Engine Porn

    Mar 10, 2016
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    This thing might end up being my sexiest ship... You may argue that in some countries this color-scheme alone would suffice to get me a forceful psychiatric intervention, but I think it's borderline acceptable. It kinda looks like some fancy dessert. Which is a good thing - battlecruisers have to look delicious too, sometimes ;)

    Those six docked engines, which are effectively oversized RCS thrusters (Reaction control system - Wikipedia), will be rotatable via hotbar commands, such as "Move Backward" / "Move Up" / "Move Down", which will realign them separately in ways that make sense for any given desired direction.

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    Sep 14, 2017
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    This thing might end up being my sexiest ship... You may argue that in some countries this color-scheme alone would suffice to get me a forceful psychiatric intervention, but I think it's borderline acceptable. It kinda looks like some fancy dessert. Which is a good thing - battlecruisers have to look delicious too, sometimes ;)

    Those six docked engines, which are effectively oversized RCS thrusters (Reaction control system - Wikipedia), will be rotatable via hotbar commands, such as "Move Backward" / "Move Up" / "Move Down", which will realign them separately in ways that make sense for any given desired direction.

    Very considerate of your to make your ship look tasty, that way when a PvPer gets the jump on you he can go "Num-num-num-num-num!" as he salvages your ship. :giggle:

    Joking aside though, it looks nice. Has a very FireFly feel to it.
    Mar 10, 2016
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    I Love you builds! It's not just the engine. It's entirely awesome.
    That's the spirit! - Thanks, klawxx, I'm flattered. I'm glad that some fellow players like my stuff that much. It really makes me feel like it's worth building them. Cheers! :)

    when a PvPer gets the jump on you he can go "Num-num-num-num-num!" as he salvages your ship.
    They may "eat me" as well while they're at it XD

    JK, I'm glad you like it... Will have to look up things to get more familiar with the "FireFly" style you mentioned though :))
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    Nov 14, 2013
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    Please, for the love of all good works of the Gods under the stars, for the love of the Secret Fire and all things sacred and holy, please...

    ...don't take pictures of your monitor. F5/F6 keys for screenshots exist; use them.
    Dec 26, 2016
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    Smallest possible thrusters that still kinda look decent while being an array. (Yes i haven't done 3 more on the very top row, as i was working on the main array and not the secondary array at the top) If you have any ideas for what to add to these, Let me know As i'd like to know what i could add and possible improve. And you can also see one of my wip ships in the background to the side. It has some thrusters, But i won't be publishing anything about it till its hull is more than just large versions of the hull shapes (with a custom shape towards the bottom, which is basically just half of a 4 sided pyramid)
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    Apr 1, 2015
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    I like the engine, but imo that central structure comes across as too long in most of the screenshots, would maybe look better shorter.