
    1. Criss

      Caldari Condor: Standard Edition 1.0.0

      Today I am releasing the Caldari Condor. This is a frigate that is mostly used for combat and is capable of tackling targets in place. Here is the video release. You can expect one of these with every ship I post for download. And some imagery! Side by side comparison. Ship features...
    2. DeepspaceMechanic


      Hi there, my fellow Sci-Fi spaceship enthusiasts! :^D Allow me to introduce the Azurite Serpent - a hi-tech jumpship that started out as a speed-build, but eventually took 5 days to complete, and ended up as my first starmade spacecraft to get showcased (thanks Tshara!) :) FEATURES: * A...
    3. Pinky_Pie

      Navitas Frigate 2016-07-19

      Hello, Today i introduce my last work, a Pirate Frigate built on request For perseus Server. This Frigate was built to be an AI controlled ship, it has a powerfull beam ion as main weapon, and a docked Missile array inside it, to avoid pirates to shoot from far away and come use contact...
    4. Pinky_Pie

      ShadowWalker Corvette Meduse MKII 2016-07-14

      Hi, So this is my first sharing on, This is a Part of the Fleet i did for the contest, but i totally forgot about it. ShadowWalkers are a pirate group i did for Events on Asguard French Server. They are actually normal Pirates aswell, the ships was made optimized in many ways...
    5. saywuuuuuut

      Galdon Class Cruiser 0.0.1

      The Galdon Class is a mixed ship between the Galor class and the Keldon class from star trek. This ship is concentrated to combat. But still it has a big Cargobay.
    6. MrFuz

      MrFuz_FleetSubmission_1 2016-06-21

      What ships are most common, randomly patrolling and logically existing in this harsh FRONTIER CHECK IT OUT, 2 months poured onto five ships, A police speeder with unique design, An exploration asteroid surveyer, unmanned A landing craft military and civilian on hostile worlds surveying and...
    7. Dalmont

      Dalmont_Fleet_Submission_1 RC1

      I hope you all enjoy these, its been a while since I've done a release! My thanks to ToasterBorst for the inspiration to do the holography. Some things may require toggling for the rails to come back alive, the buttons are labeled as are the weapon links [Dragoon only] for those wishing to...
    8. DeepspaceMechanic

      Messor N39 Planetary Harvester v1

      Hi, fellow citizens! :^D This is my first upload (and only my 4th serious ship ever). As its name suggests, it is a harvester meant to mine planets. As usual, I'm disappointed about how it turned out visually (I know, it's basically a big cylinder with a bridge reminiscent of an agricultural...
    9. Admiralkio

      Ash and Fire | PvP/PvE | Roleplay | Survival |

      Ash and Fire PvP/PvE | Roleplay | Survival Ash and Fire is the culmination of several month's work put into creating a set of principles and ideals that will hopefully work to create a new experience for StarMade, offering conflict, rich with immersive roleplay and conflict, catering to people...
    10. C

      Good Battlezone/PvP?

      I'm looking for a good server, ideally one that has some sort of goal for me to do because I don't really want to just build. Ideally it would have some sort of introduction/tutorial at spawn or something so I know what to do.
    11. SchnellBier

      SBS Outcast 2016-04-08

      Introducing: The SBS Outcast Special Features: - Outcast design Additional Pictures: Base Stats: Mass: 3,420.9 [total /w rail: 3,584.6] Thrust: 3,220.6 Total rotational potential: 0.4, 0.4, 0.6 Length: 127m Height: 38m Width: 65m Power: 735,076.0 (797,543.4 e/sec) Shields: 251,621 (14,828...
    12. Centauri

      Sol Remembrance Community

      Welcome To Sol Remembrance! With a dedicated administration, growing playerbase, you can expect great things when joining us! - Administration - Owner: Centauri Head Admin: Jack_Roberts(SpartanB145) Head Website Developer: Centauri Moderator: Remoblue Build team: 1: Centauri 2...
    13. SchnellBier

      SBS Jupiter 2016-03-05

      Introducing: The SBS Jupiter Special Features: - Retractable Side Thrusters - Flight Mode - Hover Mode - Landing Mode - Retractable Front Landing Gear - Hangar with Shuttle - Rotating Deflector - Automatic Doors - Lockdown Button - Shutdown Button - Auto Swarm Missiles in the Side Thrusters -...
    14. Imagination01

      Read by Council Exploration: Relics, Starcharts and Challenges!

      I originally had a much more in depth post than this but then my laptop decided to run out. So this is a (not so) simple suggestion to give players who don't like building or combat something to do with those exploration ships on the community content, this suggestion expands the game to new...
    15. AtraUnam

      Outsider Fighter 2016-02-17

      This small fighter is designed as a light escort for larger ships such as the Drothan, it is rather slow for a fighter with a mere 1.4 TWR. Its main focus is the quartet of 100 dmg cannons which can sustain near indefinete fire. This fighter is 50% gun Rather menacing frontal profile
    16. AnthonyAnderson

      5-Level Elevator 2016-02-17

      With the help of CyberTao, I've managed to scrap this useful little elevator together. All in all, I think you'll fine it quite useful. Features being - - The destination selector is located inside the elevator itself. Using the left and right buttons, you can choose which floor to go to...
    17. AtraUnam

      Drothan Destroyer 2016-02-16

      This is my first ship made specifically for Community Content, and I hope that this reflects in its apperance. The ship is entierly RP orientated featuring a living deck, maintenance deck and a full bridge. The RP does effect its performance quite a bit with the main turrets being largely...
    18. Patpumukl

      GBF / CSV (Freelancer) 2016-02-06

      Das GBF Gefechtsbergungsfahrzeug The CSV Combatservicevehicel Original: My Version: German: Das GBF von den Schrotties aus dem Spiel Freelancer! Es ist ausgestattet mit einem kleinen Bergungslaser, einem Jumpdrive und ein Bobby AI Modul. Genaue Angaben unten. English: The CSV of the...
    19. Zaphord

      Mostly Dark Universe

      "If humanity is the dim light in the recesses of this mostly dark universe, then what's out there that's can cast such a shadow that can darken the rest? Not sure I want to find out. Our nature as a species is constantly pushing us further and further out, and eventually we're going to find...
    20. P

      The Galmiran Empire! (Recruiting)

      Welcome to the beginning of The Galmiran Empire! This nation of mine has been floating around and doing pretty much nothing for the past six years, as I only use it for things like my nation in games like AoE and Spore. Soon, this will change. This empire has not yet build itself up, but with...