galaxy map

    1. Ithirahad

      Moar Void 1.3 - Astraeus

      🛈 Requires StarLoader. As of v0.202.115 or so, StarLoader comes standard with your game installation. Also, old versions of this mod relied on temporary features of development StarLoader and will no longer work. If you downloaded this and found it non-functional, please update to the latest...
    2. symbiot999

      Galaxy map

      I think it would be cool if your ships location was marked on your galaxy map when your not in your ship. that way you don't lose them so easyly. my ship was in ai and it took off on me lol
    3. Tshara

      Galaxy map. Star system only option.

      Now that the faction update is out we will have more and larger faction territories in the galaxy map. At the moment the current map design works but with all the faction colours it’s sometimes hard to see what is going on, on a star system scale. So I’m proposing to go for a 2 layered design...
    4. Gonzalo

      Optimization of galaxy map

      Hi! When I open the galaxy map (and have only one galaxy rendered) and have no faction territories visible I have good fps. HOWEVER, when lots of faction make claims and their territories are visible, the fps decrease is similar to that of a 100k+ mass ship. I do not understand why this is the...
    5. Spinbom

      Read by Schine A few more Galaxy Map improvements...

      I've read some other suggestions about making the Galaxy Map better, along with a few other interesting things. Anyways, I also thought of one thing. Here. 1) Have an option on the Galaxy Map to add multiple sector markings on it. I was thinking you could enter in the coordinates, a name, a...
    6. Benevolent27

      Recognized Sharable Star Charts

      Alright, so this idea is to have sharable Star Charts. What does this mean? It means you would no longer be able to see everything on your M menu (previously P) when you open it. The universe would be dark. To discover area, you'd have to actually go to it or use a scanner to reveal it...