Add sector_chmod "build" and "salvage" options

    Jun 27, 2013
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    There have been quite a few suggestions on how to enhance the sector_chmod command, but so far I haven't seen a request to restrict/allow building and salvaging. This could help server admins to protect critical zones like the spawn sector, as well as be a valuable aid for quest builders.

    Ideally, I think the commands should differentiate between ships and stations, as well as placing and removing blocks:
    • sector_chmod xyz + noships would forbid players from spawning new ship cores,
    • sector_chmod xyz + nostations would do the same for stations.
    • sector_chmod xyz + nobuild would forbid placing of blocks while
    • sector_chmod xyz + nosalvage would restrict removing blocks.
    Of course a system_chmod command, if we ever get it, should take the same options.
    Oct 12, 2015
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    This would be a welcome addition to any server admin's toolbox. Being able to shape the play space by sector and system unlocks an immense number of possibilities which could only better the server experience.
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    Jan 28, 2015
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    sector_chmod xyz + nosalvage would restrict removing blocks.

    As a temporary way to do the above. If you use the command:

    sector_chmod x y z + protected

    This prevents weapon damage to everything in that sector but you then can still salvage a station.

    To also prevent this. Give the Station, Ship in the sector to the Trading Guild faction 1.

    Not to be mistaken with the Traders NPC!

    So select whatever you want to protect from salvage and do.

    faction_set_entity 1

    Make sure you select all the docked turrets and ships and keep doing the command until everything is owned by the Trading Guild.

    This is the full proof way to have an indestructible unsalvageable spawn station.

    An extra restrict salvage command would off course be a nice addition to the game.

    Note that the sector_chmod command has been given a few more options through out the years.
      • sector_chmod
        • DESCRIPTION: Changes the sector mode: example '/sector_chmod 8 8 8 + peace', available modes are 'peace'(no enemy spawn), 'protected'(no attacking possible), 'noenter'(disables entering sector), 'noexit'(disables leaving sector), 'noindications'(disables hud indicators), 'nofploss'(disables faction point loss)
        • PARAMETERS: SectorX(Integer), SectorY(Integer), SectorZ(Integer), +/-(String), peace/protected/noenter/noexit/noindications/nofploss(String)
        • EXAMPLE: /sector_chmod 10 12 15 + noenter

    It is worthwhile to every now and then take a peek on the admin commands page for any changes. Last edited: Sep 8, 2015 :-p

    StarMade admin commands forum post.
    Jun 27, 2013
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    It is worthwhile to every now and then take a peek on the admin commands page for any changes. Last edited: Sep 8, 2015 :-p

    StarMade admin commands forum post.
    Once every year I'm poking the mods to ask schema to keep this list up-to-date... the last time it worked was, you may have guessed it, "Sep 8, 2015" ;)

    EDIT: I stand corrected, that post was at least updated after 0.199.349 was released in December 2016.
    Admin Command List (StarMade v0.199.349)
    Last edited:


    Join the Dark Side
    Aug 21, 2015
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    Once every year I'm poking the mods to ask schema to keep this list up-to-date... the last time it worked was, you may have guessed it, "Sep 8, 2015" ;)
    The "last edited" date is not correct. When admin editing a post, the edit does not update the last edited date. It's only updated when the author edits their own post. Note the "/sql_query" command and NPC commands in the list. These features did not exist in 2015.