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    1. DaveC9000

      Computer Connection Logic

      This is a pretty simple idea, but I think it would make a big difference. I was originally thinking you could make this a new block, but if you didn't want to add a new block you could also add this functionality to something existing like the activation module, but for this post let's just say...
    2. DaveC9000

      Recognized by Council Unknown space

      It's cool that there are so many things to explore out there in space, but I think it would be more rewarding if we didn't know what was in a system until we explore it. Right now I can see details of every system in the universe like I'm omnipotent. Seems like it would be better if you could...
    3. DaveC9000

      Navigating black holes

      Has anyone mastered this yet? In my galaxy the black hole paths (purple lines on the map) fork off in two different directions in a couple of spots. Does the game just pick a random one when you hit that black hole or what?
    4. DaveC9000

      Ambient Lighting

      Let me start by telling the short story of how I got to where I am now in this line of thought. When I first started playing StarMade I found the lack of visual atmosphere on planets to be breaking. I took it upon myself to modify the atmosphere shader and essentially...
    5. DaveC9000

      The Universe such as it was

      With the universe redesign just around the corner we will all soon be entering a new era of StarMade experiences. Before you know it the universe that we all inhabit now will be a distant memory. But before all of that let us look back on all the things that defined our old universe because...
    6. DaveC9000

      Jump Beacons

      Okay this is just a brainstorm but I'll throw it out there anyway. Let's just say it works like this: In order for your jump computer to perform a jump it first has to safely plot a course (that puts you in space as opposed to inside an asteroid or something). Since the sensors can only see...
    7. DaveC9000

      Latched Freecam Button

      The Free Camera button (RShift by default) is nice, but the only problem with it for me is that you have to hold it down the whole time you're trying to use that view. I would like to be able to zoom in/out or maybe reach over and use my ship movement keys while using the Freecam, but that's...
    8. DaveC9000

      9000, 9000, 9000

      Okay if you haven't seen it go check out sector 9000, 9000, 9000. I'd post a screenshot but it's one of those things you have to see in person (it's a moving effect). We have to think of some kind of "briar patch" type of name for this place. I have 2 universes and it was there in both of...
    9. DaveC9000

      Dave at work

    10. DaveC9000

      Allow the player to step up a single block without jumping

      When I'm trying to walk around on a planet I really don't do a whole lot of walking. It's more jumping than anything else really. I think that if you could just step up the height of a single block it would eliminate most of that jumping and make walking seem much more organic. I can't help...