What about one of these ideas:
1. Block count
Make any ship with more than 10,000 blocks(keep in mind, a cube with sides just 10 blocks long has 1,000 blocks!) be able to "support" a factory, a ship with 12,000 can support a second factory, ect.
At 20,000 blocks you can place factory enhancers on your ship, one factory is equal to one enhancer(once you're past 20,000, you can have a factory enhancer or factory for every 2,000 more than 10,000). 22,000 you can support 6 factory/factory enhancer blocks, ect.
At 20,000 blocks you can also support a undeathinator that allows you to select to spawn on that ship*. Basic undeathinator qualities, basic and simple.
At 50,000 blocks jumpdrives start working on the capital system stated above.
At 100,000 blocks you could support a single shipyard controller, as well as 20 shipyard modules and one shipyard docker thingy.
Every 5,000 blocks after this you can place 10 more shipyard modules.
At 200,000 you can support a second controller and docker.
Every more 100,000 you can support one more controller and docker.
Did I miss anything?
Station blocks would be very heavy(10-15 mass) so station block heavy ships would be slower and act more tanky than other ships.
This would make it possible to have factory ships, and respawn ships at an early level, and slowly level the ships up in their abilities as your ship gets larger. Shipyards are a much later acheved system that would make a dedicated carrier. No complicated upgrades needed(you could use the same system for all the Capital ship blocks and systems, it might work better than some upgrade thing.
All numbers are up for debate, please don't judge on them.
*I think it would be a selection screen of undeathinators that you have acessed and are avalable(that aren't factioned against you).
2. Turret limitations
In capital ships (100,000 blocks or more) you have a certain amount of blocks you can have in turrets, 1/10th of the ship's mass(or whatever) this does not include nonturret constructs, like modular ships and docked fighters. You could have a bunch of mini pd turrets and a few larger guns or a bunch of medium sized guns (or all pd antimissile cruiser, or all big gunned anticapital ship). The one catch to the turrets is that each station block counts as 10 turret blocks(or whatever). You can't have a poopin' shootin' buildin' craftin' replicatin' omnireaperin' monstrosity(it has to either be a poopin' buildin' craftin' monstrosity, or a shootin' boomin' killin' reaperin' monstrosity:p).
Please note that this is just an idea from 8 oclock on a worknight, stay with me here.
Weapons in general in Cap ships have a fire rate based on their size
. Their dps would stay the same, but they would fire slower overall. This is mostly about cannon/cannons being way to fast and small to seem truely powerful. It would bring the fire rate of c/c down to 1/1.3 seconds, it would have a much lesser effect on long reloading shots(missilepulse would fire every 100 seconds) but the larger the weapon systems the delay. Beam weapons would have the same tick rate for a longer time(this would have no effect on beam/cannon). This is just to make the big guns seem more bisquewy:p! instead of pewy.
Shot size sould also scale with damage(as well as missile hitboxes?), the more damage the larger the shot(the farther range the longer the shot?) . Im not sure about if they will effect the area of effect(will the titains great beam carve a hole in a 3 by 3 area? Will the big guns' booming fire make big explosions when they hit something?) but it would at least be astheticly imporved. Sound changes would be good as well, honestly you could just make it sound deeper the more damage it does.
Just my >200 lines!Someone actually count how many lines!
[DOUBLEPOST=1455159004,1455157361][/DOUBLEPOST]I dare you to:p!
1. Block count
Make any ship with more than 10,000 blocks(keep in mind, a cube with sides just 10 blocks long has 1,000 blocks!) be able to "support" a factory, a ship with 12,000 can support a second factory, ect.
At 20,000 blocks you can place factory enhancers on your ship, one factory is equal to one enhancer(once you're past 20,000, you can have a factory enhancer or factory for every 2,000 more than 10,000). 22,000 you can support 6 factory/factory enhancer blocks, ect.
At 20,000 blocks you can also support a undeathinator that allows you to select to spawn on that ship*. Basic undeathinator qualities, basic and simple.
At 50,000 blocks jumpdrives start working on the capital system stated above.
At 100,000 blocks you could support a single shipyard controller, as well as 20 shipyard modules and one shipyard docker thingy.
Every 5,000 blocks after this you can place 10 more shipyard modules.
At 200,000 you can support a second controller and docker.
Every more 100,000 you can support one more controller and docker.
Did I miss anything?
Station blocks would be very heavy(10-15 mass) so station block heavy ships would be slower and act more tanky than other ships.
This would make it possible to have factory ships, and respawn ships at an early level, and slowly level the ships up in their abilities as your ship gets larger. Shipyards are a much later acheved system that would make a dedicated carrier. No complicated upgrades needed(you could use the same system for all the Capital ship blocks and systems, it might work better than some upgrade thing.
All numbers are up for debate, please don't judge on them.
*I think it would be a selection screen of undeathinators that you have acessed and are avalable(that aren't factioned against you).
2. Turret limitations
In capital ships (100,000 blocks or more) you have a certain amount of blocks you can have in turrets, 1/10th of the ship's mass(or whatever) this does not include nonturret constructs, like modular ships and docked fighters. You could have a bunch of mini pd turrets and a few larger guns or a bunch of medium sized guns (or all pd antimissile cruiser, or all big gunned anticapital ship). The one catch to the turrets is that each station block counts as 10 turret blocks(or whatever). You can't have a poopin' shootin' buildin' craftin' replicatin' omnireaperin' monstrosity(it has to either be a poopin' buildin' craftin' monstrosity, or a shootin' boomin' killin' reaperin' monstrosity:p).
Please note that this is just an idea from 8 oclock on a worknight, stay with me here.
Weapons in general in Cap ships have a fire rate based on their size
Shot size sould also scale with damage(as well as missile hitboxes?), the more damage the larger the shot(the farther range the longer the shot?) . Im not sure about if they will effect the area of effect(will the titains great beam carve a hole in a 3 by 3 area? Will the big guns' booming fire make big explosions when they hit something?) but it would at least be astheticly imporved. Sound changes would be good as well, honestly you could just make it sound deeper the more damage it does.
Just my >200 lines!Someone actually count how many lines!
[DOUBLEPOST=1455159004,1455157361][/DOUBLEPOST]I dare you to:p!