We have awesome engines, turrets, doors, interiors and fighters but nobuddy made a thread for awesome details that dosent fit in one of this categorys. So i made one for general details (No your complet ship dosent count a a single detail).
So did you guys have some details to share?
So lets start:
A generator
Another Generator
Some maschinery covert under a turret base and a engine
A Shield emitter
Two steeringthrusters
External part of a refinery
Some random Maschinery
High energy Plasma Condensators
Some Resouce Tanks
An exposed large Shield Generator
So did you guys have some details to share?
So lets start:
A generator

Another Generator

Some maschinery covert under a turret base and a engine

A Shield emitter

Two steeringthrusters

External part of a refinery

Some random Maschinery

High energy Plasma Condensators

Some Resouce Tanks

An exposed large Shield Generator