BSI (BLT Space Industries)

    Dec 21, 2014
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    As I've stated before I am working on my BSI fleet and now I am ready to build the Pegasus. However the last update was in March. Can we get a current update. Even if I cant fly it the eye candy is nice.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1443289348,1443289009][/DOUBLEPOST]What happened to the BSI Viper?


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    As I've stated before I am working on my BSI fleet and now I am ready to build the Pegasus. However the last update was in March. Can we get a current update. Even if I cant fly it the eye candy is nice.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1443289348,1443289009][/DOUBLEPOST]What happened to the BSI Viper?
    I haven't done any work on the pegasus in a long time and the Viper is still just a hull :)
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    Dec 21, 2014
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    Is there a WIP release for the #Saber Assault Cruiser UPDATE#


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Is there a WIP release for the #Saber Assault Cruiser UPDATE#
    It is nearing completion so i'm just going to hold it off until then, as i said i only have a few more rooms to fit in and systems. :D


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    //Transmission Start//

    Project - StarDrift

    Another new project, what could it be this time? Well this isn't only a ship or station or planet but something much more complicated. This project is going to be a series of sector exports, each export will be a mission contributing to a much larger story. I guess you could call it a campaign for the game. Anyway once you start you will wake up in a cryo stasis tube on a ship drifting through space. That is all i will say for now, i don't want to ruin the story.

    I have constructed a mini layout of the interior for the first mission/level to show you the scale it will be. So far i have maybe 5% of the station constructed. I hear that i can use Lua to code the NPCs similar to how the tutorial works, if this is so i'll be able to use this to help with this project.

    Depending on what types of hostile fauna Schine adds there will also be enemies to fight though during each mission.

    //Transmission End//
    Dec 21, 2014
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    Good evening, I wanted to once again say I love the work you have here.

    My question is for the ocelot. It is my main Flagship at the moment as it works the best for me. I would like to request another parking spot in the hanger maybe two for a fighter and maybe a shuttle with jump capability. So I have more than just two cargo haulers. I would also like to see moving airlock doors on the bridge or sides of the hanger. My crew keeps complaining about the toilets and worrying that someone is going to get hit by a ship coming to work. On my station I have a wireless block that I open the doors with. Sometimes the server lags and the wireless breaks so I have to fly all the way to the back plex door to get in. Thanks for your consideration.

    Reilly Reese

    #1 Top Forum Poster & Raiben Jackpot Winner
    Oct 13, 2013
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    Good evening, I wanted to once again say I love the work you have here.

    My question is for the ocelot. It is my main Flagship at the moment as it works the best for me. I would like to request another parking spot in the hanger maybe two for a fighter and maybe a shuttle with jump capability. So I have more than just two cargo haulers. I would also like to see moving airlock doors on the bridge or sides of the hanger. My crew keeps complaining about the toilets and worrying that someone is going to get hit by a ship coming to work. On my station I have a wireless block that I open the doors with. Sometimes the server lags and the wireless breaks so I have to fly all the way to the back plex door to get in. Thanks for your consideration.
    Modifying the hangars should be easy...
    Dec 21, 2014
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    Sadly I continue to do work on others ships, to have the version change and all my work to be wiped. So I am just trying requests! :) They are only requests in ways I think it would enhance the ship.


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    It's been around half a year but i'm back!
    I have started construction of a new fleet for the fleet Build Contest. Below is a picture of the first ship still in construction!

    Sadly I continue to do work on others ships, to have the version change and all my work to be wiped. So I am just trying requests! :) They are only requests in ways I think it would enhance the ship.
    Facc00 as for your problem with the plex door at the back, the addition of teleporters should fix this issue, i'll upload an updated version once i get a chance to refit it. :) Also, thanks for the advice.
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    Dec 21, 2014
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    Thank you so much. I enjoy your ships and with all the new changes alpt can happen. Also with the fleet mechanics I can use all the ships. I personally love the thought of a mother ship and support ships with the ability to launch drones from the mother ship. At any rate it will be nice to see what comes of your ships.
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    Colouring in guy.
    Jul 4, 2013
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    It's been around half a year but i'm back!
    I have started construction of a new fleet for the fleet Build Contest. Below is a picture of the first ship still in construction!

    Facc00 as for your problem with the plex door at the back, the addition of teleporters should fix this issue, i'll upload an updated version once i get a chance to refit it. :) Also, thanks for the advice.
    Glad to see you back, even more so to hear you planning for the Fleet Contest!
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    Nov 24, 2015
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    It's been around half a year but i'm back!
    I have started construction of a new fleet for the fleet Build Contest. Below is a picture of the first ship still in construction!

    Facc00 as for your problem with the plex door at the back, the addition of teleporters should fix this issue, i'll upload an updated version once i get a chance to refit it. :) Also, thanks for the advice.

    I love the engine design. It has enough detail to look like it could be a real engine o_O
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    Jul 29, 2013
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    Damn, I love that design already. The four engine layout just looks so unique and reminds me of an A-340.
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    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    //Transmission Start//



    *wipes sweat off brow*
    This took a lot longer than i expected to get done, but at long last the ship...has its interior complete!
    Special thanks to crusade for giving me ideas and such...

    I have uploaded the ship so far so that i can get it tested so far and find and errors and inconsistencies in the design. The download link is below.
    BSI Serval - Interior and Shell

    Oh yeh, here is a picture of it!

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    Jan 29, 2015
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    //Transmission Start//


    *wipes sweat off frow*
    This took a lot longer than i expected to get done, but at long last the ship...has its interior complete!
    Special thanks to crusade for giving me ideas and such...

    I have uploaded the ship so far so that i can get it tested thus far and find and errors and inconsistencies in the design. The download link is below.
    BSI Serval - Interior and Shell

    Oh yeh, here is a picture of it!

    It looks good general. I was starting to worry that we had seen all the best ships that would be posted for the comp.
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