I have returned from the depths of hell. After a LONG time, the Dovahkiin is finished. With around 850,000 blocks, 14 MILLION shields, and 17 MILLION energy regen, this beast is the biggest ship I have ever made. Maybe big enough to be Deus Class? One shot from its low power amc could destroy a planet 11 times over and them some. I was able to get it done so quickly because it doesn't have much interior. 65% of it is weapons. Its fus ro dah 1-shot 46 kronoses (kronosi?). It will make you shit your pants. Well it would have. Unfortunately I opened it up this morning and apparently the file was corrupted after the update. I have no idea how to get it back. If this is lost forever, I'll strangle a small child and quit SM forever. Oh. And good to see ya back Flying Debra!