rp station

    1. madman Captain

      Detail Devil (Cause some details are to awesome to not post them!)

      We have awesome engines, turrets, doors, interiors and fighters but nobuddy made a thread for awesome details that dosent fit in one of this categorys. So i made one for general details (No your complet ship dosent count a a single detail). So did you guys have some details to share? So lets...
    2. Serene-Switch

      UFP Regula Type Station : )

      Now I know what you guys are thinking "why are you building a station when you should be finishing your ships", and well. . . I felt like it :) With that in mind I proudly present my next WIP of many, the Regula Type Space Station. It is my intent that when this station is complete the modular...
    3. JinM

      Oz Platform (with mini fleet, toggable turrets+autodoors, undockable public dock) v1

      # The elevator needs 2 wireless logic modules to be linked, there is a grey box next to it in the lower level. Connect each module from the elevator to the station, if the elevator doesn't work. Same maybe the case for turrets. # I have "draw logic pipes" turned off. This station looks like a...
    4. MythrilJelly

      Revenant's Retreat [WIP] 0.6.5

      Note this has a lot of flashing lights and moving parts! You may not want to continue if you are prone to seizures or have weaker hardware like I did recently. My second attempt at this build, the first was on a planet. Lost that in a hardware failure. With upgraded hardware, I am trying again...
    5. Xacktar

      NSI Centaric Station 2016-10-20

      Centaric Station in your very own skyscraper in the sky. Complete with it's own shipyard, executive suite, factory system, cubicle farm, and extensive elevator system; Centaric is a bastion of civility in an uncivilized galaxy. STATS Blocks: 295,981 Power Cap: 18,978,000 Power Regen...
    6. MythrilJelly

      Grand Obelisk 1.1

      Here we have my first large space station! The Obelisk's primary purpose was to be essentially a hangout with a lot of room, but now includes functionality rooms like a simple factory and a cargo hold. Stats are a bit low for a station of it's size, it's primarily normal hull and mostly hollow...
    7. jontyfreack

      home 2015-12-08

      I called this home, because it is the home of an unknown boy, who you will find parts of his story in this station. try to piece together what happened, make the story. "an asteroid, devoid of life, yet something seemed to...live here"...