BSI (BLT Space Industries)


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    A very interesting teaser for a new interior section on the Pegasus? Hmm i think so.

    This new section is mainly going to be science labs and medial areas and is 7 decks in total...but there will be a surprise...


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Here are some new ships i have been working on lately. They are inspired by Homeworld. So far i have a Cargo ship, Destroyer and escort fingter, i'm expecting to make another 3-5 ships with this style before i move on. So tell me what you think.



    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Update-Saber Class battle cruiser
    After several hours of detailing, and many days spent working out how to detail it, it has finally got 90% of the exterior complete.
    Now to finish the exterior I just need to complete the bridge, engines, hangar bay and sensor array.

    Jun 27, 2013
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    Looks really sweet man! Seeing awesomes like these make me want to fob work off and starmade moar... shame my Potato* holds me back from working on my bigger projects :(

    *(really crappy old laptop, dont judge, super poor :p)
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    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Looks really sweet man! Seeing awesomes like these make me want to fob work off and starmade moar... shame my Potato* holds me back from working on my bigger projects :(

    *(really crappy old laptop, dont judge, super poor :p)
    Hehehe, i know your pain... well, did xD
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    Apr 26, 2015
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    Hey, I wanted to comment on the Pegasus early release.

    First, good job designing the hull & docking bays & a few areas. It's attractive and functional. Also, good turret design - the way the beam turrets murder shields is pretty impressive.

    I have a few suggestions:
    1) Now that we have rails, you obviously need to transform that into a drone carrier
    2) The corridors are far too easy to get lost in. Put signs in! I personally would just put gravity lifts everywhere but that's my own preference.
    2b) You can put "supplemental" gravity tubes in for key areas like getting to the shuttle without detracting from the RP. If you do it right you can design 1-block-wide ones where you don't get stuck but either way, for a ship you want to USE, it's nice not to have to walk for 10 minutes to get to the core when you're trying to use it.
    3) The anti-missile turrets need more of a waffle design. I use 4 cannon-cannon slaves with 1 cannon-beam for long-range acquisition, it is very effective, but I have seen some nice compact designs using 9 or 12 cannons.
    4) Nukes or explosive cannon. Your carrier is probably going to be around 500k? When you get to that size, getting the other ship's shields down is only half the challenge: the other half is drilling out the core.
    5) Speaking of core drilling... Unfortunately the way that you put your docking bays right near the core makes this much easier.

    I really like the ship though. Yours is one of the few community content ships that I actually considered putting in the work and finishing my own version much to do, so little time, you know? (I am very good with systems, weapons, etc. but am not good at interiors or making things pretty with blocks)
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    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Hey, I wanted to comment on the Pegasus early release.

    First, good job designing the hull & docking bays & a few areas. It's attractive and functional. Also, good turret design - the way the beam turrets murder shields is pretty impressive.

    I have a few suggestions:
    1) Now that we have rails, you obviously need to transform that into a drone carrier
    2) The corridors are far too easy to get lost in. Put signs in! I personally would just put gravity lifts everywhere but that's my own preference.
    2b) You can put "supplemental" gravity tubes in for key areas like getting to the shuttle without detracting from the RP. If you do it right you can design 1-block-wide ones where you don't get stuck but either way, for a ship you want to USE, it's nice not to have to walk for 10 minutes to get to the core when you're trying to use it.
    3) The anti-missile turrets need more of a waffle design. I use 4 cannon-cannon slaves with 1 cannon-beam for long-range acquisition, it is very effective, but I have seen some nice compact designs using 9 or 12 cannons.
    4) Nukes or explosive cannon. Your carrier is probably going to be around 500k? When you get to that size, getting the other ship's shields down is only half the challenge: the other half is drilling out the core.
    5) Speaking of core drilling... Unfortunately the way that you put your docking bays right near the core makes this much easier.

    I really like the ship though. Yours is one of the few community content ships that I actually considered putting in the work and finishing my own version much to do, so little time, you know? (I am very good with systems, weapons, etc. but am not good at interiors or making things pretty with blocks)
    I actually plan on redoing the entire interior, with a lot of surprises. As for nukes, i will be adding those soon.


    Definitely not a skywanderers dev
    Apr 25, 2015
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    Awesome stuff man, watching thread eagerly, havn't been able to keep up to date much since I can't connect well to SS anymore :(
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    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    The two newest ships in the fleet, the BSI Viper (left) and BSI Python (right). The Python is a cargo ship inspired by the Orion from star citizen and yes, the cargo racks do spin. The Viper is a long range bomber.

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    Dec 23, 2013
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    *jaw hits ground*
    Is there an actual reason for the spinnong cargo sections? Apart from the aesthetically pleasing factor?
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