Very considerate of your to make your ship look tasty, that way when a PvPer gets the jump on you he can go "Num-num-num-num-num!" as he salvages your ship.This thing might end up being my sexiest ship... You may argue that in some countries this color-scheme alone would suffice to get me a forceful psychiatric intervention, but I think it's borderline acceptable. It kinda looks like some fancy dessert. Which is a good thing - battlecruisers have to look delicious too, sometimes
Those six docked engines, which are effectively oversized RCS thrusters (Reaction control system - Wikipedia), will be rotatable via hotbar commands, such as "Move Backward" / "Move Up" / "Move Down", which will realign them separately in ways that make sense for any given desired direction.
That's the spirit! - Thanks, klawxx, I'm flattered. I'm glad that some fellow players like my stuff that much. It really makes me feel like it's worth building them. Cheers!OMFG!!!
I Love you builds! It's not just the engine. It's entirely awesome.
They may "eat me" as well while they're at it XDwhen a PvPer gets the jump on you he can go "Num-num-num-num-num!" as he salvages your ship.
Yes please!...don't take pictures of your monitor. F5/F6 keys for screenshots exist; use them.
I already seen them live and I was impressed. really good work.Hi Guys! Thanks for the likes. I've been working some more on the engines and this time i've used F6 for a decent picture. xD