Oh, thank you good sir!It looks good general. I was starting to worry that we had seen all the best ships that would be posted for the comp.
Oh, thank you good sir!It looks good general. I was starting to worry that we had seen all the best ships that would be posted for the comp.
HE'S BACKGuess who's back with a new ship...refit...maybe both mixed together?
I am happy to present to you the BSI Pallas or if you prefer BSI Ocelot MK2. At first, I was only going to refit minor parts of the ship. Then suddenly the ship was stripped down to its basic shape, and let me tell you it was not a pretty sight.
Then, with a bit of work this happened!
Front half of ship coming soon TM.
Getting there.Needs color.
Hey, that's an improvement from the basic shape, lol.
Hey, less is more! Lol// Transmission Start//
Sooo....I don't want to say that the Pallas was too small for what i wanted to put in it, but...ermmm it was too small. So naturally i exported a model, imported it to smedit, then loaded it back in to the game. I did all this just to make sure it would look good when it is...500m longer... (now 750m)
So with that in mind the Pegasus refit may be delayed by a tiny bitBut ermm the BSI Sirius (Current Project name) will be packed full of everything, and i mean everything. I plan on including ground vehicle bays in this one, with some cool looking rovers and stuff.A few months
It shall be called the One Ship, one ship to rule them all!
Now i need every body to tell me smaller is better so i don't lose what sanity i have left. :D