
    1. Gmodism

      GI Parked Shuttles STANDARD

      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI Parked Shuttles The Gmodism Industries city unit brings templates of very common crafts, they are serving to decorate landing pads without causing lag like real ship shuttles. Except thrusters, they are without systems. A shuttle car and a bike is included...
    2. Gmodism


      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI_SPACEVOLVO SPORT MK3 The Gmodism Industries brings you the Mark 3 of the Space-Volvo, one of the most popular personal shuttles for citizens today! The Space-Volvo SPORT now works in gravity on planets and stations with repsulors below. Our sport version is...
    3. Gmodism


      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI_SPACEVOLVO MK3 The Gmodism Industries brings you the Mark 3 of the Space-Volvo, one of the most popular personal shuttles for citizens today! The Space-Volvo now works in gravity on planets and stations with repsulors below, it is fast agile and is suitable...
    4. Gmodism


      The Gmodism Industries Brings you: GI_PURPLEXED SPACECAR MK2 The Gmodism Industries classical 5 person space shuttle, it has 4 glass doors easy controls and a automatically charging jumpdrive. This is a easy fast way to transport personnel between ships, stations and planets. Gmodism...
    5. C

      Star Trek Troop Transport 1.0

      Star Trek themed troop transport I built for another project. It has a capacity of 2 pilots and 20 soldiers.
    6. Asypha

      Ableto 8 1

      The Ableto caries 7 in comfort and style. With it's classic, floor entry, and side dock design, it provides comfortable entry and exit, while maintaining the lowest possible profile. Capable of the maximum acceleration science allows, no other shuttle will give you the aura of wealth and taste...
    7. E

      Soul Keeper Escape Pod 1.0

      Pavlov Corp. Presents. Soul Keeper Escape Pod 1.0 A cheap and simple way out of troubles ! (almost fertikeen free, keep it for wars!) First product released by Pavlov Corp. on the galactic market. This escape pod logic driven is provided with all modern fonctions expected. Now avaiable...
    8. Stike7g5

      Lambda-Class T4a Shuttle 1.2

      Lambda-Class T4a Shuttle More About the Ship Special Note: Make sure you go into your Thrust settings for the ship and select Inherit from docked entities! Stats: Mass: 154.2 Length: 20m Width: 13m Height: 20m Power: 1,273,119.2e @4,834.3e/sec Shield: 220s @22s/sec Thrust...
    9. pikayoda

      Seagull Mk.I 2.0

      ...'''---_______________________________---'''... Adapted from the body of the Seagull Mk.I, the 2.0 was a complete rebuild, with lighter materials and a design that will seduce Ladies and Gentlemans, the Seagull will became the perfect transport shuttle for your family. Economic and...
    10. greatmatt

      HS Shuttle MK 1

      Greetings Humans!!! Today, Singularity Industries presents you a small but very important ship, the HS Shuttle. It's primary function is to carry small squads of troops anywhere necessary to deal with small tasks but is also used as a escape shuttle by the biggest HS ships. Information...
    11. Sachys

      Tellus Mercury Shuttle 2017-08-17

      This little shuttle was built as a system scout to be used on the (now defunct?) MiniMade server. Comes complete with the basics you would expect - Jammer, Scanner etc. Has a solid Jump Drive and a basic 10 computer chain drive. Thrust is maximum and complemented by a 50% overdrive. No weapons...
    12. Zekester81

      Taipan Class Destroyer 1-3 pwr2

      Destroyer class with 6 *very* light fighters and a shuttle craft. The fighters are very fast(@150T/75M)) but have little armor and unsustainable firepower. The fighter bay has ship controls so they can be combat launched, but the shuttle does not and requires you to physically launch it...
    13. Motugs

      Amaryn- Shuttle class 2017-06-02

      This ballen shuttle is not really meant to be in any sort of combat situation, but is equipped with a hyper drive in case you find yourself in a bad situation. It also has a scanner but it is recommended that you only use it while you are stationary because bad things like power outages happen...
    14. LukeSalmon

      EFS VT-70 Kabuto 2017-05-23

      Greetings, loyal customers! Eisenstar Fleetsystems would like to make you acquainted with a special limited time offer! The VT70, the jump shuttle every sheriff, private security force or freelancer craved but never knew existed. The combination of capable armements, protection and...
    15. Raiben

      EFSF Scarab RC2

      Presenting the Scarab, a small shuttle for in-system scouting and exploration. Great for use as a shuttle for a larger ship etc. This build was a 2 hour speedbuild. Video:
    16. Captain Fortius

      M-25 Shuttle v2.0

      Width: 13 meters Height: 8 meters Length: 25 meters Mass: 173 units Shields: 15k cap w 1.5k/s regen Thrust ratio: 2.5 Cargo capacity: 10k A light shuttle, serving mainly to ferry players between ships and stations, or to deliver a landing party to a planet's surface, and...
    17. Reilly Reese

      Turion Civilian Shuttle v0-199-253

      Turion Civilian Shuttle Summary: The Turion civilian shuttle is a public market shuttle intended for personal transportation to and from cities and orbital stations. It is neither para-military or military and is extremely fragile when faced with hostility. It comes equipped with: A rail docker.
    18. SkyHawk024

      Kestrel Class Shuttle "Recon" Variant 2017-04-23

      This shuttle is the first shuttle of the series i will be releasing she isnt much, but she will get the job done.The shuttle also features a functioning canopy, updates will come in the future with this bird.
    19. Markus_McCloud

      Nomad-Class Mining Shuttle 1.0

      I'm uploading this right before going to bed. I'll add details and pictures in the morning, but for now, good night... UPDATE:Sorry I took so long! Here's those pictures I promised. This is a small mining ship that I created. In-universe, it belongs to a race called "Mechloids". I haven't...
    20. colonel lacu

      JRS-Avian 1.0