I feel you guys seriously need some input from an 'outsider' so here goes.
I'm 2 months into this game. A noob. I haven't built any ships over a couple hundred meters and nothing that has reached 2mill yet so I have zero experience with docked reactors or auxiliary power systems. Having said that, I just want to say that what first hooked me into this game was trying to build a twisted power core. What I believe is called a knot by the pros around here. Also trying to figure out the optimum power layout for various cube sizes. I spent days mucking around with pure power core designs trying to optimize things and thoroughly enjoyed myself with the puzzle that is the current power system.
Now geographically I'm in an isolated city that has only a couple of servers in ping range and they're not very active, I'm basically stuck in survival single player with the exception of my kids and an occasional friend dropping by. My problem now is that I have ships and have started to explore the 'rest' of the game and am finding I've got not much to do but blow up Isanths (shiza, can't you guys get some more ships in the game by default? /grumble,) and destroy or capture stations... it's getting old pretty quickly. Now I can occupy myself for years just building things and thats ok for me, but this game really needs something built into it to do other then build if you want to attract more players. It needs some built in opposition BADLY! (And I thought zombies and creepers were 'barely there,' as opposition.) Some challenge beyond retarded bots circling around and around add infinitum. Hell, they don't even prioritize and change targets!
The current power system and building ships around it is the only worth while part of the game for me at the moment, (other then the logic system, which is magic by the way, well done.) To rip that down and start again seems to me to be completely counterproductive as the power system basically 'is the game' for me.
From where I'm sitting the noise about the problems with the power system seems to come from the top end of the player base, the dedicated hardcores, with massive ships who push the game to it's limits. You guys need to shift your perspective to that of a new player if you want to expand this game too new players! If you destroy what you've built every time a new idea pops into your collective heads without ever finishing anything you've started then you're already doomed. Focus on the game beyond building. The power system at the moment, to me as a new player is fun! A great puzzle worth spending time unraveling. It was, literally, the hook for me into this game. Leave the power system be and give some attention to your AI and game content beyond building.
Just my 2c as a new player with only the basics under his belt.