Hell yeah! Now
that is three dimensional thinking... I can't wait for the AI to smarten up a bit. Then I'll go all D.A.R.P.A. on this place. :D
I've got a new trick too. Remember my 16x torpedo launcher? I gave it the same anti-jam fail-safes as the 10-rounder. Due to logic glitches, it tends to hiccup between salvos but the anti-jam keeps it from blowing up. It's not perfect but it IS fun to see 4 torpedoes at a time go speeding off toward a distant target.
Also, I've constructed a new 25 round launcher with the exact same dimensions as the 16x as well as the auto anti-jam. It's kind of logic heavy and the feed system is ridiculous; it makes my head hurt when I look at it.
Absolutely no space was wasted. I have one last thing to work out (prevent the unit from firing with the blast door closed) then this will be one of the smallest high capacity launchers around.