BSI (BLT Space Industries)

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Review of the BSI Sevral shell.

    Well this is an awesome ship. I really like the start of it. Now for what I noticed on it, was the absence of a gravity block. IT looked like the main docking port extends but I didn't see a switch initially. I would love to see the use of armored moving doors and less plex door. The docking bay extension is very cool. A problem I have is that in the current state it is vulnerable to allow people to fly into the ship. Yes if the door is sealed they have to torch through it but to intentionally leave it open invites a boarding party. Other than that its off to a great start! The design mimics other BSI ships in that familiar look. One thing about the lights on the bridge I installed a flip flop and a not on the bridge with red lights when normal lights were not on. For combat operations.

    Thanks for the preview on it so far.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1464358169,1464355998][/DOUBLEPOST]I forgot to also add that the cargo spaces aren't used in the shell but that probably why as it's a shell.


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    //Transmission Start//


    After hours of trial and error and failing to come up with something new I have refitted the obsolete BSI Viper into the new and improved BSI Caracal. Improvements to the ship at this point include the paint job (more green, less hazard stripes :) )and minor structural modifications. The old BSI Viper was never complete and left as a shell, which left me the perfect opportunity to make something of it and complete another ship for my fleet submission. The Caracal will fill the bomber role in the BSI fleet. Picture Below ^^

    On the left is the BSI Viper (Old) and on the right is the BSI Caracal (New).

    Wait right there! There's still more! As well as refitting the BSI Viper I have also taken the liberty to refit the BSI Python and it will henceforth be known as the BSI Cougar, simply to go along with the predatory cat naming scheme of my new ships. Improvements so far include a tunnel through the cargo rings leading from the front compartment to the back compartment; a new paint job and a cargo bay, similar to that of the BSI Serval, similar to that of the BSI Serval on the port side. I have also refitting the cargo rings to actually hold cargo space this time. Any number of cargo pods can be added although doing so would decrease the ship's max speed. The BSI Cougar, as you can guess, will fill the role of a cargo ship in the BSI fleet. Picture below.

    On the left is the BSI Python(old) and on the right is the BSI Cougar (New).



    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    Guess who's back with a new ship...refit...maybe both mixed together?
    I am happy to present to you the BSI Pallas or if you prefer BSI Ocelot MK2. At first, I was only going to refit minor parts of the ship. Then suddenly the ship was stripped down to its basic shape, and let me tell you it was not a pretty sight.

    Then, with a bit of work this happened!

    Front half of ship coming soon TM.

    Last edited:

    Top 4ce

    Force or Ace?
    Jul 25, 2013
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    Guess who's back with a new ship...refit...maybe both mixed together?
    I am happy to present to you the BSI Pallas or if you prefer BSI Ocelot MK2. At first, I was only going to refit minor parts of the ship. Then suddenly the ship was stripped down to its basic shape, and let me tell you it was not a pretty sight.

    Then, with a bit of work this happened!

    Front half of ship coming soon TM.

    HE'S BACK :eek:
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    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    // Transmission Start//


    The Exterior is completed!.. for now!

    Little (big) thanks to _Scooter98_ for some advice, which of course I ignored most of. However some of it was good, such as the advice to extend the front. Which definitely helped give it a more appealing aesthetic.

    o_O Those engines though!

    Comparison shots between the BSI Ocelot (Mk1) and BSI Pallas (Mk2).

    Needs more antennas, i feel as though 17 just isn't enough.

    Last edited:


    Scary grrrrr
    Oct 11, 2013
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    // Transmission Start//


    Sooo....I don't want to say that the Pallas was too small for what i wanted to put in it, but...ermmm it was too small. So naturally i exported a model, imported it to smedit, then loaded it back in to the game. I did all this just to make sure it would look good when it is...
    500m longer... (now 750m)

    So with that in mind the Pegasus refit may be delayed by a tiny bit
    A few months
    But ermm the BSI Sirius (Current Project name) will be packed full of everything, and i mean everything. I plan on including ground vehicle bays in this one, with some cool looking rovers and stuff.

    It shall be called the One Ship, one ship to rule them all!

    Now i need every body to tell me smaller is better so i don't lose what sanity i have left. :D

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    Mar 3, 2015
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    // Transmission Start//


    Sooo....I don't want to say that the Pallas was too small for what i wanted to put in it, but...ermmm it was too small. So naturally i exported a model, imported it to smedit, then loaded it back in to the game. I did all this just to make sure it would look good when it is...
    500m longer... (now 750m)

    So with that in mind the Pegasus refit may be delayed by a tiny bit
    A few months
    But ermm the BSI Sirius (Current Project name) will be packed full of everything, and i mean everything. I plan on including ground vehicle bays in this one, with some cool looking rovers and stuff.

    It shall be called the One Ship, one ship to rule them all!

    Now i need every body to tell me smaller is better so i don't lose what sanity i have left. :D

    Hey, less is more! Lol

    These are all great. Keep it up!
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