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In-Game Name: Jamer
Age: 15
Why us: You guys seem like you have the most orderly, and most powerful faction. It just seems like you\'re the best.
Mic: Yes.
Are you good with following orders and playing with/as a team? Explain. I\'m great at following orders, and great with teams. I have very much ecperience with this because of a game I used to play called roblox. On that we had clans, where we fought eachother.
Are you a leader, a follower, or other? Explain. I can really be anything, but I prefer not to give orders due to the fact that I\'m not the most tactical person ever. Follower best suits me.
Knowledge of StarMade? I\'ve been on for only a short time, but I play many hours a day everyday. I know how to use tech to my advantage.
Do you have Skype or TeamSpeak3? Not currently, but I can get teamspeak.
Anything else we should know? I\'m a VERY hard worker, I will obey no matter what. I\'m VERY respectful, and always, ALWAYS, helpful.
Thanks for your time!