Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.IGN- animusqt
Why you want to join the server- I have crew of chefs on the server wish to cook up delicious stuff
Example of your work- View attachment 53931
Your favourite type of cake- Triple chocolate cake uuhm yum
Fill out this form or go awayTOOTHLESS7151
Here, anyone can build to their heart's content while surrounded by a fun, active community! Restricted admin access and creative mode is granted when offering a sufficient amount of cake to the admins.
We have a simple set of rules to follow, however what you do so long as it is within the rules is YOUR DECISION ENTIRELY!
1- No killing other players without their prior consent.
2- Don't damage anything that isn't yours, unless the creator of the object says it is okay.
3- Build at least one sector from spawn.
4- Faction politics or personal grudges are to be left at the door. We will kick and eventually ban people who kick up outside arguments
5- DO NOT STEAL BLUEPRINTS. We check the logs quite regularly, and if you are found to have stolen someones BP, you will be permanently banned from the server
6- Do not spawn builds that are not yours without the permission of the original creator.
7- Keep the peace. A little banter here and there or a good political discussion are perfectly fine. What is not fine is excessive profanity, flaming, or insults.
8- Don't harass people - if someone asks you to leave their sector, do so. If someone tries to get away from you, leave them alone. Some people woke on secret stuff, or have bad PC's and don't need you and your silly titan harassing them
Captain Tankman
How to contact us
You can either PM the staff, leave a message here or message us on Discord
Community Projects
Projects – Cake Build Server
Application form
All subjects have to be filled.
Applications should be posted in this thread
Why you want to join the server-
Example of your work-
Your favourite type of cake-
You can connect to the server either from the ingame server list, or sm.cakebuildserver.com:57921
Fill out the application and provide some work we can actually seeFriends
I have no work just yet
Chocolate cake
I don’t have work yet
Chocolate cake
[doublepost=1561059539][/doublepost]View attachment 53961 Matthewjessee135
The cross
Chocolate cake
Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.IGN- mbo022
Why you want to join the server- Iv got a cupple of friends playing here and iv been wanting to get back to playing starmade after a long break from it
Example of your work- GMS_Vanguard
Your favourite type of cake-
Any cake with enough chocolate and nuts is fine with me
IGN- Oliver2016IGN- mosimon2
Why you want to join the server- I was told this was a good build server, and I could get some more active help in multiplayer, rather than me dinking around in SP.
Example of your work- Khidr-Class_Exploration-Shuttle *Traveler Colors*
Your favourite type of cake-
cookie cake.
Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.IGN- Oliver2016
Why you want to join the server - It sounds like a fun place and community for completing projects
Example of your work - Star Trek NCC-1701 from the Original SeriesView attachment 54006
Favourite Type of Cake - Chocolate
Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.View attachment 54023 Recolor of my Prototype Destiny replica from Stargate Universe.
-Want to build with friends on the server
-Strawberry Cake
https://starmadedock.net/threads/how-to-take-nice-r-screenshots.31333/View attachment 54023 Recolor of my Prototype Destiny replica from Stargate Universe.
Application formi want to join the server because i wanna some help in my project. ( Warhammer 40k tyranid )
None example of work
IGN: Naraige
Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.IGN- Naits_Azzor
Why you want to join the server- My Faction wants a grief-free server to be able to be social, build, mine, and enjoy hanging out and testing stuff out.
>>MY MOST RECENT WORK <<(My other SMD submissions are super old as I've kept my larger more original builds to myself. )
Your favourite type of cake- Postre Chaja (Don't know what it is? You're missing out)
Whitelisted. Remember to read the rules and contact an admin here Discord when you're online on the server to gain access to restricted admin and creative mode.IGN- Alanman
Why you want to join the server- I'm looking for a good, stable server that doesn't tolerate immature behavior and lets you build peacefully. Our previous server crashed (again) and did a total wipe (again), so my little faction and I are looking for a new home.
Example of your work- I made the ship with the glowy fins on the left, the turret on the bottom, and also contributed to the station's interior.
Your favourite type of cake- Oh man, it's so hard to choose! I even found some good carrot cake, so I can't even say "any but that". I really like spice cake. Love me some cinnamon! I also really like your cake logo! Server blades for the layers and cloud decor on top! Delightful!
Green-Knight-44 said: ↑IGN- Forgotten Prime
Why you want to join the server- I'm a builder seeking a builders paradise. The last server I was on has been having issues.
Example of your work- Current and a update https://starmadedock.net/content/krom-bli-update.7881/
Your favourite type of cake- Carrot, Double Chocolate, zucchini, To many to say. I love Em all.![]()