CIR - Term 2 Councilors Announced

    Feb 22, 2015
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    hmm...well, if disciplinary action is going to just be ignored or taken as a joke, Schine might as well hire Trump to code for them.
    This is a problem with the person who disciplined you, not with my evaluation methods.
    Hrm, that's definitely not right. Timeouts shouldn't be happening that quickly, I'll look at some of the threads I saw with issues/improvements on the council page and send them to the web team.
    The time out wasn't quick, it took me a minute or two to track every one down and rank them properly. Maybe longer, can't say I was timing it. I'm sure you will find me in those threads :)


    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    The time out wasn't quick, it took me a minute or two to track every one down and rank them properly. Maybe longer, can't say I was timing it. I'm sure you will find me in those threads :)
    Yes, I do recall reading some of them when I got back from my vacation :)

    Perhaps a search box function to easily locate users and maybe a button to optionally order candidates by alphabetical order. That way all candidates are still initially displayed randomly.
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    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    m...well, if disciplinary action is going to just be ignored or taken as a joke, Schine might as well hire Trump to code for them.
    This is a problem with the person who disciplined you, not with my evaluation methods.
    So you're judging people if they got a slap on the wrist from daddy duke? Kay...
    Feb 22, 2015
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    Yup. 42 other people were able to avoid getting a slap on the wrist.
    Jul 12, 2014
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    Oh boy, what a hen house. ;)

    Congratulations to all elected and suffice to say I'm happy with the outcome. :D


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    Aug 23, 2013
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    Does this stuff need to be discussed in public forum? if there is concern, take it up with him personally next time he is online. Im sure he will square it away, this is a breach of privacy. [...] this thread is so derailed from the intended purpose it's not even funny.
    I don't really see the breach of privacy, I mean this is technically a public position. Why does everyone scream bloody murder when something is discussed in the open? :-/
    Also this thread is fucking hilarious :D

    Warning points get handed out like candy here, they're not a definitive "this guy is bad".
    Ikr? Even I, innocent as can be, got a warning point </3

    (And the most vocal against the current council? well, they didn't get the job. Hell, one of them I feel shouldn't have even been allowed to apply. Really? That many warning points after you turned in your app? Real mature.
    hmm...well, if disciplinary action is going to just be ignored or taken as a joke, Schine might as well hire Trump to code for them.
    This is a problem with the person who disciplined you, not with my evaluation methods.
    ufekkin'wotm8? Anywhooooooo... may I ask who you are referring to? I'm just curious tbh xD
    Feb 22, 2015
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    may I ask who you are referring to? I'm just curious tbh xD
    The information is available in the applications. If I was going to use names, I would have. If it's really important, you can do the research. If not, that person deserves a modicum of privacy. (I would not want my name announced like this, so I grant the same respect)
    If that person wishes to identify themself, that's their business.


    Convicted Lancake Abuser
    Apr 14, 2013
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    Does this stuff need to be discussed in public forum? if there is concern, take it up with him personally next time he is online. Im sure he will square it away, this is a breach of privacy. why can't people just stay on topic say congrats to the new guys and move on, bickering about silly stuff isn't going to solve anything. this thread is so derailed from the intended purpose it's not even funny.
    People should be aware that the promises someone made MONTHS AGO might not necessarily still be kept due to life changes, yes. There's no reason to move that to a PM.

    We voted for these people, and now we bitch they're not good at their job? Wow.
    The community is not a hivemind. "We" did not vote for these people, some people voted for these people, and others did not, and those who did not are slightly annoyed that 4.5/7 council members have what is arguably the job that requires the least amount of attention.

    (And the most vocal against the current council? well, they didn't get the job. Hell, one of them I feel shouldn't have even been allowed to apply. Really? That many warning points after you turned in your app? Real mature.)
    Of the 45 applicants, only 3 received warning points after they submitted their application. Candy or not, 93.3% of the applicants were capable of avoiding them.
    You can call me by name, you know. Yeah, I got two points after applied, what, 5 months ago? Whoops. It's hardly my fault that Schine literally never responds to appeals emails. You tell me, though- Does jokingly telling someone who misread a post to "lern2read" really justify any amount of points, oh great and powerful judge of character kiraen?
    And yeah, I didn't win the election. Big whoop. There are plenty of other people who could have beaten me and I wouldn't have minded in the slightest. Hell, one of my top 5 was Keptick, and I'm glad he's on the council. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to protest only really being represented by 1/7 councilors in what is almost definitely the most important aspect of the game.

    If you're going to try and insult someone's character, why don't you stop being a coward and call them out directly instead of just vagueposting about them? Thanks. :)

    ok all-knowing Lecic & Chckn Wildstyle
    what is the current weapon meta then?
    I've got class to go to in about 20 minutes, so I'll try and keep this short.

    The current meta is
    [In Groups]
    Machineguns are the optimal weapon for any non-alpha purposes. Machineguns for shields, machineguns for hull, machineguns for stop, for EMP. The only optimal alpha weapons are missile/beam, beam/pulse, and beam/beam, because they have both 1) higher alpha, and 2) are much harder to miss with over cannon/pulse. Alpha block damage is worthless over DPS block damage, due to diminishing returns. Every ship should be able to permajam. If you can't, you haven't given it enough power. Armor and shields are decently balanced and one of the few things that are in this game.
    Massive ships firing hundreds or thousands of swarms a shot. Thanks to the HELPFUL max speed increase to them, few ships can outrun them now, which was their main disadvantage before. Many use the swarms simply as distractions for ridiculously sized missiles. Are these designs optimal? No, but they're the norm, and the norm is what makes the meta.


    The Cake Network Staff Senior button unpusher
    Jun 21, 2013
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    The community is not a hivemind. "We" did not vote for these people, some people voted for these people, and others did not, and those who did not are slightly annoyed that 4.5/7 council members have what is arguably the job that requires the least amount of attention.
    Just because you're not happy doesn't mean that everyone feels this way. That is the entire point of having a vote. It's not "Who does Lecic want on the council", but rather who does the community want on the council

    Granted, others may be better suited at some parts of the job. It's not my perfect council, I only got 2 people I voted for, and only 1 was fairly high ranked. But still. The community spoke.
    Feb 22, 2015
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    You can call me by name, you know. Yeah, I got two points after applied, what, 5 months ago? Whoops. It's hardly my fault that Schine literally never responds to appeals emails. You tell me, though- Does jokingly telling someone who misread a post to "lern2read" really justify any amount of points, oh great and powerful judge of character kiraen?
    If you're going to try and insult someone's character, why don't you stop being a coward and call them out directly instead of just vagueposting about them? Thanks. :)
    First, if you don't care, I don't care. But it was your choice to air your dirty laundry, not mine. You call it cowardice, I call it basic respect.

    Second, to your face, you are immature and this entire rant of your's is proof that you do not belong in any position of authority. Even the psuedo-authority of a volunteer council for a game.

    Third, to your face, you are either a liar or ignorant of your own short comings. You have had 4 warning points since your application was submitted. Two incidents of flaming for 2 points each. One of those incidents was last month. Additionally, two incidents of spamming, no points given, also last month. Any one of these incidents is indicative of a lack of basic maturity which I find necessary to hold a council position. I state it again, 42 other people were capable of showing proper restraint.

    Fourth, obviously someone with real authority felt it was justified. It's not a judgement on my part, it's just reading the facts on your app.

    I will say, however, you do not hold the record for warning points on your application. That distinction belongs to someone else. Also, I don't count the incidents that occured before your application was submitted, it is possible that people can change.

    IMO, you are unfit to represent anyone as a council member. Your complaints about who made it onto the council are equally irrelevant to me. I attempted to vote for 17 people, nearly half of the candidates, you didn't even survive the first cut.

    You're welcome. :D

    I'm done here.
    Moving on....
    Dec 29, 2013
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    The community is not a hivemind. "We" did not vote for these people, some people voted for these people, and others did not, and those who did not are slightly annoyed that 4.5/7 council members have what is arguably the job that requires the least amount of attention.
    In order to pick the council members that represent the interests of the entire community and not just the majority, they used STV. You may want to watch a CGP Grey video on it : .


    Way gayer than originally thought.
    Jun 29, 2013
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    Third, to your face, you are either a liar or ignorant of your own short comings. You have had 4 warning points since your application was submitted. Two incidents of flaming for 2 points each. One of those incidents was last month. Additionally, two incidents of spamming, no points given, also last month. Any one of these incidents is indicative of a lack of basic maturity which I find necessary to hold a council position. I state it again, 42 other people were capable of showing proper restraint.
    Two of the points were added before the council application. Two more of the points were for a single post that was considerably less inflammatory than your own post here. The "spamming" warnings were given by Doomsider after Lancake specified that no "spam" points would be given for discussions of game balance in the game balance suggestions thread.


    Chronic Troublemaker
    Jun 23, 2013
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    Just because you're not happy doesn't mean that everyone feels this way. That is the entire point of having a vote. It's not "Who does Lecic want on the council", but rather who does the community want on the council

    Granted, others may be better suited at some parts of the job. It's not my perfect council, I only got 2 people I voted for, and only 1 was fairly high ranked. But still. The community spoke.
    I don't know if I would call Twitch followers and inactive accounts used only for voting "the community".

    Once again we see that 6/7 people on this council got there because of popularity rather than ability.

    Oh well. Not like the Council accomplishes anything anyways.
    Jun 30, 2015
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    This thread started out so nice, congratulating the new and returning counselors. Then you all pretty much decided to be jerks. The plain truth is that the counselors are essentially senators are supposed to be, no power in themselves except the respect they have by having been elected to that position. Can we please get over this useless bickering and infighting and appreciate that the counsel is bigger and far more varied than it has ever been before? And that we, the communities of Starmade (not just this site but others too) came together to elect them. Can this please be a happy thread? This kind of thing is why so much of the site is so dead, the toxic interactions turn people off the community and by extension the game. If we ever want this game to be popular and for this site to be more useful then we have to make this a kinder community.

    On that line, Congrats to all of you counselors. Only two I didn't vote for got in. Not bad. I'm a little surprised they went with a bigger counsel than before, but it is a good surprise.


    Madman of the Girders
    Jan 31, 2013
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    Congratulations on the new council, folks. I look forward to seeing Schine dust off the whips.

    Oh, and the other half of the thread; I get your gripes. Someone who doesn't know one part of the game very well may have a hard time communicating its more intricate issues. I think that is a worthwhile critique. On your behalf I will ask questions and gather information.

    So, Schine/present/past council members, what is the standard procedure for selecting and displaying ideas to Schine? Are things reworded and summarized by the council or directly linked? Are there specific criteria that a thread needs to meet in order to be considered mentionable?
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