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    1. DrTarDIS

      When your IGPU won't load OpenGL in windows

      Neat trick to force new OpenGL libraries to execute when intel graphics drivers are being stupid. 1. get ADK from microsoft ->Download the Windows ADK tool that matches your windows version("alt -> File -> help -> about windows" in file Explorer to get your version or just use the newest one if...
    2. DrTarDIS

      Ninja Advancements

      So, browsing through Effectconfig files, I came across something... <Group id="logistics - mobile factory"> <E modtype="set" priority="0" type="ship_factory"> <P name="value" type="boolean"> <value>true</value> </P> </E> </Group>...
    3. DrTarDIS

      WARNING! A shield is discharging!

      Be nice if the message told me WHICH shield, or WHERE. I looked through the shield tab in the LHS build mode menu, all are positive. I can only assume the message is because I have capacitors hanging SOMEWHERE outside the ship's shield bubbles, and thus not linked to any rechargers, as part of...
    4. DrTarDIS

      ST Defiant WIP

      Edit: most recent ver here. One of many Trekkie geeks making a defiant build. I hope to include a bunch of features. Current build has a bunch of copy-paste garbage hanging off it while I work. Do tell me what you think. If you download it and have some good interior reworks, upload it back...
    5. DrTarDIS

      uploading gif not working

      DukeofRealms Sure, here's an issue....I've tried to upload a couple .gif recoded in the starmade client to show some issues I've been having with the new client. Reproduce error: make post/thread click "upload a file" get a prompt " Upload a File (Max 39.1 MB): [browse] No File Selected...
    6. DrTarDIS

      Quality-of-life for the october 2017 release candidate.

      Just a few Small but relatively important requests once the next dev build is released. As we are told the "new systems" won't be fully implemented for a while there are a few minor effort "patches" I hope can be shoe-horned in while the new stuff is being tested. Some of this I'll admit I...
    7. DrTarDIS

      Balance-Experiement Devserver quickplay

      One of the things the "total overhaul idea" newspost-talkstop brought to my mind, was that we as a community and shine as a company don't have a lot of cross-talk when it comes to "how we play" in short: a "release (latest)" dev-server with wacky-balances updated/changed regularly to explore...
    8. DrTarDIS

      My ongoing brainstorm of "Chamber" Mechanics, Heat, and a total overhaul

      Some muzak theme while you contemplate your own contribution. This thread is specifically to Brainstorm the Power system overhaul proposed by schine, and logical steps to the building practice foreseen by such outside the chaos of the main thread. It's also because I don't expect to fully...
    9. DrTarDIS

      AI, display modules, Scripting. Possible low-cost improvements. Plea for tools

      Thinking of the insatiable derpyness of AI, and thinking fondly of the days of CS server-bots, I had an epiphany. The LUA stuff gave me an idea of the way development seems to be planned. What if The Ai not-oly had a default set of scripted actions, they could be over-ridden by an active...
    10. DrTarDIS

      shipyard dock to center of dimensions.

      Stop docking to the core in a shipyard. have the ship "dock" to it's center-of-dimensions. this will move as the ship is expanded upon, This small change will allow every single 45*45*45 ship to dock/be built in a 50*50*50 shipyard. The current mechanics would require all those 45^3 ships to...
    11. DrTarDIS

      Open-Source Titan [NO FACTION]

      TL:DR I wanna make a big co-build experiment. Taking notes for future here. :P Disclaimer: first post will be edited repeatedly to reflect thread contents. Make sure you check timestamps if yer confused :) Are you stuck on your own build? Do you like "fixing stuff that's not quite right"...
    12. DrTarDIS

      Recognized by Council "no-jump" checkbox in faction module(or somewhere)

      Small feature. Little checkbox somewhere that disables "gaining control" of the entity with up/down navigation arrows in flight mode. Disables, "skips over", how ever you put it, I'm sick of pressing up or down though all my doors and "analog clocks" when trying to get to a turret, shuttle, etc.
    13. DrTarDIS

      Read by Council Door Overhaul

      Currently, there are two very different types of doors. -"I goes invisible" "door" blocks -"I am a collision nightmare" docked-entity ok, there's also gaping unshuttered openings hidden behind area triggers, but that's a WHOLE OTHER level of building. We're ignoring that. On to the idea...
    14. DrTarDIS

      deleting at speed vs placing at speed

      SO, One thing I've noticed particularly with this fleet update is that it's impossible to place a block accurately with your ship moving at any appreciable speed, but VERY easy to remove a block with precision. Anyone know why? A little background on why I pose the question: I'm docked to the...
    15. DrTarDIS

      Work arounds for Large pirate spawn problems. -AMBUSH FLEETS

      Often times putting a really cool but REALLY SCARY pirate into the spawn index is a bad idea. Either the server decides to spawn 3 of them inside each other in response to aggressors, or wave 43 base-defense is just a bit much. Especially since the wave-selection system itself is beyond mortal...
    16. DrTarDIS

      Bug Logic can no loger activate passive effects (ion)

      Hello. Let me preface this by saying I used logic in the past to activate Ion passive (damage reduction) on drones to give them some surviveability. As of the past 2 builds I have noticed that logic signals can no longer activate passtive ION blocks, but still can activate Push/pull/stop. Is...
    17. DrTarDIS

      Astronaut spacesuits, weapons, built from blocks

      I think it would be interesting if we could build our space suits, helmets, and personal weapons out of blocks. each "base" kit would be like the current helmet, or hand cannon. Right clicking the item would open up it's "customization screen" a 2d grid of available blockspace. This grid is...
    18. DrTarDIS

      Logic, crystal timers, and fixing bootstrapping.

      As no doubt many people who mess with logic have found out, getting a good clock running (or worse, a DOZEN of them) on spawn-from-catalog is a P.I.T.A. The most basic timer is a [repeat] and a [not] cross-linked, then "booted up" with a press of R on one block. all fine and dandy that, unless...