Do not make this game die

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    Jul 30, 2013
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    A game that is based on the creation of ships and space stations, forcing players to lose everything done for days, weeks or months, just because another players like destroying or stealing ... hummm ... I'm not sure if it would have much future ...

    If you like the PVP, and want to break your face with other players, why no better propose the creation of a combat zone, where everyone has the same chance? instead of proposing that everyone is forced to accept rules that the 90% of the players not like?

    I personally don't like PVP, I like more the PVE, and I think it is not willingly accept the fact that just because a few want to destroy my creations, means I will accept ...
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    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Personally I don't care one way or another about PvP and PvE, I'll do either but don't like the idea of some little **** destroying what I've been working on while I'm not around. What needs to be done is give having bases other than the HQ some kind of meaning and use. Having just an HQ base won't let players max out what they can do on a server if done right. That way you have a place to fall back to but also you can't just have it as the only place you've got either.

    Say for example planets could be crew generators and resource generators depending on the setup. Outpost stations could also attract NPCs for trading. Defensive structures like turrets or stations in the area of planets and even stations up safety in the area upping the flow of friendlies in the area. So many things could be done to make people not turtle at their HQ it isn't funny and that's without taking HB Protection away.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Somewhere there's a method to prevent griefing while also preventing the use of infinite PVP protection at the HB.

    Perhaps faction designations, or area designations? As in, a faction chooses to be a "building" faction or a "PVP" faction or something similar, and then their particular attributes change based on that decision? And once a faction is created, impose some time limits and FP penalties for switching.

    Perhaps construction/building factions have no territory and infinite HB protection, while PvP factions have some limit on their HB protection based on conquered systems. I'd recommend the system from this suggestion here: Planned - Faction Points Economy
    It's good and balanced, especially if you add the (Configurable) option for construction/roleplay/PvE/other factions to do things on a server OTHER than get PvP'd to do.


    Poor boi from northern Hungary ^^
    Aug 31, 2015
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    This thread have just became a discussion about HB
    Jul 30, 2013
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    OK ... i read allll the post here ... and this is my conclusions:
    1. A little group of people, want force to all other players to play PVP ... for some reassons : steal her ships, steal her bases, steal her stuff ...
    2. Most part of players like PVE, and they would like to see more PVE in the game, creating own game events, as can be periodic raids by NPC pirates in sectors where people have her space station or ships, creating a challenge for them and the way they play.
    3. A little group of people, want force to all other players to lose all the work he do for days, weeks and mounths because they are bored with their huge ships go from one side to another, without being able to prove to anyone how big and powerful they are their battleships (size problems?)
    4. Most part of players like to build beautifull ships, space stations and other things and show all other players her skills as builders, and if any other player need help to improve her own builder skills, they help each other, sharing ideas of decoration, weapon configurations, shields, power distribution, automatic systems ...
    5. A little group of people, want force to all other players to PVP because he said Starmade is a War Game, and they want no player can have her things safe in invulnerable space stations, and they do not understand, in this game the vast majority do not like to break his face with its neighbors.
    6. Most part of players like to play peacefully, focusing his game improved themselves with trial and error, designing more and better ships and space stations to teach the rest of people what they are capable, and he understand this game is also dealing with other juegadores, but they want to have the option to shelve forced confrontations, and focus the style of game they like.
    7. ..........
    You see the pattern people? they all have the right to play according to the role they have chosen or like, all have the option to join or not a particular group or behavior, but forcing the vast majority by only a minority, I'm sorry but I will not play the same server with people who do not have enough respect for others, whether others like war and I like peace, do not want anyone to step on my rights to choose.

    And I remember the title of the post "Do not make this game die" ... This post should try to find different ways or mechanics to improve the game, not throw shit at each other, wanting to impose his play.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    You forget the portion who wants a method to balance out these gameplay styles, allow each style to work on the same server without a lot of problems.
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    Jul 30, 2013
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    You forget the portion who wants a method to balance out these gameplay styles, allow each style to work on the same server without a lot of problems.
    Balance .. in what ways? allow PVP people skip the vulnerabilities of space stations and everything attached to them you mean?
    Feb 25, 2016
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    What? Have you even really read any of my recommendations or ideas? Or anyone else's? Some of us are TRYING to make a system that works for everyone.

    Why on earth would PvP skip the vulnerabilities of a station? Do you mean allow them to ignore invulnerability? Because if so, none of my ideas, and very few of others' ideas, have recommended that.
    Jul 30, 2013
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    yess Madman198237 i read your ideas and are good, i only mean the fact, some people only want skip or stop the invulnerability of home bases, because he only like do that, kill others and steal her stuff; your recommendations are good mate, and can make this game more availed and can make this game more comfortable for everyone, but there will always be those who want to go against the current, just because it's what suits them

    sorry mate, I did not want to sound as if I were attacking you or taking the contrary, I explain that it disturb me, that certain players, want to impose on others their play

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    We recognize that you are open to a compromise. You are not the problem. We're talking about the people who want to force everyone to be at risk of losing all their stuff while offline to satisfy their need for cheap thrills at the expense of other players who do not want to fight. Just like real world governments, we are an international community. We don't agree on everything but we all came here because we enjoy having the power to create. Creative minds usually enjoy creativity for its own sake. We have no need to destroy the work of other artists; but rather, to learn and exchange ideas with them. Like-wise, we do not want our creations destroyed or stolen by a small group of people with a mean streak and an inferiority complex.

    We are starting to see people speak up and say "No. I don't want you to be able to blow up/steal all my stuff while I'm at work or asleep". Rebalancing is perfectly fine but it is counter productive to put creative minds (one of StarMade's biggest assets) in a position where it is no longer worth their while to create.
    If such a thing happens, this game will inevitably fail.

    The silly thing about this debate is, there's already a solution the the PVP issue that no one has even considered. Leave the home base protection ON in the starting galaxy but turn it OFF in all other galaxies... Server admins can create a network of warp gates leading to a different galaxy with a sign that basically says. "This way for 24/7 sado-masochistic star-ship rape!" Anyone wanting the challenge of PVP is more than welcome to fly through those gates and learn why we do not share their enthusiasm for offline vulnerability PVP while the rest of us continue as normal.
    Feb 25, 2016
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    Complaints and insults, towards anyone, are not helping anything. The only thing you'll ever create with them is a bunch of anger and a remarkably complete lack of progress.

    Yes, Dr. Whammy, that is one way to solve that problem. The others include servers that only allow building (Hey look, we've got those) and servers that only allow PvP (We've got those too). Choose whichever way you feel. Servers like EI already had a solution based on config options.

    I'm talking about ways to build in a completely fair method of making it impossible to camp---while online---in an indestructible based loaded with long range turrets. If someone signs up for PvP, they ought to be able to live with it, as opposed to camping in their based watching their titans collect dust in the dockyards.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    I'd say if someone isn't online for many months they'd deserve to lose what they've built due to not playing. That said having a good compromise in place to appease both sides is good.


    Poor boi from northern Hungary ^^
    Aug 31, 2015
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    This thread has gone into offtopic discussion about PVP servers..
    Please stick with thema, this is just spam you can solve in PM
    Jan 16, 2015
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    lack of any actual new gameplay is what is killing this game. Popular consensus among people I play with and socialise with regularly. The game has not really changed in over a year, even with the addition of things like fleets.

    Everything added to the game over the last 12 months just seems to be redoing what is already there. Gameplay is still basically,build mine build mine, rebalance your ship, build mine build mine,maybe pvp if you can find people willing to risk their work, or kill the hell out of derpy AI ships,wash rinse repeat. People get bored of repetitive play, especially when that play is extremely limited in variety to begin with.
    Game is too heavily reliant on making your own fun at this stage. I find most of the admin work I and my fellow admins do is trying to keep players entertained and interested within the limitations of the game.

    Also development and major changes are just too slow vs other 'in development titles' that manage to update the game and add new content on a regular basis and this game has been in development a lot longer than many of them.

    Things that should be and need to be fixed never are, or take much longer than they should.
    I mean why have stations not been updated to the new rail system and power rebalances? I can manage to rebuild 3 of the default Pirate stations in half a day, but the developers cannot? (worse still they asked the community months ago to do it for them.....)
    Look how long it took just to get the pirate/tradeguild back to working as they were 12 months ago.

    4 quadrillion galaxies with no reasons to go explore them. At best you just get 2 fleets that spawn the same ships over and over. No variety. No difficulty.
    Mechanics make no sense or don't function as they should. (Heatseekers always go for docked entities like turrets first, why not thruster blocks?)
    Faction points that do nothing. Sure bases can become vulnerable,but you can earn enough points easily enough to quit the game and still have your station protected a year later.
    Peoplewanted directional thrust. We got rebalance existing thrust. No way to boost turn speed......
    So many things promised yet no sign of delivery in any foreseeable future.

    StarMade is a great game in concept but it needs to get things happening a bit quicker and more often. I mean even the 2 week release schedule hasn't managed to stay on track, Schema gets sick, this stops restricts development for 3 weeks? Isn't there a contingency plan for these kinds of things?

    Things need to drastically change with the pace of the games development otherwise it is just going to keep bleeding players. One of the only things sustaining it is people can play it for free. If it got locked into being paid players only I think 90% of whatever population is left would vanish.
    Game servers, especially ones decent enough to run StarMade aint cheap, people need good reasons to validate the expense. Gamers need gameplay to validate playing.

    Not sure how things go behind schines doors but I honestly think they're not as organised and functioning as they should be or focused on the things they should be imho, or maybe they're just lacking staff with enough development experience, or enough staff to get the job done period.... who knows, not us players.
    They have made some advancements in some areas, but it's still not enough.

    End of the day only way to save this game is if schine and schema pull their finger out and crank everything up to 10 with more focus on adding actual gameplay and less grind. Games need to be fun for people to want to play them. That is the main problem here with StarMade, it becomes unfun really quickly for all but the autistic level fanboys.

    So frustrating to see that this game could nail it, but isn't.
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    Sep 2, 2015
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    while your post did contain maybe excessive negativity you aren't wrong.

    People like to make blanket statements like the game is dying.... no evidence
    You can't expect a finished product the game is in alpha... True

    But the fact of the matter is all the signs are there This game hasn't turned into more of a game in the entire time i've played it and further it hasn't turned into more of a game since i started following it. There is literally one thing to do and thats build ships and god damn can you build ships.... you can build ships all day but some people wanna idk do things, they aren't interested in rebuilding the enterprise in minecraft they wanna explore space or meet new species or fight off an alien invasion. This "game" as it stands now caters to NONE of those players (insert its alpha) yeah it is but ... its been alpha for YEARS the hype train literally showed up years ago left the station broke down and rusted on the tracks and the game is still alpha.

    All the signs are there for why people would be leaving this game and some of them will probably never look back they tried it and there was NOTHING for them to get excited about and that is a problem not just for them but for people that love this game too.

    In this new 2000+(year/timeframe) environment all it takes is for one of your friends to say eh i tried it didn't seem like it was worth the time and thats it you won't even look at it, sure it sounded cool but if someone you trust tells you its not worth your time or its not going anywhere you'll take their word for it over and above a bunch of people you don't know if you even bother to research it past them expressing their dislike.

    As it stands right now the building could literally not change anymore the weapons could stay feeling samey no more new blocks and people would still play it if it had some content i mean hell people play minecraft and there are only like a dozen types of enemies and 2 kinds of weapons ones you swing and bows and they both suck and people spend thousands and thousands of hours just building little farms with their friends raising a couple cows dying to creepers and starting all over again. Starmade even with its current build mechanics could be so much more if they would add in stuff to do with what you can already build.

    And i know i hear you its coming fleets were just the start we need them for the ai and then the ai update and once the ai isn't crap then we can have npcs and once the npcs get here we can have missions, but idk if there is time left for all of that by the time all that stuff gets in the game it'll be 2018 and there will be 3 guys left on the forum arguing over whether they should also add rainbow wedges to go with the new raindow hull, and it will be because schine and schema listened to everyone on the forums about needing this and needing that re balanced and moar guns and i'm on a tangent now way off track.

    Needless to say starmade needs actual CONTENT gameplay content not new blocks not flashier explosions not warheads recoded but gameplay something to do with what is already here and then that other stuff can be finished later when there is something to play.
    Jan 16, 2015
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    while your post did contain maybe excessive negativity
    True, but constructive criticism is what I call it. I am just a very blunt person with no time to beat around the bush.
    Schine won't learn anything if we just fanboy over them and blow smoke up their arse.
    And that is part of the problem with modern game development, too many gushing fanboys that tell the devs everything they do is golden.

    "You changed the names of some ores for no reason at all? AMAZING WORK!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!"

    Yeah that kind of praise helps no one. lol :D

    And I have honestly been told by Schine members on this forum before that, for example, the last power rebalance was basically done simply because the people who do the balancing stuff needed something to do. That was it, to keep people busy, not because it was actually needed. o_O
    Seen it with other things also. SpaceWhale concepts because we have 3D artists with nothing to do.....
    It's a bad way of developing a game and there is no way to sugar coat it.

    Don't get me wrong, it may not seem like it sometimes but I love StarMade (or at least it's potential), hence why I took the job to admin a sever when offered. But Schine seriously needs a reality check kick in the arse. A bit of tough love.

    Overall I agree with your points. ;) The thing is does Schine agree with us? And if they do are they capable of implementing what is needed in the time frame it is needed?
    The game is clearly dying at this point player count wise, server admins especially can see this, Schine needs to stop the bleeding and start with a transfusion while it is still even possible.
    Content and a big time publicity campaign.

    The 'it's alpha' only goes so far after so long, and 'schema coded the game all by himself' was only valid until the point Schine became a team.
    Sep 2, 2015
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    Really ? I don't see any dying at the moment...
    Every day atleast 5 players on server I am playing...
    Aright well obviously i was mistaken if we can get 5 whole players on a server everythings fine thats obviously plenty of people we are good i take back everything i said.
    Jul 5, 2013
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    Want to cry about the "death" of the game ? Go THERE and see what other players think about it.

    All I see in this thread is a offtopic with a (good) debate for the HBI.

    And there's players, who hadn't anything else to do than crying about the game, its "sooo looong" alpha state and thinking they are majority...
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