It's a massive universe within Minecraft.
    The map is infinite, or as big as currently possible by Minecraft (30 million blocks on all directions). The world has been explored to around 5%.

    I was wondering if such a thing exists in Starmade. Im sick of map restarts, "safe zones", roleplaying, endless non-vanilla stuff that overcomplicates things or otherwise dumbs it down... It would be cool if someone is commiting in making a similar project for this game. It could take it to the next level. Im sure the interest in no restarts ever policy would attract many including donators to keep the server up. The only thing I would add that 2b2t is an anti cheat policy.

    Here's a vid for these not familiar with it:

    I will agree, it is very unfortunate that Starmade Universes are susceptible to wipes/resets.
    The reasons are well known, core changes and corruption being the leading factors, and the leftover-dead-zones of times forgotten.
    Sadly this is dependent on core mechanics, which are not similar to Minecraft, aside from both being built with blocks in a block-world.

    I find it important to make a clear distinction between Resets and Anarchy here, but it feels like you are putting them together in a single basket.

    It may be noteworthy to point out that getting your work into the "Museum" may actually be what keeps 2b2t going, and possibley the contributing factor for its success, because in reality, Anarchy is unpleasant, at least for the majority, because a small fraction want to see everything burn, and if there were no museum, there would be no cool Vid of all the cool stuff. The "burners" will eventually make ruins of it all. When you know somebody is just going to come along and destroy all your cool stuff, again and again, at some point there's no point of continuing, because nobody will ever see it finished anyway. This is for many simply too much work and banking on luck.

    This would be the proper time to say... I think it's great!
    I also think it is not for everyone, and that different types of servers are good, you just have to find what's right for you.

    I assume it will be a while waiting for the universe update to hit servers, and Beta, well...
    It may be possible after the universe update to keep a universe going through Beta, but I suspect not before.
    SM in its current state is just not matured enough, no point keeping a universe full of things that don't work.

    We will all just have to wait for such a server, but I am sure they will come!
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    Jan 31, 2015
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    So you want a 4chan Kek-cult server - for Starmade?

    With giant statues of pepe, swastikas everywhere, and lots of people calling each other 'newfag' and 'oldfag' in Kek-green text?

    Sounds..... well..... it's a free world, I guess. I'm sure a lot of the old SS/Arctic Gaming badmin crews and other remnant 4chan lurkers and assorted kekite commandos around here would flock to the banner, TBH.

    You're paying, right?


    Eldrich Timelord
    Jan 16, 2014
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    So you want a 4chan Kek-cult server - for Starmade?

    With giant statues of pepe, swastikas everywhere, and lots of people calling each other 'newfag' and 'oldfag' in Kek-green text?

    Sounds..... well..... it's a free world, I guess. I'm sure a lot of the old SS/Arctic Gaming badmin crews and other remnant 4chan lurkers and assorted kekite commandos around here would flock to the banner, TBH.

    You're paying, right?
    This sounds glorious. Truly it would be a sight to behold. I am saddened not just by not having been able too see it yet, but also by knowing that I can never taste the aromas of the air in such a world.

    That aside. Dominion Prime was a pritty much no-holds-barred server, until Big got tired of hosting it. LazyGamerz was somewhat close in nullsec, but again, Bobby got tired of hosting it.

    I think one of the major factors is just that there's no independantly wealthy person dedicating a couple racks in some trunk-node somewhere to keeping a server going and updated.

    Also, wafflepie AFAICT Minecraft was in BETA in 2011, not ALPHA, so it's core BID, bit/location, and whatnot were stable. Unlike starmade, which has screwed with BID and bit/location a couple times since I've been playing due to it's now Alpha and before a couple months ago "pre-alpha" state.


    Aug 11, 2013
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    How much would running a large, stable server cost for SM?
    There's cost and then there's cost. The server and bandwidth is probably not that much. The time required to set it up, manage it, and also manage the game in the way you want... that is what wears people out.
    Jan 4, 2015
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    the answer is no. vanilla is too broken to sustain a population, and the "near vanilla" changes required to keep things running properly are both a 24/7 commitment and basically impossible to implement.
    Aug 23, 2018
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    From a technical point of view, a server like 2b2t in StarMade is impossible, I would explain exactly why but it seems kulbolen beat me to it.

    But even if it was possible from a technical standpoint, what makes 2b2t interesting is how large amounts of players have made significant changes to the game world to where it looks like actual anarchy, the game world within StarMade is mostly empty space and thus the general "appearence" of 2b2t would be imposible to recreate in StarMade, especially considering that this game has an ever dwildling population.