At line 2200 on the DTSD githumb you have: SERVERKEY="00000000000000000000" #Server key found at (used for voting rewards) > which i have removed all the zeros and added my key.I believe this is contained in autovoteretrieval(). You can check that function to see what is going on. If the source website has changed then the url may be malformed or the method of collection may be incorrect.
I am in the process of re-writing the Deamon into a new script system but I won't be done for a bit still. At this point I am no longer supporting the DTSD but I will help with scripting if you have a specific question.
the at line 1960 in the autovoteretrieval(){ function you have the following key url:
now that still corresponds properly with the API documentation however no players ever show that they have votes. i also made note of the following call to pull votes independent of voters which it appears your URL only pulls voters.
This is the API call to get all votes{ServerKey}&format={Format}.
your code reflect after keyurl
[do] if [ "$(ls -A $PLAYERFILE)" ]
[then] ALLVOTES=$(wget -q -O - $KEYURL)
PLAYER=$(echo $PLAYER | rev | cut -d"/" -f1 | rev )
TOTALVOTES=$(echo $ALLVOTES | tr " " "\n" | grep -A1 ">$PLAYER<" | tr "\n" " " | cut -d">" -f4 | cut -d"<" -f1)
VOTINGPOINTS=$(grep "VotingPoints=" $PLAYERFILE/$PLAYER | cut -d= -f2 | tr -d " " )
i understand what the bash is trying to do but how dose it know exactly how many votes have been placed by a player if no call to the API is listed other then asking whom the voters are.
Im feeling i should be changing ALLVOTES=$(wget -q -O - $KEYURL)
to ALLVOTES=$(wget -q -O - "$SERVERKEY&format=xml"
am i correct?