I'm gonna rant a little so you might want to back up a bit.
On that note, same autist who tried ambushing me last night waited until all of our members were offline and went on a rampage through our space. Really brave of him to attack when nobody was there, I gotta give him props. I logged in because I wanted to save a BP to singleplayer to find fifteen "hostile entity in faction space" warnings. When I finally confronted him I found him in a massive ship he had spawned in with credits before the blueprint system change. Tired and not in the mood for an uphill battle, I bailed.
It's frustrating, to say the least. At the end of the day, I have already dealt with a dozen stressed out, freaked out, and emotionally distressed college students looking for help. I'm in the midst of finals. And I can't log in and play video games without being constantly challenged and threatened. I've reached the point where I'm just sick of all the dick waggling, sick of all the bullshit, and sick of everything in general. I can't log in without three different people challenging me to a fight because they're 12 and don't know how else to handle puberty.
Yeah I talk a good game and I usually play one too but when the deck is stacked in a way that is literally impossible for us to get back at him, I don't see a point in trying. Sure, we can keep building ships and try to manufacture something that might maybe just come close to being able to scratch his paint. But we can't. It's not schema's fault by any measure. The changes to the blueprint system are FANTASTIC. Easily the best change to the game in a while. But when we're having to work our way up from the bottom and there's a guy on top with a ship that he basically cheated in, it ruins the game. It isn't even a ship he built himself.
It's one that he downloaded off of here.
What sucks most about this is that most of the people in my faction are just in it to play the game. They don't care about the endless squabbling about which faction has the prettier colors, they're here because they want to fly spaceships. And the fact that this was ruined by some kid who wanted to prove that he was the toughest kid on the block infuriates me. People think that I am a naturally aggressive person, that I look for a fight. I don't. Ingame I rarely attack unprovoked. Almost always, I only fire when I am fired upon. I am entering my career as a law enforcement officer because I want to help people, not because I want to pick a fight with every tom, dick, and sally i meet. But when every person I meet wants to fight, what can I do? I can try to put a many of them in their place as I can, but sometimes not even that is enough.
What can be done about it? Honestly the only fix is for the admin to do a universe wipe and reset the whole damn thing. Why not? Everyone would have the same odds starting up. But at the end of the day, most of the playerbase (I am aware that I may be generalizing but I am talking from my own personal experience) doesn't want to put the time and effort into building a decent ship. They want the instant gratification of dunking a pirate and being able to spawn in the supercruiser that said it killed the best on the forums.
I give up. He wanted a win, he got it. Congrats. Maybe I'll change my mind in the morning, but right now I'm tired and I just want to play video games without everyone getting all up in my face. Whatever.
Edit: I forgot to include a picture of our lovely friend Vox. He posted in this in ingame chat when there were like two other people in there so it's not like i stalked it out of him. But he probably shouldn't have posted it in the first place.
I think
The Oatmeal said it best. Literally what happened tonight.
Also I'll be happy to post a picture of myself as well if anyone wants it