ai - logic - docking

    1. F

      Guide: Automatic Cargo Unloading For Docked Fleet Ships.

      I previously posted this guide on the starmade steam community to see it click HERE. I am hesitant to rewrite it here but if you think I should let me know.
    2. T

      Turrets acting weird

      Hello all, I haven't played this in years so one could say i'm pretty new. I've been searching all over the internet and watching Youtube videos to see if this happens to anyone but i haven't seen it once. For starters, my turrets hit targets just fine. I haven't done extensive testing with...
    3. Atheu

      Turret Priority

      I've been doing a little testing with turrets lately, and noticed that the "any" mode is not very reliable when it comes to effectiveness, I.E. decides to go after turrets instead of the main ship, when main ship is more prefered as the target. I propose there be a sub selection for the any...
    4. T

      Discussion about future NPC Factions and villain concept

      I have in my head a concept of a faction that I'd like to implement for NPCs on a private server, or release for others to see. My concern is the game has not progressed to a point where this is possible, but my hope is that it can within months to a year from now. I will be asking questions...
    5. T

      TheatsCo- the Clueless Collective

      Greetings! This is Theats, your resident noob who struggles with learning curves. I've begun some projects on a private server, which I hope to save as blue prints and bring over into multiplayer. Full disclosure- I am 95% clueless on weapons systems, 100% clueless on AI, 100% clueless on...
    6. AJ1AJ1

      Recognized by Council New Rails & Changes

      There are quite a few rail types missing from the game that should be added so that the best of the rail builders (and the worst) can experiment and create creations that are not possible currently. The intangible clockwise rotator The intangible anticlockwise rotator The visible shoot out...
    7. N

      Read by Schine Have Bobby AI Modules Take a Logic Input That Overrides the AI

      The idea is to allow fleet commands to be overridden by a high logic input and another command be input instead. For instance, if the signal is high, you could program in "on high signal, return to carrier." Something like this would be really useful for mining drones, you could have the...
    8. NeonSturm

      Alignment-Rail are invisible, walk-through and also work as "tram-system"

      Alignment-Rails are invisible, walk-through and also work as "tram-system" For ships, they can guide them through the hangar to the dock. Ships align to match their centre to such a line and follow it with their centre, eventually to a dock. Any movement while alignment is issued cancels it...
    9. StormWing0

      Long List of AI and Logic Related Ideas

      Got really bored and started thinking up way too many ideas to remember. Needless to say this topic is likely to make the devs need an in post tag system. :) I'm also going to try and use what we already have as much as possible but there are a few things like Data Logic Blocks that will be...