CV-063 Monolith x3 CFO - A WIP 1.5km long Mothership - Update #23

    Jul 6, 2013
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    Ok boys and girls, I'm back to building. I started ripping apart the old bridge and building a new one.

    and... I don't like it so far. It's fugly. Once I've finished how I want the interior to feel, I'll go through and redo the exterior to gfit/look pretty. Kinda struggling on inspiration for this bit, though. Seriously, before anyone even saying anything, know that I absolutely DESPISE the exterior of the bridge so far.
    Oh yeah, all the computers that were controlling shit on the bridge? Gone. And good riddance. that shit was clogging up my weapons tab. Mind, I'll likely have to go through with a fine tooth comb and find all the stray modules now, but, eh, c'est la vie.

    Also, my reasoning for trashing the old bridge: It may have fit the design of the rest of the ship, but it never felt sufficiently GRAND enough to be the main command bridge of a massive starship. Hell, I'm half tempted to rip most of the command deck up and LIFT that motherfucker up, sculpt that bastard's curves, and make it look PRETTY. Rawr.[DOUBLEPOST=1412847460,1412846874][/DOUBLEPOST]

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    Jan 7, 2014
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    If you are still in need of help, I wouldn't want to destroy your exterior, but I would be more and happy to lend a hand with interior design.
    Apr 28, 2014
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    try connecting the bottom of the front part of the bridge in a slight curve to the rest of the ship
    Jul 6, 2013
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    Ok people. The Bridge redesign is well underway. Here's what I've got:

    The bridge includes Variable Lighting:

    Also, take the time to welcome jmseplyfrod to the build team! Jsem has been hard at work on the crew Deck, designing new bunks and crew quarters, putting in too-small doors, and completely forgetting to use symmetry planes! But he's learning, and he has some good design ideas. I'll show them in later updates, once he's finished smoothing out the loose ends, and remembered to use symmetry mode. :D
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    Jul 6, 2013
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    I made another executive decision. I'm expanding the undercarriage of the Monolith again to provide room for a Modular Bunker bay. That being said, I spent most of the night putting in bunks on the crew deck, then doing detail work in various spots. Rather than post each individual picture of the 30+ pictures I've got for the latest round of updates, I just made an album for it on imgur.

    I'm still migrating all the weapons systems to their new home on the tactical deck. Also, plopped down all the Point defense turret hardpoints and anti-fighter hardpoints on the new fore of the ship. So that's done now. (It's gonna be a BIIIIITCH to dock all those motherfuckers, but I'll do it a few at a time, for sanity's sake.)

    Also put in blast shutters on the bridge. Which are technically useless considering crystal armor is now a thing, and is on either side of it, but god damnit it's gonna look pretty, you understand me?!

    Spent some more time tinkering with the weapons systems - I changed the main cannons to be my long-range weapons rather than the lasers, and made the lasers to be rapid-fire anti-shield weapons for short range engagements. This was particularly necessary since the max range I could eek out of the lasers was 1km. I don't actually expect to get much done tomorrow night (aka tonight) as I'm being taken out (again) by my friends for a belated birthday celebration, and expect to be blindingly drunk by the time I return.

    But here's a peek at the work being done in the engineering section:

    And another peek at the turret hardpoints:

    And here, of course, is JSEM's simply awesome Bunks:

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    Jul 6, 2013
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    So I ended up getting bailed on by my friends. SO I spent the night in building, primarily working on the Engineering Deck, and Main Engineering is starting to take shape.

    that thing inside the glass. I want to make it spin.

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    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Hey your engineering in the second picture can double as a night club!
    Apr 28, 2014
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    something you could do with the thing you want to spin you could rig up some sort of logic to turn it off and on again in a sequence, i havent even thought about trying to figure out the logic stuff yet but i know its possible since ive seen it before
    Jul 6, 2013
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    something you could do with the thing you want to spin you could rig up some sort of logic to turn it off and on again in a sequence, i havent even thought about trying to figure out the logic stuff yet but i know its possible since ive seen it before
    What you're describing is called a clock.
    Jul 6, 2013
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    No pictures today. Spent some time doing a little detail work here and there, but the biggest change was I started blocking out another hangar on the underside. Not overly happy with it at this point - It juts out /way/ too far, but I need that extra space for BIG hangars as well as for the orbital deployment bits. It's also very likely that the 'flight deck' will end up being repurposed, and all the hangarspace moved elsewhere. As it stands, I'm none too happy with how tight the wing hangars are, so I'll likely be ripping those apart again soon, too - if only to ensure I've got enough docking space to dock the ships I've chosen to be my primary fighters, bombers, etc. Which I've also made a decision on, but I'll be announcing that tomorrow after conversing with the creator(s) of the crafts. Suffice to say the performance and style of the vessels has impressed me sufficiently to overcome the enormous ~effort~ threshold of modifying my hangars to fit them. (As it stands, the bombers I chose had to be chopped apart to fit in the wing hangars, and the fighters I chose had to be /butchered/ in order to dock.

    This will also give me the opportunity to do a rethink on the weapons systems housed in the wing hangars, as well as a few other niggling little details that have been bugging me since I built the wing hangars. (they always felt like I just tacked them onto the side rather than being a proper part of the hull, which, in a way, I did. /And I hate it./) Oh, and it will get rid of the god-awful penis deck on the undercarriage. (I fucking hate that thing, I don't know why I built it.)

    Meanwhile, Jsem has been hard at work in the bridge, making the interior look purdy, and he /thinks/ he's got the communications deck laid out. (I haven't looked yet, I spent most of the day taking measurements, making calculations, and playing with ideas of how I want the hangar expansion to look so it won't look like yet another 'tacked on' extension) While I'm still not /completely/ happy with the exterior of the bridge, I'm at the point where I need to work on something else for a while and mull it over, and at the moment I'm too goddamned distracted with how badly I need larger hangar space/(wider/taller) runways/how fucking ugly the invisible-to-everyone-but-me seam between the old hull and the new one is.
    Also, I rather like the effect I had put in before I added the wing hangars with the bulbous outcroppings on the bottom - they fit the ship well and felt, well, shiplike. So I think I'll be putting some of that into the new underside.