Dread Syndicate

    Mar 9, 2014
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    Dread Syndicate Declares victory????

    After Six hours of blockading Strykan Federation (and us sitting doing nothing for six hours) a debate broke out between myself and Strykan Federation's leader basically at this point blockading them anymore would simply be dishonorable we got no resistance and were just making them upset so yeah stations were taken down and victory was declared ... However is it really a victory? We got no apology or withdrawn statements and things are still like they were.

    We suffered no loss however they suffered one radar clocking ship and one 127K block ship as a result of dread syndicate's clarity defence station and a unjamming support ship.

    We'd like to say it was a glorious victory but it wasn't it was simply a slaughter and that's just no fun

    In other news i'd like to thank Mortiferum For clearing up relations between us and odium we now understand things more clearly and would like to retract all statements about the blackhawk stuff :)

    Aug 15th is still planned and the admins are supporting this so that should help with lag.

    Dread Syndicate has finally launched projects that will allow for new members to be flying ships that are not 500K blocks

    That's all folks.
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    May 19, 2015
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    Lets say they are "respect" stations.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1439344251,1439342560][/DOUBLEPOST]Official statement

    Odium may hold their numbers over our head but that matters not for we are dread syndicate and you WILL respect our resolve.

    As our faction states "To show no fear no matter how large one's foe is." We don't fear odium or its numbers and frankly if you are trying to pull that one I was on redshift for two years in a 3 player faction vs the whole server not a single fuck was given.

    I've already faced the meanest badest bigest factions in starmade on redshift what you can provide would surprise me very little
    Odium waving numbers over people's heads?
    Have I missed a lot, (That's a given, really) or...
    I mean, they always said we had superior numbers, and from looking through old forums they always have, but whether or not it's accurate has always been hard to determine. When I left (ha ha, as if I was given a choice, although admittedly the faction disbanded, for the exact same reason I was removed, the next day, IE that aceface needed a break) I got the impression Odium was pretty much nothing but an image. Then again, there were times where surprising numbers of people seemed to appear from nowhere, so...

    Also, was this thread NP? If so, feel free to remove my post, it seems to be everyone's favorite thing to do :(
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Just run along Samuel, we kicked you because you were nothing but a liability.

    Aceface needs a break, and you are one of the reasons. Read as: he is sick of your forum BS and does not want to deal with it.

    Now you are running around trying to drag us down. No, we don't want to deal with you constant forum shit posting, that is why we kicked you in the first place.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Odium waving numbers over people's heads?
    Have I missed a lot, (That's a given, really) or...
    I mean, they always said we had superior numbers, and from looking through old forums they always have, but whether or not it's accurate has always been hard to determine. When I left (ha ha, as if I was given a choice, although admittedly the faction disbanded, for the exact same reason I was removed, the next day, IE that aceface needed a break) I got the impression Odium was pretty much nothing but an image. Then again, there were times where surprising numbers of people seemed to appear from nowhere, so...

    Also, was this thread NP? If so, feel free to remove my post, it seems to be everyone's favorite thing to do :(
    No this Topic is not NP And unlike some people the leader of dread syndicate can handle flame bullshit and other things so it will never be NP

    As for what you said yes it would seem that odium are few but so are we and that just because lets be honest here no one can really spend two years on starmade and not start to get burnt out (like myself) so I mean glory days are over folks its just how that goes :(

    Besides that inactivity seems to be a result of summer break.
    Just run along Samuel, we kicked you because you were nothing but a liability.

    Aceface needs a break, and you are one of the reasons. Read as: he is sick of your forum BS and does not want to deal with it.

    Now you are running around trying to drag us down. No, we don't want to deal with you constant forum shit posting, that is why we kicked you in the first place.
    Frankly speaking nothing samuel says or has said will affect you however replying to his comments in such a manner even if pissed is going to affect you. Besides that if indeed what you say is true let him hang himself don't supply the rope mate.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Odium waving numbers over people's heads?
    Have I missed a lot, (That's a given, really) or...
    I mean, they always said we had superior numbers, and from looking through old forums they always have, but whether or not it's accurate has always been hard to determine. When I left (ha ha, as if I was given a choice, although admittedly the faction disbanded, for the exact same reason I was removed, the next day, IE that aceface needed a break) I got the impression Odium was pretty much nothing but an image. Then again, there were times where surprising numbers of people seemed to appear from nowhere, so...

    Also, was this thread NP? If so, feel free to remove my post, it seems to be everyone's favorite thing to do :(
    You or the forums had no reason whatsoever for the disbandment of my faction. The reason I did that if you had actually read the last post was because I have school coming up (last year of highschool) and I don't want to have a distraction as big as my faction (I could spend up to 12 hours a day on it, ridiculous I know).

    You were just an annoyance to everyone and never listened. I couldn't even play a damn League of Legends match with my friend without getting an email on my phone of you posting you're obnoxious BS on the forums, which is why you were ejected from Cobalt. I'm nice so I didn't swear at you, but that's why Blackhawk and Zoro swore at you all the time.
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    May 19, 2015
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    No this Topic is not NP And unlike some people the leader of dread syndicate can handle flame bullshit and other things so it will never be NP
    Thank you for that, and thank you for treating everyone with due respect.

    I can understand why people like to remove my posts, even if the post itself isn't visibly inflammatory, there are people who hate me enough to flame whenever they see that I post something. Sorry for any trouble I've brought on to your thread.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Thank you for that, and thank you for treating everyone with due respect.

    I can understand why people like to remove my posts, even if the post itself isn't visibly inflammatory, there are people who hate me enough to flame whenever they see that I post something. Sorry for any trouble I've brought on to your thread.
    That's fine

    If im going to start a faction thread i've signed on to the bullshit that comes with it, nothing new here.

    And that should be a lesson for all of you though NP is nice a community member will deal with his own shit and not cry foul when he does something stupid or provoking and he gets flamed shirtless.


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    NP doesn't work if you bring up politics yourself, for that matter. It feels as though any and all mentions of other players and factions by the OP in an NP thread should invalidate that NP tag.

    Glad you're keeping it open, Zackey :P
    Mar 9, 2014
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    SuperDraco left the faction in an act of heresy to join......... Drea Industry???!? Someone who would sell his soul for complete destruction at the hands of zek must be a complete moron...

    He'll last maybe a week before he comes crawling back to us begging that we shield him from the annoyance that is zek.

    At that point a very plain no will seal his fate.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    SuperDraco left the faction in an act of heresy to join......... Drea Industry???!? Someone who would sell his soul for complete destruction at the hands of zek must be a complete moron...
    Zek thought I was in charge of Thryn and proceeded to war dec us and place a bounty on me after I left GenX. Zek. Leader of a PvE faction.

    Needless to say, Draco is not the only complete moron in Drea.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Zek thought I was in charge of Thryn and proceeded to war dec us and place a bounty on me after I left GenX. Zek. Leader of a PvE faction.

    Needless to say, Draco is not the only complete moron in Drea.
    uhuh and if they ever leave PVE fuck odium that kid is dead and will be in ruins in about five minutes.


    Jan 19, 2014
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    uhuh and if they ever leave PVE fuck odium that kid is dead and will be in ruins in about five minutes.
    We're on the same terms with him because of the issue stated above. Wish I could be on the server more just to sit in his base scanning him to see if he leaves.


    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    Zek thought I was in charge of Thryn and proceeded to war dec us and place a bounty on me after I left GenX. Zek. Leader of a PvE faction.

    Needless to say, Draco is not the only complete moron in Drea.
    I want to meet this kek *cough* Zek guy, sounds like fun.
    Mar 9, 2014
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    Dread Syndicate VS Odium "The battle of boner kill"

    As some of you might know on august the 15th a showdown between odium and dread syndicate was taking place, However even though both sides reached the battlefield and started fighting, the epic showdown lasted only 1.5 minutes before the server crashed and all users where booted out of the server.

    Now the admins attempted their level best to keep it running even assisting us by teleporting both sides to a random loc to fight it out however even they were unable to stop the gods from smiting us..

    The server crashed about three times and the final time it was decided to pull the plug.

    Both sides acted very respectfully and both sides did not engage each other during the crashing even going so far as to attempt to reset the fight by backing out of the sector.

    Everyone was rather upset that we were unable to do any real damage or pvp during this time and Dread Syndicate has begun scraping all titans in favor of smaller craft that are less likely to crash the server so many times.

    I'd like to take the time to thank all sides in this conflict for even though the time was very stressful there was no dishonorable conduct during the event and hopefully smaller ships will enable us to fight it out in a latter date

    For now however no one won and only starmade was the victor.
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