Dr. Whammy
Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
That shouldn't be a problem if you are familiar with the rail and logic systems. The warheads have a very low damage output now because of the new explosion mechanic and the massive buff of advanced armor so anything you build will be weak-sauce. Here's how to modify their damage in sandbox/single player mode.So the first 1-2 torpedoes of a burst should be larger to potentially get through advanced armor, and the rest don't need the extra damage to kill system blocks. Hmm I want to build something like this now.
To tweak the explosive blocks in windows:
- Find "blockBehaviorConfig.xml" in StarMade\data\config\
- Make a copy of the file as a backup with a slightly different name, (just in case...
- Using a text editor (I use word pad), open "blockBehaviorConfig.xml"
- On your keyboard, hold your control key and hit "F"; a "find" dialogue box will open.
- Type the word "explosive". The first entry listed will be the warheads
- Modify the damage and blast radius as you see fit.
- Save the file
- Open StarMade and blow crap up...
You also might want to read my posts on this thread; there's a lot of good info in the first page and we break down what warheads can and cannot do. I've also posted how to build torpedoes as well as examples of the modified warhead damage there. Here's a link to my first stable magazine-fed launcher and my 25x Launcher. Both are repeat fire and have an anti-jam function that keeps you from blowing yourself up. It's best to remain stationary when firing as it maximizes your accuracy and minimizes the chance of you knocking a newly launched torpedo against the warhead of another docked torpedo.