Criss' Thread


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    Space Pandemonium? Void Shock? A hint at things to come? Or just flavor text/lore?
    Anyway, I would think they cared about Sticker Shock more. :p

    Looking good.

    In the first pic, is that cargo ship a permanent part of the station (construction wise) or is it just making a delivery (docked)?
    It was nearby and I didn't want to delete it so I docked it.


    Me, myself and I.
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    OMG. I just stumbled onto this thread searching for who created the freighter in the tutorial. By the way, who did create it?

    How about a contest for building a standard design for the docking portal or poratls?
    A standard that players can adopt/adapt into their designs to be compatible with stations and other ships on the spaceways.


    Pipe-God-Emperor of starmade
    Nov 29, 2013
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    OMG. I just stumbled onto this thread searching for who created the freighter in the tutorial. By the way, who did create it?

    How about a contest for building a standard design for the docking portal or poratls?
    A standard that players can adopt/adapt into their designs to be compatible with stations and other ships on the spaceways.
    its called a USD


    Aug 11, 2013
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    OMG. I just stumbled onto this thread searching for who created the freighter in the tutorial. By the way, who did create it?

    How about a contest for building a standard design for the docking portal or poratls?
    A standard that players can adopt/adapt into their designs to be compatible with stations and other ships on the spaceways.
    They've already got one.


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    Hey there! Super late post this week. It seems to get worse and worse each week.

    Anyway, I have a new ship to show you all! A few of you may have already seen this on the livestream we did over the weekend. This here is the Trading Guild's fighter. It might be larger than your average fighter. I am not sure there is a proper classification for it. Some even called it a gunboat. Either way this is a one man combat vehicle intended to escort the small freighter.

    The ships come with the bare minimum for crew - which boils down to a pilots seat. Since these fighters are escorting small freighters, they do not go too long without docking at the next station.

    Right so now that we have seen it, how does it perform? A lot of you have shown concern over Schine's skills with making good ships. There is certainly a science to it. I have learned a bit while making this fighter from viewers on the stream. I think I managed to nail down some capable systems on this ship. The TG will be known for utilizing some hard hitting cannons. Using pulse as a secondary was a terrible idea for the fighter so we settled for a cannon with punch through effect. It manages to take out another fighter fairly well. Facing off against accurate enemies using the same blueprint actually proved difficult, which is what I was looking for.

    Below will be some stats for the fighter. Leave your feedback of course. If your comments are not actually constructive they WILL be removed.

    Another thing of note was a change in design philosophy for the TG. As we fleshed out some stuff for the Outcasts we realized that the TG should have more defenses on their side. You guys had some valuable input as well.

    - The Scavenger pirates will be focusing on armor, as it is easy to salvage off dead ships (including armor effects). They will also use missiles quite a lot, as cheap explosives fit their style. Warheads too maybe. Minefields. Now that is interesting.

    - The Outcasts are a very neutral race. They are peaceful, but protective. As such we wanted them to stand between the Scavs and TG. They rely on salvaging and exploring in order to accumulate resources. Their ships use either shield tanking or armor tanking from ship to ship. They also utilize fixed weapons and turrets equally.

    - This leaves the Trading Guild. Before I said they didn't have much in terms of defenses as their fleets were nigh expendable. I've come to the conclusion that the TG would more likely utilize preventative measures more so than the other two. AMS turrets will be commonplace across the TG fleet. They will also use extensive jump drive technology and shield tanking. Some ships will even have Ion effect installed.

    That's about it for this week. We will be seeing some new TG ships over the next few weeks before we move onto Outcasts assets!


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    Minelayers pls

    Does this mean AI will be able to use passives? Additionally, with the scanner on the fighter, does this mean AI will be able to use scanners?
    A lot of this stuff might be there just because it makes sense. I am sure the AI will be able to use it but we won't build ships with the idea that if the AI doesn't use it then it doesn't belong. Of course when it comes to Ion effect it will be necessary for the AI to use it if the ship focuses on shields. I don't see a reason why the AI wouldn't use it by the end of development.
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    Dec 29, 2014
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    Of course anyone that creates a new world will see one.
    Ok, I've tried starting a new world using both the current release and dev builds, still spawn next to am advanced shop. Is this spawn station not actually at spawn point or what am I doing wrong?


    Social Media Director
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    Ok, I've tried starting a new world using both the current release and dev builds, still spawn next to am advanced shop. Is this spawn station not actually at spawn point or what am I doing wrong?
    None of these assets are in the game yet. They will be when NPC's are working well enough. This is the focus of development over the next few months.


    Maiden of crashes
    Oct 15, 2013
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    Scavengers with warheads? does this finally mean warheads will become useful? *holds breath*
    Jul 15, 2014
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    I can't really think of anything wrong with the stats on that fighter for something its size tbh. Pretty good guns and very quick.
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    Jun 22, 2013
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    I'm a little disappointed by the design choices for the trading guild, particularly the color scheme.... because that's what I use for my ships, now I'm going to have to change things up! Thanks a lot! :rolleyes:


    Cake Build Server Official Button Presser
    Jun 30, 2013
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    I'm really not sure if I like this fighter you got there.
    It looks really nice, got good details and everything.
    But it doesn't look like a fighter to me, it just looks like a miniature version of your frigate or what you called the large ship you showed in the steam.
    A more fighter-ish cockpit would help a lot, that one there feels a lot like what would be used on a large ship.

    well that's just what Im thinking.
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    Building masochist
    Sep 26, 2013
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    I'm really not sure if I like this fighter you got there.
    It looks really nice, got good details and everything.
    But it doesn't look like a fighter to me, it just looks like a miniature version of your frigate or what you called the large ship you showed in the steam.
    A more fighter-ish cockpit would help a lot, that one there feels a lot like what would be used on a large ship.

    well that's just what Im thinking.
    I have to agree. It looks more like a patrol ship or shuttle tbh... I think that it's the cockpit, like Nauvran said.


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    Bruh I think I won't be going back on the design at this point. If it's not a fighter to you then thats fine. Consider it what you want. I don't think it is possible for us to designate this thing without defining what type of ship it is unless we make up words.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    I think all it needs it a bit more glass in the cockpit area and it'd look a lot better as a fighter.


    Social Media Director
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    Lecic. What are good weapon combos for a bomber? I am unsure everyone here has seen the one I have but it is the same size as the fighter pretty much. Any particular ratios?


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    missile/pulse/piercing for raw power and hull busting potential, but missile/beam/piercing is more reliable on account of not being incredibly slow and easy to shoot down.