
    1. A

      A_class_shuttle 2016-03-24

      the ship is a small shuttle includes 2 small bed with storage. has 2 blue lazers with about 1000 damage each and 2 homing missles with 2100 damage each. here are the other stats 25000 shield cap 2ooo shield regen. 210000 power cap and 61000 power regen. includes a radar jammer and a slow...
    2. LordGraftin

      LSPC Humming bird class light utility shuttle 2016-03-04

      Humming bird Light utility shuttle Welcome to the first ship posting of the (Local Space Patrol Command) faction. This small but fast shuttle is ideal for most light duties; the LSPC Humming bird light utility shuttle is well suited for point to point transportation light mining duties and...
    3. aeiowndy

      Star Trek Shuttle and Runabout

      I wanted to make a quick shuttle and runabout that can be used for RP and actually work relatively well.
    4. Jerry_Brinefield

      NASA/Orion mission/The martian Inspired Mars Base

      Here's a quick little overview of my latest project, MARS BASE. This is based heavily off of concepts for NASA's Orion mission and the recent influx of mars movies. Rover! Bonus Space shuttle
    5. Jerry_Brinefield

      NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter 2016-02-04

      Features a opening cargo bay Ship is designed to be accurate to actual shuttle, no weapons. Button to open cargo bay is located near the fin in the middle.
    6. Jerry_Brinefield

      Imperial Shuttle (Lambda-class) 2016-01-25

    7. Jerry_Brinefield

      Sentinel-class Landing Shuttle 2016-01-25

      A light transport shuttle. This ship is unarmed, with a focus on shields, thrusters, and the jump drive. Perfect for transporting imperial dignitaries and VIP's.
    8. Gmodism

      GI_Chromo Spacebike ZYS-v2

      Gmodism Industries brings you: Chromo Spacebike, the classical spacebike, same now as before as well as same in the future! A reliable bike with character, no unnecessary equipment or unreliable modern technologies. Chromo Spacebike is the official ride for the Centauri Riders, the coolest...
    9. Jerry_Brinefield

      Nu-Class Attack Shuttle 2016-01-22

      The Nu-class was a faster, long-range supplementary design to the standard LAATgunship line, and shared similar design characteristics to the NR2 gully jumper of the Great Galactic War. The class had heavier armorand shielding than most atmospheric craft. However, theLAAT/i remained somewhat...
    10. Lecic

      Insectoid Shuttle v1

      This insect-themed shuttle features foldable insect leg landing gears, powerful thrust with toggleable engine flames, power-stable jump drive, anti-gravity engines for an easy to control landing, scanners, protective hardened carapace hull, USD docking, and an interior with 1 bed (designed for...
    11. Gmodism

      GI_Daxma Aerobike Mk2

      The Gmodism Industries Shipyard Proudly Brings you: GI Vessla Aero-Scooter Mark 2 Daxma Aerobike, the modern space bike. An aerospace bike working like a shuttle suited for short distance travel between stations and planets and to travel in a city. Unlike a shuttle an aerobike takes less space...
    12. astronouth7303

      ASW Dock Hopper 1.0

      She's ugly, she's defenseless, but she's got a USD and thrusters. The Dock Hopper comes with a Bench(tm) USD, an overhead compartment, seating for 1 copilot and 4 passengers, and a red stripe. Dimensions: 9x9x15 Mass: 41.8 Thrust: 48 blocks
    13. berlinletsP

      starship class albatros nov 2015 - II

      This is a albatros class longrange scouter. It's mainly considered for roleplay and comes with following features: - has a hangar with a shuttle that can remote control the hangar doors - 4 part hangar doors (logic + rails) - a micro warp core in each wargondola - teleporter - deflector...
    14. haserd2

      Scavenger Shuttle 2015-11-10

      Just another ship design I had poking around in my head for the last few hours. The ship is essentialy just a transport shuttle for moving on and off worlds. I can also see this maybe being some sort of escape pod on a future capital ship of mine.
    15. Ephelemi

      Lambda-class T-4a shuttle 1.0

      This take on the well known Imperial Shuttle was built by me and my brother. The main objective was to build a replica that is as detailed as possible and has all of the important functionality, especially retractable wings combined with outriggers as well as an extractable ramp. Much care was...
    16. ephla442

      E.S.S. MK.2 - Ephla Service Shuttle 2015-09-19

      Hello, and welcome to Ephla Industries, today we have for you the E.S.S. MK. 2 . All statistics in regards to our Service Shuttle can be found in the video at the bottom of you screen. Please don't hesitate to ask, or suggest for further information to be displayed, we will be happy to oblige...
    17. Jumper11550

      Grinder class salvage barge 1.1

      The Grinder class salvage vessel contains an elliptical salvage array with a major axis of 63 blocks and a minor axis of 31 blocks. The salvage array is backed by an antimatter cannon array large enough to provide a 87% decrease in cooldown rate between salvage beam fires, allowing for near...
    18. mrsinister

      Babylon 5 EA_STG-19 2.0d

      Babylon 5 Earth Alliance STG-19: The Earth Alliance STG-19 Shuttle is utilized by nearly every Earth Alliance and Earthforce ship or outpost. It is versatile, effective, highly modular and can be fitted with almost any configuration depending on the task at hand. I made this with an internal...
    19. thakyZ

      Zorabian Calvaca Class Shuttle v2.1

      This is a small 2 seater shuttle. It has no weapons and is only 32.7 in mass. It has a docking port underneath for docking belly down and when docking belly out there is a door in front of the captain's chair that you can walk out of. Power: 50,000 (827.4 e/sec) Thrust: 54.5; PowerCons: 18.0...
    20. mrsinister

      Antares modular shuttle 2.0d

      Antares Modular Shuttle: The Antares modular shuttle was built with the pilot who needed something he could change on the fly. If you want to add weapons, seating, jammers, etc, etc, this ship is for you! Ship Info When Targeted: Ship Build Specs: Installation: Unzip to your...